In response to the ones in favour of "objective numerical indicators" for #researchevaluation: run the same evaluation process twice, having switched bibliometric database first. 🤡 Surprise! #ReformingRA
24.5.2023 16:00In response to the ones in favour of "objective numerical indicators" for #researchevaluation: run the same evaluation process...I started having problems with @readthedocs yesterday. Anyone? All the builds are failing due to a problem in the config file which hasn't changed for a while... I can't build the official tutorial template too!
5.5.2023 06:49I started having problems with @readthedocs yesterday. Anyone? All the builds are failing due to a problem in the config file which...RT @giansilv
Interested in a large #scholarlygraph connecting papers with #datasets? Check out our latest paper on ACM JDIQ "A Novel Curated Scholarly Graph Connecting Textual and Data Publications" with @OrnellaIrrera @andremanno and @paolomanghi . preprint:
RT @BarbaraLancho
pyBibX -- A Python Library for Bibliometric and Scientometric Analysis Powered with Artificial Intelligence Tools
RT @scik_workshop
Sci-K is in just 2 days!!
See you in AUSTIN
#scik2023 @TheWebConf #www2023
29.4.2023 06:12RT @scik_workshopSci-K is in just 2 days!! See you in AUSTIN#scik2023 @TheWebConf #www2023RT @Looptopper
At @IthakaSR, we are studying the shared infrastructure that supports scholarly communication. Today's piece provides a project update, including about a new landscape review. via @rschon @OyaRieger
Interesting reading by @OyaRieger and @rschon on #open infrastructures for scholarly communication
featuring two contributions I am involved with!
@scik_workshop @angelosalatino
Interesting reading on #open infrastructures for #scholarlycommunication
RT @scik_workshop
We are proud to announce that Matt Buys (@mjbuys) will be our Keynote Speaker at Sci-K 2023!
Matt will talk about "Scaling the Global Data Citation Corpus: An International Collaboration"
#scik2023 @TheWebConf #www2023
24.4.2023 11:07RT @scik_workshop📢📢KEYNOTE SPEAKER:We are proud to announce that Matt Buys (@mjbuys) will be our Keynote Speaker at Sci-K 2023!Matt...To the point. Well played #ChatGPT
31.3.2023 08:47To the point. Well played #ChatGPTLike #ChatGPT, but for a given pdf
29.3.2023 12:22Like #ChatGPT, but for a given pdf https://www.chatpdf.comRT @scik_workshop
Sci-K 2023 will take place on 📅30 Apr 2023 as a FULL DAY WORKSHOP. (in about a month, we are sooooo close!)
Please stay tuned for more info such as rooms and more.
As always, check 🌐
#scik2023 #www2023 #webconf2023 @TheWebConf
27.3.2023 10:12RT @scik_workshop📢📢📢 ANNOUNCEMENTSci-K 2023 will take place on 📅30 Apr 2023 as a FULL DAY WORKSHOP. (in about a month, we are...RT @elli_lib
How the @resdatall work on #OpenScience Graphs for #FAIR data can be adopted by providers, what is expected & what are the benefits. Very useful use cases shown by @DataCite PID Graph, @opencitations C/D/P...OCI and the @researchgraph.
RT @elli_lib
Now at the @resdatall session for #OpenScience Graphs for #FAIR Data IG, co-chairs @paolomanghi & @andremanno from @OpenAIRE_eu sharing observations & preliminary results from the collaboration with many research graph providers to shape a common data model for SKGs !
Chairing together with @paolomanghi a full-house session about Scholarly Knowledge Graph Interoperability Framework at @RDA_Europe P20
@arcangelo_wd @kriztean @amir_aryani
@OpenAIRE_eu @DataCite @opencitations @researchgraph
RT @GMalaguarnera
What is a Scholarly Knowledge Graph (SKG)? @paolomanghi and @andremanno are telling us about how we started and the ongoing work with several stakeholders, experts, and the RDA community @resdatall
#RDAPlenary 20
RT @MushtaqBilalPhD
Scholarcy is an AI-powered app that can convert any research paper into a PowerPoint presentation — instantly.
This will save you hours of work.
Here's how to use Scholarcy:
22.3.2023 20:06RT @MushtaqBilalPhDScholarcy is an AI-powered app that can convert any research paper into a PowerPoint presentation — instantly.This will...RT @OpenAIRE_eu
Spotted! @andremanno #OpenAIRE_Graph @arcangelo_wd @opencitations, Giulia Caldoni, winner of #OpenAIRE_ARGOS Community call - #DMP template, together with #OpenAIRE Engagement and Outreach Officer @GMalaguarnera during the #RDAPlenary @resdatall coffee break.
RT @evamen
Super packed room interested on the BoF and incomng Interest/Working Group #RDAplenary @CoARAssessment we should join forces... #OpenScience
Talking about #CoARA at @RDA_Europe P20
@evamen: "It's all about #seduction. Do you remember the time you switched to whatsapp? Probably not, but you did. I hope it will happen the same for research #evaluation"
And I add: do you remember when we switched to h-index? No? In 2005.