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Sustainability, Security, and Strategic Autonomytl;dr: Sustainability is vital for Europe's strategic autonomy, resilience, and...

Sustainability, Security, and Strategic Autonomy
tl;dr: Sustainability is vital for Europe's strategic autonomy, resilience, and geopolitical leadership, addressing climate change as a core security issue.

Climate change is no lon

18.3.2025 15:23Sustainability, Security, and Strategic Autonomytl;dr: Sustainability is vital for Europe's strategic autonomy, resilience, and...

Europe in the Age of Great Power Politicstl,dr: The world is shifting into Great Power Politics, with the U.S. retreating, Russia advancing,...

Europe in the Age of Great Power Politics
tl,dr: The world is shifting into Great Power Politics, with the U.S. retreating, Russia advancing, and China expanding its influence. Europe must step up or risk irrelevance. 


9.3.2025 09:24Europe in the Age of Great Power Politicstl,dr: The world is shifting into Great Power Politics, with the U.S. retreating, Russia advancing,...

Lines we drawtl;dr: Borders are human-made. They separate and protect, but their true potential lies in their permeability. Rigid borders...

Lines we draw
tl;dr: Borders are human-made. They separate and protect, but their true potential lies in their permeability. Rigid borders lead to stagnation, flexible borders create change and exchange. The challenge: question boundaries and cross them courageously.

Borders structure our world. They create order, provide orientation and separate one thing from another. But borders are not natural. They are man-made con

26.1.2025 08:16Lines we drawtl;dr: Borders are human-made. They separate and protect, but their true potential lies in their permeability. Rigid borders...

Rethinking Sustainability: A Post-Growth Perspective on the UN-SDGsThe UN SDGs aim to foster global sustainability by 2030, yet their...

Rethinking Sustainability: A Post-Growth Perspective on the UN-SDGs
The UN SDGs aim to foster global sustainability by 2030, yet their reliance on economic growth (Goal 8) creates contradictions with ecological objectives. We need a post-growth critique to reform the SDGs beyond 2030, emphasizing s

10.12.2024 13:39Rethinking Sustainability: A Post-Growth Perspective on the UN-SDGsThe UN SDGs aim to foster global sustainability by 2030, yet their...

Liberalism Today: A Plea for an Ecologically Oriented Liberalismtl;dr: Liberalism must evolve to include Ivan Illich's concept of...

Liberalism Today: A Plea for an Ecologically Oriented Liberalism
tl;dr: Liberalism must evolve to include Ivan Illich's concept of conviviality, integrating ecological sustainability and social justice, emphasizing mutual dependence

7.6.2024 10:32Liberalism Today: A Plea for an Ecologically Oriented Liberalismtl;dr: Liberalism must evolve to include Ivan Illich's concept of...

Sustainability & Capitalismtl,dr: Sustainability and capitalism have complex interactions. While capitalism emphasizes accumulation and...

Sustainability & Capitalism
tl,dr: Sustainability and capitalism have complex interactions. While capitalism emphasizes accumulation and expansion, sustainability requires long-term dynamic balance for all life.

Can sustainability can be reconciled w

25.3.2024 15:03Sustainability & Capitalismtl,dr: Sustainability and capitalism have complex interactions. While capitalism emphasizes accumulation and...

Freedom. Or something… #ClimateEmergency #ClimateAction

Freedom. Or something…

8.6.2023 06:42Freedom. Or something… #ClimateEmergency #ClimateAction

2000 years of #climate history: global average temperatures over the past two millennia. #ClimateChange #ClimateEmergency #ClimateAction...

2000 years of history: global average temperatures over the past two millennia.


17.5.2023 07:172000 years of #climate history: global average temperatures over the past two millennia. #ClimateChange #ClimateEmergency #ClimateAction...

Today is #EarthOvershootDay in Germany. In the US it was 13 March, for the world in total it‘ll be end of July. Humanity uses almost 50%...

Today is in Germany. In the US it was 13 March, for the world in total it‘ll be end of July. Humanity uses almost 50% more Earth than we have. Political action is needed, above all. Ensuring that GHG emission targets are met, that products are circular economy friendly, and that we leave half the Earth for our non-human others.

4.5.2023 06:36Today is #EarthOvershootDay in Germany. In the US it was 13 March, for the world in total it‘ll be end of July. Humanity uses almost 50%...

#Postwachstum als neue Realität. Wird dieser Übergang aber nicht aktiv gestaltet, müssen wir uns auf schwere gesellschaftliche...

als neue Realität. Wird dieser Übergang aber nicht aktiv gestaltet, müssen wir uns auf schwere gesellschaftliche Verwerfungen einstellen. Deswegen: by design, not by disaster.

»KfW-Chefvolkswirtin Fritzi Köhler-Geib sagte der Zeitung, die Kombination von langfristig schrumpfendem inländischem Arbeitskräfteangebot und schwacher Produktivitätsentwicklung "stellt eine einzigartige Herausforderung dar, die so in der Nachkriegszeit für uns neu ist".«

23.1.2023 10:06#Postwachstum als neue Realität. Wird dieser Übergang aber nicht aktiv gestaltet, müssen wir uns auf schwere gesellschaftliche...

Man kann mich jetzt auch über @reichelandre in Mastodon hinzufügen, mein #Wordpress hat jetzt das #ActivityPub plugin installiert. Das ist...

Man kann mich jetzt auch über @reichelandre in Mastodon hinzufügen, mein hat jetzt das plugin installiert.

Das ist echt ein Meilenstein, damit sind alle Wordpress-Webseiten im vernetzt!

