The elevation in CO2 emissions was mainly due to the co-firing and co-gasification of biomass in power plants stimulated by government subsidies under the SDE++ scheme.
29.1.2023 16:25The elevation in CO2 emissions was mainly due to the co-firing and co-gasification of biomass in power plants stimulated by government...🇳🇱: In 2020, the combustion of biomass produced 19 megatonnes of CO2 (+16% percent YoY). The share of CO2 emissions from biomass burning in total CO2 emissions on Dutch territory rose to 11.3 percent. This was still 6.8 percent in 2016.
"Enviva, the world’s largest woody biomass producer, which operates chiefly in the Southeast U.S., may be the big winner in the Russian biomass ban. Since the war began, Enviva has upped EU shipments, and also announced a 10-year contract with an unnamed European customer."
29.1.2023 13:25"Enviva, the world’s largest woody biomass producer, which operates chiefly in the Southeast U.S., may be the big winner in the..."EU pellet imports from Turkey grew from 2,200 tons monthly last spring to 16,000 tons in September. Imports from Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan reportedly rose too, even though neither has a forest industry."
29.1.2023 13:25"EU pellet imports from Turkey grew from 2,200 tons monthly last spring to 16,000 tons in September. Imports from Kazakhstan and..."The EU has reportedly replaced its 🇷🇺 supplies of woody biomass by importing wood pellets from the 🇺🇸 and E. Europe. But others say that trade data and paper trails indicate a violation of the EU ban, with laundered Russian wood pellets possibly flowing through 🇹🇷 🇰🇿 and 🇰🇬."
29.1.2023 13:25"The EU has reportedly replaced its 🇷🇺 supplies of woody biomass by importing wood pellets from the 🇺🇸 and E. Europe. But..."In July 2022, the EU responded to the war in Ukraine by banning the import of Russian woody biomass used to make energy. At roughly the same time, South Korea drastically upped its Russian woody biomass imports."
🇩🇰 : "Two of the country's most influential expert councils are calling on the government to remove the tax exemption for biomass. The fact that burning wood is favored over greener forms of energy delays a genuine green transition."
29.1.2023 09:13🇩🇰 : "Two of the country's most influential expert councils are calling on the government to remove the tax exemption for...RT
Den øgede brug af biomasse i energisektoren er genstand for tiltagende international klimakritik - også i DK. via,, Peter Birch Sørensen, Jørgen Eivind Olesen & #dkgreen #dkenergi
29.1.2023 09:13RT @AndersVJensen@twitter.comDen øgede brug af biomasse i energisektoren er genstand for tiltagende international klimakritik - også i DK....Update: the New Green Savings Light program in the Czech Republic seems to be a great success with over 1 billion CZK in applications after just 14 days. As a result, the budget allocation has been increased to 3 billion CZK.
There's a great New Green Savings 'light' efficiency program in the Czech Republic! It targets senior citizens and low-income households with unbureaucratic and upfront investment support to get structural energy savings through relatively quick measures. 👇
29.1.2023 09:05RT @andreasgraf@twitter.comThere's a great New Green Savings 'light' efficiency program in the Czech Republic! It targets senior...Interesting figures from a new market study by the German heat pump industry:
- Heat pump sales peak at just below 1 million in 2030
- The stock rises to 6 million in 2030 and 16 million in 2045
- More than 9 bcm of gas savings and about 125 TWh of heat demand served by 2030
Interesting figures from a new market study by the German heat pump industry:
- Heat pump sales peak at just below 1 million in 2030
- The stock rises to 6 million in 2030 and 16 million in 2045
- More than 9 bcm of gas savings and about 125 TWh of added power demand by 2030
Das Ziel von 500.000 installierten Wärmepumpen in Jahr 2024 und ein Feldbestand von über 6 Millionen Anlagen sind aus Sicht der Branche realistisch. Die wichtigsten gegenwärtigen Stellschrauben sind Anreize bei den Energiepreisen und die GEG-Novelle. 📃⬇️
28.1.2023 10:35RT @BWPev@twitter.comDas Ziel von 500.000 installierten Wärmepumpen in Jahr 2024 und ein Feldbestand von über 6 Millionen Anlagen sind aus...CO2 emissions from biomass combustion in the EU27 were 549 Mt in 2020 according to the EEA. Here's a look at which sectors were responsible for how much. Time for a CO2 emissions from biomass Regulation?
Why are EU CO2 emissions down so much in January 2023?
Numbers for 15 January:
- Less coal for electricity (-0.3 Mt/day vs 2022)
- Less other coal (-0.07 Mt/day vs 2022)
- Less gas for electricity (0.22 Mt/day vs 2022)
- Less other gas (e.g. heating) (0.61 Mt/day vs 2022)
The most recent EU CO2 emissions tracker figures for January 2023 are stunning.
15.1.18: 9.8 Mt/day
15.1.19: 9.9 Mt/day
15.1.20: 9.3 Mt/day
15.1.21: 8.9 Mt/day
15.1.22: 9.2 Mt/day
*15.1.23: 7.8 Mt/day* (-16% vs 18-22 AVG)
These CO2 emission numbers for the EU for January are absolutely stunning. Emissions were on 15 January were over a million tonnes lower than any recent year.
For anyone wanting access to the final trilogue outcomes on the EU ETS, Effort Sharing Regulation and Social Climate Fund:
- ETS:
- SCF:
- ESR:
via and
25.1.2023 08:52For anyone wanting access to the final trilogue outcomes on the EU ETS, Effort Sharing Regulation and Social Climate Fund:- ETS:...Interestingly, the reference price of €45/tCO2 for the ETS2 will be in real and not in nominal terms. In other words the reference price will be higher than €45 to take into account inflation.
24.1.2023 20:43Interestingly, the reference price of €45/tCO2 for the ETS2 will be in real and not in nominal terms. In other words the reference price...In the ETS agreement negotiators rhetorically agreed on a €45/tCO2 'price cap' for the ETS2 before the end of 2029. But in practice there is no explicit price control like in the current 🇩🇪 ETS (BEHG) and the price control works by adding additional allowances to the market.
24.1.2023 20:43In the ETS agreement negotiators rhetorically agreed on a €45/tCO2 'price cap' for the ETS2 before the end of 2029. But in...