Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam’s biggest metropolitan, gets its first metro line after 12 years of construction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrTwDA3GLL4
23.12.2024 23:49Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam’s biggest metropolitan, gets its first metro line after 12 years of construction...If you like writing and thinking, the literary world, I recommend to watch "Turn Every Page." It's a documentary about author Robert Caro and editor Robert Gottlieb in New York. They're legendary figures in the publishing world https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ah6qNhcLcq4
6.9.2023 20:33If you like writing and thinking, the literary world, I recommend to watch "Turn Every Page." It's a documentary about author...Benny Wenda steps down as the head of the West Papua liberation group; Menase Tabuni is now the new chairman. Tabuni lives in West Papua rather than overseas https://www.rnz.co.nz/international/pacific-news/497373/benny-wenda-stands-down-as-head-of-papua-liberation-group
6.9.2023 20:27Benny Wenda steps down as the head of the West Papua liberation group; Menase Tabuni is now the new chairman. Tabuni lives in West Papua...Competing claims to #SouthChinaSea and its hundreds of reefs and islands have for decades been a source of tension in Asia. The latest spat erupted last month when Chinese vessels fired a water cannon at a Philippine resupply mission to an outpost https://www.thejakartapost.com/world/2023/09/01/why-is-the-south-china-sea-a-flashpoint-for-asia.html
6.9.2023 05:36Competing claims to #SouthChinaSea and its hundreds of reefs and islands have for decades been a source of tension in Asia. The latest spat...For decades, China built guardrails to prevent another Mao. But Xi Jinping has dismantled them and created his own machinery of power https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/09/02/world/asia/china-xi-rule.html
3.9.2023 06:02For decades, China built guardrails to prevent another Mao. But Xi Jinping has dismantled them and created his own machinery of power...A good news story about Pope Francis visiting Mongolia, covering the Roman Catholic church and Mongolia going back to a 1246 correspondence between Güyük, the third Mongol Emperor, in response to a missive from Pope Innocent IV in Rome. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/02/world/asia/pope-francis-mongolia.html
3.9.2023 05:35A good news story about Pope Francis visiting Mongolia, covering the Roman Catholic church and Mongolia going back to a 1246 correspondence...Ifa Hanifah Misbach, psikolog di Bandung, bicara soal dampak peraturan wajib jilbab kepada anak dan perempuan di Indonesia, termasuk kasus di SMP Negeri 1 Sukodadi Lamongan dimana kepala sekolah mengumumkan "berdamai" antara sekolah dan puluhan orangtua anak-anak perempuan yang dibotaki karena tak pakai ciput bersama jilbab mereka https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBvLPV0Nv2o&t=1s
1.9.2023 22:57Ifa Hanifah Misbach, psikolog di Bandung, bicara soal dampak peraturan wajib jilbab kepada anak dan perempuan di Indonesia, termasuk kasus...Widiya Hastuti, perempuan Aceh, kini tinggal di Medan sbg peneliti, cerita soal pengalaman dia ketika sekolah di Takengon, Aceh, dari wajib jilbab sampai ciput, baju panjang tanpa kancing terbuka, panjang harus di bawah bokong, rok panjang, legging dan kaos kaki panjang. Widiya tak tahu bahwa hak dia dilanggar sampai kuliah di Medan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPlWjLaW4PM
1.9.2023 08:57Widiya Hastuti, perempuan Aceh, kini tinggal di Medan sbg peneliti, cerita soal pengalaman dia ketika sekolah di Takengon, Aceh, dari wajib...In Vanuatu, Melanesian leaders group decides West Papua independence body does not meet "existing criteria" to join https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-08-25/melanesian-spearhead-group-meeting-west-papua-independence/102772838
28.8.2023 23:29In Vanuatu, Melanesian leaders group decides West Papua independence body does not meet "existing criteria" to join...West Papua is expecting a full-membership status at the Melanesian Spearhead Group. The trajectory remains fragile. The proposal split the MSG leaders into two camps: Papua New Guinea and Fiji which are keen to maintain the status quo, as well as Vanuatu, Solomon Island and the FLNKS on the other side, which envisage fundamental change for the forum https://liveencounters.net/2016-le-mag/12-december-2016/1-dr-budi-hernawan-ulmwp-and-the-insurgent-papua/
