I set up my own #mastodon account on a #rasperrypi . I will migrate this account over to @andreas@prlic.social and do my own share in contributing to the #fediverse . Thanks to @WandernAustria and @stephan324ppm for having allowed me to join their instance and get my initial exposure here!
14.11.2022 06:59I set up my own #mastodon account on a #rasperrypi . I will migrate this account over to @andreas@prlic.social and do my own share in...Structural Biologists evaluate the use of AlphaFold2 (AF2) predictions in the study of characteristic structural elements; the impact of missense variants; function and ligand binding site predictions; modeling of interactions; and modeling of experimental structural data. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41594-022-00849-w #AlphaFold #StructuralBiology #proteins
8.11.2022 16:51Structural Biologists evaluate the use of AlphaFold2 (AF2) predictions in the study of characteristic structural elements; the impact of...Planned review of #variant significance is important #variantinterpretation https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35306447/
6.11.2022 13:59Planned review of #variant significance is important #variantinterpretation https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35306447/https://www.denverpost.com/2022/11/02/colorado-river-drought-powell-california-arizona/ Colorado river contributes up to 50% of the imported water in San Diego County. #water #drought
5.11.2022 04:45https://www.denverpost.com/2022/11/02/colorado-river-drought-powell-california-arizona/ Colorado river contributes up to 50% of the imported...Always interesting to look at the #energy supply trends in #california
4.11.2022 05:25Always interesting to look at the #energy supply trends in #california http://www.caiso.com/TodaysOutlook/Pages/supply.aspxI haven’t found a paywall free version of this news yet, but looks like #Myriad is going to submit all their variants to #ClinVar. Data sharing is critical for genetic testing! https://www.precisiononcologynews.com/molecular-diagnostics/myriad-genetics-submit-hereditary-cancer-risk-variants-clinvar-2023#.Y2L8FvdlC_Y #variantinterpretation #cancer
2.11.2022 23:26I haven’t found a paywall free version of this news yet, but looks like #Myriad is going to submit all their variants to #ClinVar. Data...I really like my #firewalla . It is super easy to use and keeps my home network safe. https://firewalla.com/collections/all #firewall
31.10.2022 21:46I really like my #firewalla . It is super easy to use and keeps my home network safe. https://firewalla.com/collections/all #firewallThe living elephants are the last survivors of a once highly successful mammalian order, the Proboscidea, which includes extinct species such as the iconic woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) and the American mastodon (Mammut americanum). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3006346/ #mastodon #genome
31.10.2022 04:25The living elephants are the last survivors of a once highly successful mammalian order, the Proboscidea, which includes extinct species...Rain so far this year in California. Source: http://sandiegoweathercenter.blogspot.com/p/rain.html?m=1
31.10.2022 02:06Rain so far this year in California. Source: http://sandiegoweathercenter.blogspot.com/p/rain.html?m=1Excited to switch our house to San Diego community power next month. https://sdcommunitypower.org/
30.10.2022 22:08Excited to switch our house to San Diego community power next month. https://sdcommunitypower.org/