Flagship-Bericht 2022: @UNRISD
"Nur wenn wir die bestehenden Machtstrukturen neu ausbalancieren und neue Allianzen schaffen, können wir einen transformativen Wandel erreichen." 👇👇👇
#delibdem #CrisesOfInequality
“A deliberative process is about unlearning the habits of a public sphere that has been geared towards polarization”
by Tayrine Dias and Olivier Schulbaum
20.12.2022 12:26“A deliberative process is about unlearning the habits of a public sphere that has been geared towards polarization” by Tayrine Dias and...The gods of Silicon Valley are falling to earth. So are their warped visions for society via The Guardian
"They are competing for the right to dictate what our societies look like. So it matters a great deal when that vision falters, or fails altogether"
19.12.2022 23:44The gods of Silicon Valley are falling to earth. So are their warped visions for society via The Guardian"They are competing for the...Seit dem 9. Dezember 2022 läuft in Frankreich ein nationaler Bürgerrat zum Thema Sterbehilfe. @Hugh_Pope
beobachtet als Bürgerrat-Experte die Losversammlung und berichtet hier darüber. @buergerrat_de
https://buergerrat.de/aktuelles/ich-bin-sehr-stolz-hier-zu-sein/ #conventioncitoyenne #Bürgerrat