20.12.2022 21:26Man kann mich jetzt auch über @reichelandre in Mastodon hinzufügen, mein #Wordpress hat jetzt das #ActivityPub plugin installiert. Das ist...

As a reminder for #COP15 in #Montreal: "Our global food system is the primary driver of #biodiversity loss, with agriculture alone...

As a reminder for in :

"Our global food system is the primary driver of loss, with agriculture alone being the identified threat to 24,000 of the 28,000 (86%) species at risk of extinction."


6.12.2022 14:00As a reminder for #COP15 in #Montreal: "Our global food system is the primary driver of #biodiversity loss, with agriculture alone...

Was mich als Hochschullehrer umtreibt: es ist ja nicht die junge Generation, die die #KlimaKrise verhindern kann, sondern die Menschen, die...

Was mich als Hochschullehrer umtreibt: es ist ja nicht die junge Generation, die die verhindern kann, sondern die Menschen, die jetzt in ihren 40ern und 50ern sind.

Warum? Weil die nächsten 15 Jahre entscheidend sind für das 1,5-Grad-Ziel – und Entscheidungen in Wirtschaft und Politik eben nicht von 20-jährigen getroffen werden. Wenn die jungen Leute von heute einmal in diesen Positionen sind, also ab ca. 2040, dann ist es schon zu spät.

Wir müssen also an die "Mittelalten" ran.

25.11.2022 12:39Was mich als Hochschullehrer umtreibt: es ist ja nicht die junge Generation, die die #KlimaKrise verhindern kann, sondern die Menschen, die...

Wenn wir das 1,5-Grad-Ziel ernst nehmen, und das hat jetzt immerhin völkerrechtliche Verbindlichkeit (siehe BVG-Urteil letztes Jahr), dann...

Wenn wir das 1,5-Grad-Ziel ernst nehmen, und das hat jetzt immerhin völkerrechtliche Verbindlichkeit (siehe BVG-Urteil letztes Jahr), dann müssen wir in 10 Jahren mehr als 80% der heutigen Emissionen vermeiden. Das wird uns allen weh tun und auch nicht ohne Verzicht und Einschränkungen zu machen sein. Wer den Leuten etwas anderes erzählt, streut sich selbst Sand in die Augen.

25.11.2022 08:20Wenn wir das 1,5-Grad-Ziel ernst nehmen, und das hat jetzt immerhin völkerrechtliche Verbindlichkeit (siehe BVG-Urteil letztes Jahr), dann...

Wenn junge Menschen aus Verzweiflung angesichts politischer Inaktivität aus Protest die Start- und Landebahn des BER-Flughafens blockieren,...

Wenn junge Menschen aus Verzweiflung angesichts politischer Inaktivität aus Protest die Start- und Landebahn des BER-Flughafens blockieren, dann hat das meine volle Unterstützung. Der Aufschrei "das schadet der Akzeptanz des Klimaschutzes" ist an Heuchelei nicht zu überbieten. Was der Akzeptanz des Klimaschutzes schadet ist die völlig unehrliche politische Kommunikation darüber.

25.11.2022 08:18Wenn junge Menschen aus Verzweiflung angesichts politischer Inaktivität aus Protest die Start- und Landebahn des BER-Flughafens blockieren,...

George Spencer-Brown, the great British Mathematician and author of #TheLawsOfForm, once said in a radio interview: "politeness never...

George Spencer-Brown, the great British Mathematician and author of , once said in a radio interview: "politeness never changed anybody."

What he meant was that people only change when they're upset, not when they're told how great they are and how great everything else is.

When I look at the multiple crises on this planet, especially the , politeness won't save us. That's why I applaud direct action by .

22.11.2022 07:32George Spencer-Brown, the great British Mathematician and author of #TheLawsOfForm, once said in a radio interview: "politeness never...

China is many things, but it is not a developing country anymore. Its GDP/capita is higher than Russia's and with an HDI of .761 it...

China is many things, but it is not a developing country anymore. Its GDP/capita is higher than Russia's and with an HDI of .761 it ranks as "high developed". China cannot hide behind the real developing countries, the G77, and turn down its climate obligations.

19.11.2022 12:35China is many things, but it is not a developing country anymore. Its GDP/capita is higher than Russia's and with an HDI of .761 it...

Would be curious to connect to architects, landscape planners and designers, who focus on biodiversity and nature-based solutions to climate...

Would be curious to connect to architects, landscape planners and designers, who focus on biodiversity and nature-based solutions to climate change. Where are you good folks?

18.11.2022 14:50Would be curious to connect to architects, landscape planners and designers, who focus on biodiversity and nature-based solutions to climate...

Wo sind die kritischen Nachhaltigkeitsforscher:innen im Fediversum?Where are the critical sustainability researchers in the...

Wo sind die kritischen Nachhaltigkeitsforscher:innen im Fediversum?

Where are the critical sustainability researchers in the fediverse?

18.11.2022 14:46Wo sind die kritischen Nachhaltigkeitsforscher:innen im Fediversum?Where are the critical sustainability researchers in the...

Good news: v4.0.2 is now running on Fediscience!-> You can follow hashtags and those posts show up in your Home feed-> You can change...

Good news: v4.0.2 is now running on Fediscience!

-> You can follow hashtags and those posts show up in your Home feed

-> You can change the language of each post which is important for the translate function

Good stuff!

18.11.2022 11:01Good news: v4.0.2 is now running on Fediscience!-> You can follow hashtags and those posts show up in your Home feed-> You can change...
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