I would most appreciate any alternatives to libgen you may suggest.
25.2.2025 01:34I would most appreciate any alternatives to libgen you may suggest.Thanks.Found on Bluesky.
23.11.2024 00:56Found on Bluesky.https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2210261224009209?via%3DihubPerpetual motion machine designs & theory (updated), by Nathan Coppedge.
7.11.2024 20:29Perpetual motion machine designs & theory (updated), by Nathan Coppedge.Just got a message marked with "high importance" and sent to everybody in Math Reviews, which ends, in a very large font, with
Have a SAFE holdiay WEEKEND!!!
11.10.2024 15:14Just got a message marked with "high importance" and sent to everybody in Math Reviews, which ends, in a very large font, withHave...I'll be giving a talk at Albion College on October 3rd, on "Fast growing functions".
It is meant to be accessible to undergrads with no prior knowledge of mathematical logic, although it will touch on some results on provability.
28.9.2024 17:06I'll be giving a talk at Albion College on October 3rd, on "Fast growing functions". It is meant to be accessible to...An archivist is looking at papers left on the old building, and he just found a copy of the workflow we used in the 80s.
27.9.2024 14:51An archivist is looking at papers left on the old building, and he just found a copy of the workflow we used in the 80s.So, we moved. Literally across the street from the old building.
27.9.2024 14:14So, we moved. Literally across the street from the old building.Math Reviews is moving in one week.
30.8.2024 15:37Math Reviews is moving in one week.A tale of two footnotes.
1. Footnote 97, pg. 84.
2. Footnote 83, pg. 148.
From "a critical companion to Beowulf", by Andy Orchard.
14.8.2024 01:44A tale of two footnotes. 1. Footnote 97, pg. 84.2. Footnote 83, pg. 148.From "a critical companion to Beowulf", by Andy Orchard.This is a very interesting topic, I wish I had more time to work on it.
Richard Ketchersid and I proved ages ago some results on cardinalities under determinacy, and some of our techniques (and a lot of hard work of others on the descriptive-set-theoretic side) should solve the explicit questions here, but the underlying thing is that we really know almost nothing about non-well-ordered cardinalities in (nice) models of determinacy.
8.8.2024 01:01This is a very interesting topic, I wish I had more time to work on it.https://mathoverflow.net/q/476239/6085Richard Ketchersid and I proved...Nooo...
This is (was?) one of my favorite bookstores.
30.7.2024 16:42Nooo...https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/sanfrancisco/news/fire-damages-bookstore-in-rockridge-neighborhood-early-tuesday/This...From https://mathoverflow.net/questions/42512/awfully-sophisticated-proof-for-simple-facts
30.7.2024 03:59From https://mathoverflow.net/questions/42512/awfully-sophisticated-proof-for-simple-factsMan...
(from Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, Volume 176, Issue 1, January 2025, 103497, "μ-clubs of Pκ(λ): Paradise in heaven" by Pierre Matet. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apal.2024.103497)
29.7.2024 18:09Man...(from Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, Volume 176, Issue 1, January 2025, 103497, "μ-clubs of Pκ(λ): Paradise in heaven"...Model Theory, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2024
"Around the algebraicity problem in odd type" by Gregory Cherlin
(footnote 4, p. 507)
Fig. 1
17.7.2024 16:52Fig. 1Madness.
The image below is from p. 126 of "Die altenglische Heldendichtung. I. Beowulf" by Richard C. Boer (1912).
Boer was a follower of what was called Liedertheorie, the idea that some ancient poems were really patchworks, several older shorter poems or songs stitched together, usually poorly and in a way that a clever researcher could see, even line by line, which of the different authors was responsible for which part.
Boer takes this to extremes and concludes that Beowulf is the work of at least eleven different authors, as the helpful diagram below indicates.
This is followed by five pages where he lists which lines are due to which poet (Beowulf has 3182 lines).
11.7.2024 02:28Madness.The image below is from p. 126 of "Die altenglische Heldendichtung. I. Beowulf" by Richard C. Boer (1912).Boer was a...@galactus Me cuentan por ahí que hoy es su cumpleaños.
Muchas felicitaciones! 🍻 🎂
Ojalá lo haya pasado muy bien.
28.6.2024 23:56@galactus Me cuentan por ahí que hoy es su cumpleaños. Muchas felicitaciones! 🍻 🎂 Ojalá lo haya pasado muy bien.Success!
22.6.2024 17:09Success!