28.8.2023 01:41West Papua is expecting a full-membership status at the Melanesian Spearhead Group. The trajectory remains fragile. The proposal split the...Caroline Kennedy’s recent swim in the Pacific waters where J.F.K. survived a wartime ordeal in 1943 shows how her family legacy informs her work https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/21/world/australia/caroline-kennedy-solomon-islands.html
27.8.2023 01:16Caroline Kennedy’s recent swim in the Pacific waters where J.F.K. survived a wartime ordeal in 1943 shows how her family legacy informs...U.S. Presidential portraits … and Donald Trump’s mugshot https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/picture/2023/aug/26/presidential-portraits-and-donald-trumps-mugshot-cartoon
27.8.2023 00:26U.S. Presidential portraits … and Donald Trump’s mugshot...Denmark and Sweden struggled to balance respect for free expression with the diplomatic fallout of the desecrations. Many Muslim-majority countries have issued withering condemnations. The risk of terrorist attacks has risen in recent months https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/25/world/europe/denmark-quran-burning.html
26.8.2023 12:33Denmark and Sweden struggled to balance respect for free expression with the diplomatic fallout of the desecrations. Many Muslim-majority...Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, the U.A.E. and Saudi Arabia have been invited to join the BRICS club of emerging nations, strengthening its role as a geopolitical alternative to Western-led forums https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/24/world/europe/brics-expansion-xi-lula.html
24.8.2023 13:41Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, the U.A.E. and Saudi Arabia have been invited to join the BRICS club of emerging nations, strengthening...Myanmar’s military has not faced serious economic pain. Should anyone then wonder why it has so blatantly defied calls by neighbors, world powers, and the United Nations? Does it make any sense to expect a divided @ASEAN to compel them to change https://www.justsecurity.org/87727/the-myanmar-military-wants-the-world-to-give-up/
23.8.2023 00:26Myanmar’s military has not faced serious economic pain. Should anyone then wonder why it has so blatantly defied calls by neighbors, world...Political scientist Barbara F. Walter examines the rise in extremism and threats to democracies around the globe. Solid data are available on where internal conflicts are likely to break out. Is the U.S. headed towards another civil war https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yilgr2SJ3xQ
20.8.2023 04:44Political scientist Barbara F. Walter examines the rise in extremism and threats to democracies around the globe. Solid data are available...An influx of Chinese investment into nickel-processing on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi is sowing pollution while generating economic opportunity https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/18/business/indonesia-nickel-sulawesi-china.html
20.8.2023 00:22An influx of Chinese investment into nickel-processing on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi is sowing pollution while generating economic...RIP Margaret Caecilia Lee (1943-2023) meninggal di Malvern, dekat Melbourne, Australia. Dia dikenal dgn nama pena Marga T termasuk best seller "Badai Pasti Berlalu" dan "Karmila" namun kehidupan pribadinya praktis tak pernah muncul di media https://www.kompas.com/tren/read/2023/08/18/211348765/kabar-duka-penulis-novel-marga-t-meninggal-dunia-di-australia
19.8.2023 12:46RIP Margaret Caecilia Lee (1943-2023) meninggal di Malvern, dekat Melbourne, Australia. Dia dikenal dgn nama pena Marga T termasuk best...Banyak siswi menangis, terkadang sembunyi di toilet sekolah, guna menghindar dari intimidasi guru dan siswa lain. Ada siswi pindah sekolah, hanya untuk menemukan bahwa guru di sekolah kedua, juga merundung soal jilbab. Kebanyakan kelakuan buruk tersebut dilakukan para guru dan kepala sekolah https://www.hrw.org/id/news/2023/08/18/indonesian-schoolgirls-testify-mandatory-hijab-and-bullying
18.8.2023 23:19Banyak siswi menangis, terkadang sembunyi di toilet sekolah, guna menghindar dari intimidasi guru dan siswa lain. Ada siswi pindah sekolah,...Para siswi dan orang dewasa yang beri kesaksian depan Komnas Perempuan berasal dari Aceh, Lampung, dan Sumatra Barat, serta Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, dan Yogyakarta https://www.hrw.org/id/news/2023/08/18/indonesian-schoolgirls-testify-mandatory-hijab-and-bullying
18.8.2023 23:17Para siswi dan orang dewasa yang beri kesaksian depan Komnas Perempuan berasal dari Aceh, Lampung, dan Sumatra Barat, serta Jakarta, Jawa...