2 years have passed and there the Biomass satellite launch is still pending (probably because Vega-C was grounded for quite some time?). Now scheduled for sometime 2025 https://www.esa.int/Applications/Observing_the_Earth/FutureEO/Biomass
Taxing great wealth to finance the ecological and social transition:
26.6.2024 18:09Taxing great wealth to finance the ecological and social transition:https://eci.ec.europa.eu/038/public/#/screen/homeTaxing great wealth to finance the ecological and social transition:
11.10.2023 21:43Taxing great wealth to finance the ecological and social transition:https://citizens-initiative.europa.eu/initiatives/details/2023/000006_enBack in April CDSE has announced that the STAC API is online:
The (somewhat rudimentary) documentation says it has still some limitations but basic search with PySTAC should work:
Not sure if this indeed the case at the moment:
Am I missing something?
#earthobservation #remotesensing #cdse #stac
7.5.2023 11:36Back in April CDSE has announced that the STAC API is online:https://dataspace.copernicus.eu/news/2023-4-20-discover-our-new-servicesThe...Brilliant that "Der Postillion" (German version of The Onion) has added a new category "Pictures of the Day" with AI generate images:
Some politically charged, some just nicely nonsensical...
11.4.2023 20:34Brilliant that "Der Postillion" (German version of The Onion) has added a new category "Pictures of the Day" with AI...Arg, there goes my Saturday afternoon https://hyperjumps.quantamagazine.org/
Anyone manages to get all 10 sequences right?
11.3.2023 20:04Arg, there goes my Saturday afternoon https://hyperjumps.quantamagazine.org/Anyone manages to get all 10 sequences right?I should add that I’m completely biased since I lead the team producing the Raster Product. But if you ask me, I really believe that it sets a new standard and is far superior to comparable products such as global maps from ESRI and Google. We are now working on the 2021 edition and certainly need to catch up in terms of timeliness … but good things take time even in the age of apparently unlimited compute and data!
13.2.2023 20:14I should add that I’m completely biased since I lead the team producing the Raster Product. But if you ask me, I really believe that it...Yeaaah! CLC+ Backbone 2018 got finally announced on the Copernicus Land website; the Raster Product is ready for viewing and download:
- 2 years of Sentinel-2 time series (2018+- 6m), 10m resolution, 11 classes, deep learning + regional and expert-in-the-loop calibration
- the project internal validation (plausibility analysis) suggests > 90% OA!
You don’t believe in internal validations? … go and see for yourself! #RemoteSensing #EOchat #Geospatial #EarthObservation
Might make you question the nature of your reality...;-)
A friend sent me this link to this 2-year old Veritasium episode and- now I cannot unsee nor stop thinking about it:
10.2.2023 20:23Might make you question the nature of your reality...;-)A friend sent me this link to this 2-year old Veritasium episode and- now I cannot...Yeaaah, the new Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem is online (since 23 January?) and open for registration: https://dataspace.copernicus.eu
Registration seems to work smoothly and download of Sentinel-2 L2A as early as of 2016 only takes a few seconds (i.e. no cold archive)... the roadmap also is full of goodies like STAC, processing API, full Sentinel archive, still this year!
#EarthObservation #RemoteSensing #Geospatial #EOchat
30.1.2023 22:19Yeaaah, the new Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem is online (since 23 January?) and open for registration:...These country ball maps never get old 😃 : https://www.youtube.com/@TheCarloza
27.12.2022 12:02These country ball maps never get old 😃 : https://www.youtube.com/@TheCarlozaBreaking news from the world of Physics - simulations of wormholes on quantum computers tend to collapse to incredibly small quantum ducks once they attracted a critical mass of media attention 😉
The Orion spacecraft, after an assist by moon's gravity, is now on it's trajectory back to earth: https://www.nasa.gov/specials/trackartemis/
Surprisingly the communication with the spacecraft seems to consume quite a bit of bandwidth of the Deep Space Network which apparently creates bottlenecks for getting data from the JWST telescope:
If you'd like to help people who are facing heavily censored internet access to bypass censorships this might be of interest for you:
4.12.2022 11:50If you'd like to help people who are facing heavily censored internet access to bypass censorships this might be of interest for...Pinch me! ESA is finally starting the reprocessing campaign of the full Sentinel-2 archive 🥳 : https://sentinels.copernicus.eu/web/sentinel/-/sentinel-2-processing-baseline-05-deployment-on-06-december-1
This will mean better co-registration, atmospheric correction and cloud masks consistently across the entire time-series. Twist... they say when they start (6/12) but not yet when they will finish 🤔
#EarthObservation #Geospatial #RemoteSensing #EOchat
Interesting newsletter on the application of deep learning for the analysis of satellite and aerial imagery:
In particular this workshop on the use of Julia for #Geospatial analysis catched my eye: https://aircentre.github.io/JuliaEO/
29.11.2022 19:15Interesting newsletter on the application of deep learning for the analysis of satellite and aerial...My favorite live map for the next days: https://www.nasa.gov/specials/trackartemis/
16.11.2022 20:29My favorite live map for the next days: https://www.nasa.gov/specials/trackartemis/#artemisChez Krömer - Season 7
For me still the most original and most underrated piece of comedy (interrogation show?) that German television has generated so far: https://www.ardmediathek.de/sendung/chez-kroemer/staffel-7/Y3JpZDovL3JiYi1vbmxpbmUuZGUvY2hlei1rcm9lbWVy/7
Still don't get why some conservative and/or dubious characters still agree to join the show just to get completely taken apart.. hilarious 😂 ...
10.11.2022 21:13Chez Krömer - Season 7For me still the most original and most underrated piece of comedy (interrogation show?) that German television has...Mmh seems like my instance just switched at some point from glitch edition to Mastodon main branch so the feature is just not there anymore... too bad, found it really useful...
10.11.2022 20:19Mmh seems like my instance just switched at some point from glitch edition to Mastodon main branch so the feature is just not there...- Scandinavia is still recovering from the "depressing" 2km layer of ice that vanished at the end of the last ice age and keeps raising at rates between of 3-10mm/ year: https://egms.land.copernicus.eu/#llh=16.71829868,63.42785080,1207578.35819109&look=-0.12868020,-0.89437178,-0.42841630&right=0.98943957,-0.08672733,-0.11613659&up=-0.06671389,0.43883651,-0.89608692&layers=VHR%20Image%20Mosaic%202012_VHR%20Image%20Mosaic%202012-Image-parent,L3-U-release-oct22
These examples were already known and well studied before but having such precise and systematic measurements now available for everyone is still quite a leap.
#Geospatial #EarthObservation #RemoteSensing
10.11.2022 19:52- Scandinavia is still recovering from the "depressing" 2km layer of ice that vanished at the end of the last ice age and keeps...