I'm in Granada for the @EuroMathSoc Council and Executive Committee meetings and the organisers from Universidad de Granada took us on a "geometric tour" through the Alhambra.💠💢 Thanks a lot to Miguel Ortega – this was impressive! 😎
13.7.2024 07:11I'm in Granada for the @EuroMathSoc Council and Executive Committee meetings and the organisers from Universidad de Granada took us on a...I'm attending #ape2024 at the beautiful ESMT venue in Berlin today and tomorrow. Happy to talk about anything publishing-related. 😎 Just catch me during the coffee breaks, in particular if you want to learn more about sustainable society publishing at @ems_press – for example our #subscribetoopen programme for fair #openaccess.
Also: despite -10°C, I was very lucky to use an eco-friendly mode of travel (from Kreuzberg 😅). 🚴
@EuroMathSoc #subscribe2open #s2o #publishing
9.1.2024 09:56I'm attending #ape2024 at the beautiful ESMT venue in Berlin today and tomorrow. Happy to talk about anything publishing-related. 😎...Many interesting talks at today's #soapboxscience event in Berlin! 🤩 @ohyeahfranzi @joanagrah
24.6.2023 15:24Many interesting talks at today's #soapboxscience event in Berlin! 🤩 @ohyeahfranzi @joanagrahJuhuuu, last night Germany has completed its exit from nuclear power! 🎉🚫☢️ #Atomausstieg
If we want safe, clean, and cheap power there's no alternative to renewables asap. 🌱☀️🍃
Check out https://fediscience.org/@rahmstorf/110207580111176618 on the costs of renewables and in general make sure to follow @rahmstorf for science-based background info. 🙂
16.4.2023 09:16Juhuuu, last night Germany has completed its exit from nuclear power! 🎉🚫☢️ #AtomausstiegIf we want safe, clean, and cheap power...Berliners!
Tomorrow: vote for @klimaneustart!
Today: let's meet at https://www.berlin2030.org/climateaid/ 🙂✊🌍
25.3.2023 12:30Berliners! Tomorrow: vote for @klimaneustart!Today: let's meet at https://www.berlin2030.org/climateaid/ 🙂✊🌍Happy #InternationalWomensDay! In Berlin-Kreuzberg's Viktoriapark a sculpture depicting violence against women now carries a sign "violence against women is not decoration". Thank you @UndNixen@twitter.com! ✊♀️ #keinedeko
8.3.2023 16:49Happy #InternationalWomensDay! In Berlin-Kreuzberg's Viktoriapark a sculpture depicting violence against women now carries a sign...🚴💥🚗
Schritt 1: Fahrradfahrer*in mit dem Auto versuchen umzunieten.
Schritt 2: aufgebrachte Fahrradfahrer*in an der nächsten Ampel anzeigen wollen weil er*sie dich duzt.
Liebe*r Autofahrer*in, warum bist du da so sensibel? 😅 #berlin
11.2.2023 17:08🚴💥🚗Schritt 1: Fahrradfahrer*in mit dem Auto versuchen umzunieten.Schritt 2: aufgebrachte Fahrradfahrer*in an der nächsten Ampel...BREAKING: Berlin's motorists can get an equivalent of 9 work days of additional vacation each year!*
*No forms required. Simply go cycling or use public transport. 🚴🚇
11.1.2023 09:30BREAKING: Berlin's motorists can get an equivalent of 9 work days of additional vacation each year!**No forms required. Simply go...Who's up for catching up over ☕️ at #ape2023 in Berlin Tues/Weds this week? Anyone wants to talk fair and sustainable #openaccess? @ems_press #s2o #scholarlycoffee
9.1.2023 19:13Who's up for catching up over ☕️ at #ape2023 in Berlin Tues/Weds this week? Anyone wants to talk fair and sustainable #openaccess?...The new print issue of the @EuroMathSoc Magazine just arrived. 🤩
Again really amazing work by the editors, authors, and the @ems_press team! 🙌
Online version available as #openaccess here: https://euromathsoc.org/magazine
6.1.2023 22:03The new print issue of the @EuroMathSoc Magazine just arrived. 🤩Again really amazing work by the editors, authors, and the @ems_press...Berlin earlier this week. 🌫️ #headintheclouds
25.12.2022 08:55Berlin earlier this week. 🌫️ #headinthecloudsGreat article on Research Networks for Women in the @EuroMathSoc Magazine!
16.12.2022 09:00Great article on Research Networks for Women in the @EuroMathSoc Magazine!https://euromathsoc.org/magazine/articles/92Today I joined the e-cargobike club. ♥️🚲
Sooo much fun! 🙃 And one car less in Berlin! 🚫🚗
29.11.2022 20:04Today I joined the e-cargobike club. ♥️🚲Sooo much fun! 🙃 And one car less in Berlin! 🚫🚗Protests in China with equations. 👌 https://mastodon.social/@pboehler/109416000385539882
29.11.2022 07:42Protests in China with equations. 👌 https://mastodon.social/@pboehler/109416000385539882Mathematics advent calendar is live! 🤓 https://www.mathekalender.de/ (DE)
24.11.2022 07:35Mathematics advent calendar is live! 🤓 https://www.mathekalender.de/ (DE)log 😅 = 💧log 😄
Thank you @jnhlnd for pointing that out! #mathsjoke
23.11.2022 10:17log 😅 = 💧log 😄 Thank you @jnhlnd for pointing that out! #mathsjokeconsole.log('Hello World')
OMG LaTeX! 🤓
\int_\Omega \nabla u \cdot \nabla v dx = \int_\Omega fv dx
@christianp @ColinTheMathmo thanks for running this instance! 👌
10.11.2022 21:06console.log('Hello World')OMG LaTeX! 🤓 \[ \int_\Omega \nabla u \cdot \nabla v dx = \int_\Omega fv dx\]@christianp...