In the last three days, three students have contacted me to explain their alarming mental and physical health situation due to different reasons.
This is devastating, every single time.
It was not just covid or lockdown in the past years, it's a larger and lasting social crisis that is ruining so many youths. Universities sadly don't seem to be a safe space for them, rather a space of anxiety.
Interesting document from the #LeagueOfNations #Archive:
A declaration by Croats in the US right after the assassination of King Alexander of #Yugoslavia in 1934 delegating "Power of authority" to Ante Pavelić (and others)
A quite diverse list of names, towns, and #Croatia n societies is attached
#histodons @histodons #balkans #source
24.11.2022 20:01Interesting document from the #LeagueOfNations #Archive: A declaration by Croats in the US right after the assassination of King Alexander..."The people, though ignorant and very poor, but passionate, vigorous, naturally intelligent, and freedom-loving, were suddenly transformed into a meek, apathetic herd, easy victims of bureaucratic plunder and despotism." 4/4
22.11.2022 17:38"The people, though ignorant and very poor, but passionate, vigorous, naturally intelligent, and freedom-loving, were suddenly..."...enslaved by what they thought was their own state, the Serbian nation. As soon as this part of Serbia took on all the features – laws, institutions, etc. – common to all states, the national vitality and heroism which had sustained them in their successful war against the Turks suddenly collapsed..."3/4
22.11.2022 17:38"...enslaved by what they thought was their own state, the Serbian nation. As soon as this part of Serbia took on all the features –..."The path at present followed by the great majority of the young western and southern Slavs, under the influence of their respected and venerable patriots, is a statist path involving the establishment of separate Slavic states and entirely ruinous for the great masses of the people (...)
The Serbian people shed their blood in torrents and finally freed themselves from Turkish slavery, but no sooner did they become an independent principality than they were again and perhaps even more..." 2/4
22.11.2022 17:37"The path at present followed by the great majority of the young western and southern Slavs, under the influence of their respected and...The #Balkans in the 19th c. were an important reference for political ideas not just as a "national" but also as a "social question"
In his major work "Statism and Anarchy", (1871) Mikhail #Bakunin included notes on the #Serbia in the chapter entitled "Some Preconditions for a Social Revolution" ...1/4
22.11.2022 17:34The #Balkans in the 19th c. were an important reference for political ideas not just as a "national" but also as a "social...Wonderful digitized draft of the "New Political Constitution of the Inhabitants of Rumeli, Asia Minor, the Mediterranean Islands and the Danubian Principalities" by Rigas Feraios (1797)
Rigas envisioned a "Hellenic Republic", a non-territorial federation beyond differences of race, religion, & language to replace the Ottoman Empire.
Note the slogan "eleftheria, isotimia, adelfotis" (liberty, equality, and fraternity) under the 3 crosses
#History #Balkans #OttomanEmpire
My #NewBook
"Generations of Empire: Youth from Ottoman to Italian Rule in the Mediterranean" is out this week!
Order it for you and your institution's library @ University of Toronto Press and get 25% off with the code Guidi25👇
If you are interested in:
- a review copy,
- recording an interview/podcast,
- organizing a book talk (also for your seminars) in - ENG, FR, GER or IT - in the next months, please contact me & spread the word!
#History #Ottoman #Empire #Italy #Mediterranean #Youth
20.11.2022 14:17My #NewBook "Generations of Empire: Youth from Ottoman to Italian Rule in the Mediterranean" is out this week!Order it for you...#Histodons, @histodons
Help! I am trying to reconnect with a great colleague,
Rok Stergar,
who's on this platform but I cannot find him through the search function...if someone here follows him, please toot out his account so we can find each other 🙏
If you are looking for #sources/teaching material on the #feminist movement in #SoutheastEurope in the #Interwar period, do not miss the fantastic and recently digitized collection of "#ŽenskiPokret", a magazine printed in Belgrade
17.11.2022 13:23If you are looking for #sources/teaching material on the #feminist movement in #SoutheastEurope in the #Interwar period, do not miss the...I've just received a copy of Emily Marker's book and I can't wait to read it!
14.11.2022 18:56I've just received a copy of Emily Marker's book and I can't wait to read it!#history #France #youthIt's the Lord's Prayer (pater noster):
Tatăl nostru, carele ești în ceriuri, sfințascăse numele tău: Vie înprărățiia [sic] ta: Fie voia ta, pre cum în ceriu, și pre pământ. Pâinea noastră cea de toate zilele, dăneo noao astăzi: Și ne iartă noao datoriile noastre pre cum și noi ertăm datornicilor noștri: Și nu ne duce pre noi în ispită, ci ne izbăveaște de cel rău. Că ata iaste înpărățiia, și Putearea, și mărirea în veaci, amin.
(source Wikimedia commons)
The #history of #languages tells a lot about a past world larger than the nation-state
Here: a religious text from the 1780s in #Romanian using the #Cyrillic alphabet in its Church-Slavonic form, from the period of #Ottoman suzerainty over the Danubian principalities
(transliteration and translation below)
11.11.2022 10:13The #history of #languages tells a lot about a past world larger than the nation-stateHere: a religious text from the 1780s in #Romanian......and I really hope this website can become more diverse, and that more non-academic folks committed to good causes decide to join the platform, this is what I miss the most…
But hey - no ads, no hype, no (less at least) reactionary hate, and above all a truly decentralized platform make it a great space and the way to go!
It's not just a replacement, I see it as a real improvement! (2/2)
Ten days after landing here, my impression is that the #fediverse is like a big cocktail reception to which you went on your own.
At first you barely know anyone, so reposting #introduction is a bit like small talking (always about work), but then you end up making new connections with very interesting people. You're also really happy when your (🐦site) friends arrive, a bit late, and you try to introduce them to takes some patience... (1/2)
Une question pour les #histodons - mais pas que - en #France : Vous savez si le livre "Dora Bruder" de Patrick #Modiano fait partie des #lectures obligatoires ou conseillées dans les programmes du #lycée ?
9.11.2022 12:32Une question pour les #histodons - mais pas que - en #France : Vous savez si le livre "Dora Bruder" de Patrick #Modiano fait...Tomorrow I'll teach an undergrad #history class on the #Balkans in the Middle Ages.
Not quite my hobby horse, but things like the missions of the Salonican brothers Cyril and Methodius, who developed a new alphabet (Glagolitic), always fascinated me.
I can't help thinking of two items that I came across in the past: their altar in San Clemente - my favorite church in Rome - and a replica of the Glagolitic Baška tablet (1100 AD) at Berlin's Staatsbibliothek
8.11.2022 11:12Tomorrow I'll teach an undergrad #history class on the #Balkans in the Middle Ages. Not quite my hobby horse, but things like the...The Cathédrale Saint-Étienne in Toulouse epitomizes the beauty of asymmetry
7.11.2022 15:58The Cathédrale Saint-Étienne in Toulouse epitomizes the beauty of asymmetryLast day of vacation with a grand finale, hiking to the Pic de Tarbésou 2360m (and Foix on the way back)
6.11.2022 16:08Last day of vacation with a grand finale, hiking to the Pic de Tarbésou 2360m (and Foix on the way back)