Read “Diamond Comics: The Fall of a Monopoly and Why I Don’t Care“ by Andre Farquharson on Medium: #comics #distributor #comicshop #publishers #retailer
4.3.2025 08:18Read “Diamond Comics: The Fall of a Monopoly and Why I Don’t Care“ by Andre Farquharson on Medium:...Read “Behind Closed Doors: The Asher & Jada Conspiracy Unveiled“ by Andre Farquharson on Medium: #fiction #science #mystery #drama #shortstory
26.2.2025 10:55Read “Behind Closed Doors: The Asher & Jada Conspiracy Unveiled“ by Andre Farquharson on Medium:...Read “The Hidden Origins of Project Gray — Part I“ by Andre Farquharson on Medium: #fiction #science #mystery #drama #shortstory
21.2.2025 06:19Read “The Hidden Origins of Project Gray — Part I“ by Andre Farquharson on Medium:...Read “Why I Am Concerned About Captain America: Brave New World?“ by Andre Farquharson on Medium: #Marvel #captainamerica4 #film #superheroes #thriller
17.2.2025 15:04Read “Why I Am Concerned About Captain America: Brave New World?“ by Andre Farquharson on Medium:...Read “The Untold Story: Mr. Grayson’s Diary Entries Revealed“ by Andre Farquharson on Medium: #fiction #science #mystery #drama #shortstory
13.2.2025 14:47Read “The Untold Story: Mr. Grayson’s Diary Entries Revealed“ by Andre Farquharson on Medium:...When you get a chance please give my personal account a follow 👉🏾👉🏾👉🏾
2.2.2025 05:16When you get a chance please give my personal account a follow 👉🏾👉🏾👉🏾 @andrefox247@mastodon.socialRead “Legacy: An Open Letter to My Father“ by Andre Farquharson on Medium: #fathers #life #death #legacy #poetry
1.2.2025 16:17Read “Legacy: An Open Letter to My Father“ by Andre Farquharson on Medium:...
31.1.2025 01:00 “Why I Chose Beat Sheets Over Treatments for Crafting My Screenplays?“ by Andre Farquharson on Medium: #screenwriting #beatsheet #Treatment #storytelling #screenplay
30.1.2025 18:38Read “Why I Chose Beat Sheets Over Treatments for Crafting My Screenplays?“ by Andre Farquharson on Medium:...Read “Tom Holland Launches Billy17: A New Era in Filmmaking“ by Andre Farquharson on Medium: #tomholland #sony #film #companyformation #production
15.1.2025 21:19Read “Tom Holland Launches Billy17: A New Era in Filmmaking“ by Andre Farquharson on Medium:...“Wrap your narrative with care and precision. Develop characters that resonate with the joy, hope, and even the occasional chaos of the holidays. With every film, no matter what age we have gone through, albeit analogue or digital, everything starts with the script.“
Read “Holiday Edition: From Vision to Screen - Crafting a Christmas Short Film“ by Andre Farquharson on Medium: #christmas #shortfiction #contentcreation #filmmaking #30daychallenge
12.1.2025 23:38“Wrap your narrative with care and precision. Develop characters that resonate with the joy, hope, and even the occasional chaos of the...Read “Creativity Under the Tree: Unconventional Gift Ideas for Filmmakers and Creators“ by Andre Farquharson on Medium: #gifts #christmas #lifestyle #creators #filmmaking
9.1.2025 23:32Read “Creativity Under the Tree: Unconventional Gift Ideas for Filmmakers and Creators“ by Andre Farquharson on Medium:...“The fate of her mother…“
Read “Review Wednesdays: The Penguin: “A Great or Little Thing”- S01 E.08“ by Andre Farquharson on Medium: #ThePenguin #crime #drama #TVSeries #hbomax
15.12.2024 01:33“The fate of her mother…“Read “Review Wednesdays: The Penguin: “A Great or Little Thing”- S01 E.08“ by Andre Farquharson on...Hmmm... 🤔 #zukerberg
12.12.2024 22:25Hmmm... 🤔 #zukerbergRead “Exciting News: A New Young Adult Sci-Fi Novel Is in the Works!“ by Andre Farquharson on Medium: #books #ScienceFiction #mystery #drama
11.12.2024 10:09Read “Exciting News: A New Young Adult Sci-Fi Novel Is in the Works!“ by Andre Farquharson on Medium:...Read “Review Wednesdays: The Penguin: “Cent’Anni”- S01 E.04“ by Andre Farquharson on Medium: #ThePenguin #crime #drama #TVSeries #hbomax
8.12.2024 01:04Read “Review Wednesdays: The Penguin: “Cent’Anni”- S01 E.04“ by Andre Farquharson on Medium:...I jumped from just 4 publications to at least 15 in one night
Writing another post to submit between tonight and tomorrow evening.
7.12.2024 21:01Writing another post to submit between tonight and tomorrow evening.Had a very interesting night at the Shy Films event.
5.12.2024 11:41Had a very interesting night at the Shy Films event.Read “Bunny-Man: Offbeat Indie Superhero Flick Teams Up James Franco and Mike Tyson“ by Andre Farquharson on Medium: #film #popculture #cinema #thriller #yetanother