RT @selinkoksal
Undergoing fertility treatments might affect individuals' personal and social relationships. We explore the link between loneliness and medically assisted reproduction (MAR) in my PhD paper just out in @JofHSB co-authored with @alice_goisis.
Tl;dr. Declines in healthcare use were largest for historically marginalised groups: those below the poverty line, females, & those with a migrant background.
New preprint w/ @MarkDVerhagen @arunfrey: http://tinyurl.com/5n8nf48b
@OxfordDemSci @SociologyOxford @NuffieldCollege
RT @MarkDVerhagen
Non-COVID healthcare strongly declined at the start of the pandemic, but was this decline shared equally across the population? We answe…
RT @medrxivpreprint
Inequalities in Healthcare Use during the COVID-19 Pandemic https://medrxiv.org/cgi/content/short/2023.04.26.23289095v1 #medRxiv
We also learned from @RRHDr and colleagues, who in their 2016 NEJM article, write about the importance of "centering at the margins." The work by Prof. Hardeman & team @CARHEumn offer critical insights into how the US continues to fail at this.
27.4.2023 13:31We also learned from @RRHDr and colleagues, who in their 2016 NEJM article, write about the importance of "centering at the...To learn more about obstetric racism, I highly recommend reading work by @drdanaaindavis.
I find her article "Obstetric Racism: The Racial Politics of Pregnancy, Labor, & Birthing" and her book Reproductive Injustice particularly informative.
RT @Andrea_Tilstra
Lisa Marshall (@CUBoulder) wrote a summary piece on this in CU Boulder Today. She syncs our work with some scholars that…
Stuck at a paywall? Questions? Critiques? Don't hesitate to email me, or others on the authorship team.
27.4.2023 10:58Stuck at a paywall? Questions? Critiques? Don't hesitate to email me, or others on the authorship team.Lisa Marshall (@CUBoulder) wrote a summary piece on this in CU Boulder Today. She syncs our work with some scholars that we learned from, including Dána-Ain Davis.
I recommend checking it out:
27.4.2023 10:58Lisa Marshall (@CUBoulder) wrote a summary piece on this in CU Boulder Today. She syncs our work with some scholars that we learned from,...(2) But, increases in IOL among the Black childbearing pop. are not explained by changes in risk factors among their own population;
...Rather these increases are partially explained by changes in risk factors among white childbearing populations.
Two pieces of evidence to show this:
(1) increases in IOL to white childbearing population are explained by changes in risk factors among white childbearing population (and not by changes among other races/ethnicities).
27.4.2023 10:52Two pieces of evidence to show this:(1) increases in IOL to white childbearing population are explained by changes in risk factors among...In a nutshell, we show:
Normative obstetric care has been responding to the needs/prefs of the white childbearing pop.
That is, changes in the demographic characteristics and risk factors of white pop are driving the rising use of induction of labor for all racial/ethnic pops.
27.4.2023 10:52In a nutshell, we show:Normative obstetric care has been responding to the needs/prefs of the white childbearing pop.That is, changes in the...We're not the first to examine structural racism & childbirth. We learned from the work of many others. Without their research, frameworks, & definitions, this work would not be possible. Any misrepresentation of their work falls on us alone.
27.4.2023 10:52We're not the first to examine structural racism & childbirth. We learned from the work of many others. Without their research,...There is a rich literature on racism in the US healthcare system, and we've learned from many folks how this can manifest in childbirth.
In a new paper, out in @JofHSB, we add to this conversation and look at population-level labor induction rates.
27.4.2023 10:52There is a rich literature on racism in the US healthcare system, and we've learned from many folks how this can manifest in childbirth....RT @OxfordDemSci
And that's a wrap! 🥳 From all the team at LCDS, thanks to everyone who attended our sessions, visited our booth, and to the #PAA2023 organisers for another awesome conference 👏
We'll be back with more sessions (and swag) that disrupts and realigns #degmography at #PAA2024 😎
15.4.2023 16:56RT @OxfordDemSciAnd that's a wrap! 🥳 From all the team at LCDS, thanks to everyone who attended our sessions, visited our booth, and...RT @OxfordDemSci
#PAA2023 competition 🏆 Win this very British rubber duck and Easter egg 🍫
1. Collect a #PopPyramid temporary tattoo from our booth 504 💪
2. Follow and tag us in a photo of you showing off our temporary tattoo 📸
The winner will be announced Friday evening, good luck! 😎
12.4.2023 22:25RT @OxfordDemSci#PAA2023 competition 🏆 Win this very British rubber duck and Easter egg 🍫1. Collect a #PopPyramid temporary tattoo...As many of my peers, I’m always keen to meet new people, especially students. An (incomplete) list of things I like to talk about: #mortality, #healthdisparities, #childbirth, #pandemic … the transition from US to UK academia, and southern food.
12.4.2023 03:46As many of my peers, I’m always keen to meet new people, especially students. An (incomplete) list of things I like to talk about:...I’m here in New Orleans for #PAA2023 (& for the food)!
I’ll be presenting on the consequences of the pandemic for US population estimates on Thurs: 11 AM, Empire C.
But before that, I hope to see y’all at the welcome reception Weds! @OxfordDemSci will be at Booth 504.
12.4.2023 03:46I’m here in New Orleans for #PAA2023 (& for the food)! I’ll be presenting on the consequences of the pandemic for US population...A gentle reminder to those visiting for #PAA2023 — tip your service workers 😊.
RT @iamharaldur
Europeans visiting the US often don’t tip. They don’t understand that many professions here aren’t paid a living wage by their employers.
You don’t need to agree with this system. But you can’t take that frustration out on service staff.
Tip your waiters. Generously.
RT @evanrobertsnz
This tweet begins organization of the traditional, non-official, publicized #PAA2023 group run. Meet at 6:30am Friday in the hotel lobby. We’ll check out the new Lafite Greenway for just under 5km and return. Retweet, and share with your Twitter-less demography running friends
RT @OxfordDemSci
How has life expectancy changed after the #pandemic? Professor @drjenndowd explains in this new @OxfordSparks podcast, comparing #lifeexpectancy to #videogames 🎮 https://www.oxfordsparks.ox.ac.uk/podcasts/how-has-life-expectancy-changed-after-the-pandemic/
@LeverhulmeTrust @UniofOxford @DearPandemic https://twitter.com/OxfordSparks/status/1643584674613153792
6.4.2023 07:14RT @OxfordDemSciHow has life expectancy changed after the #pandemic? Professor @drjenndowd explains in this new @OxfordSparks podcast,...RT @ginevra_floridi
Check out my new post on the @CCF_Families blog on how parental help to young adults relates to - and potentially reproduces - inequality.
preprint here -> https://osf.io/preprints/socarxiv/g8yv2/ https://twitter.com/ASA_Family/status/1643305221102374912
5.4.2023 12:04RT @ginevra_floridiCheck out my new post on the @CCF_Families blog on how parental help to young adults relates to - and potentially...