Poppy gets tucked into bed every night.
15.6.2024 02:10Poppy gets tucked into bed every night.Here's a thing about #leadership at some places I've worked. https://www.momentum-cg.com/2024/04/08/kindness-pays/
8.4.2024 16:55Here's a thing about #leadership at some places I've worked. https://www.momentum-cg.com/2024/04/08/kindness-pays/Formally known as Robertka.
25.2.2024 23:42Formally known as Robertka.The long, accelerating death of the business of #journalism -- ads, page views, pay walls, subscriptions and donors haven't kept thousands of journalists employed. Now along comes AI, the latest thing to take a bit out of disappearing revenue. https://www.newyorker.com/news/the-weekend-essay/is-the-media-prepared-for-an-extinction-level-event
10.2.2024 14:05The long, accelerating death of the business of #journalism -- ads, page views, pay walls, subscriptions and donors haven't kept...Why you think your #phone is listening to you, even when it's not. (And why your phone has no need to listen to you to rat you out.) https://theconversation.com/data-brokers-know-everything-about-you-what-ftc-case-against-ad-tech-giant-kochava-reveals-218232 #privacy #databrokers
16.1.2024 15:21Why you think your #phone is listening to you, even when it's not. (And why your phone has no need to listen to you to rat you out.)...Ended 2023 by returning to the US and A from #Australia — always an exercise in regret. Here: Decrepit roads, 40-year-old trains in regular service, nowhere to pee. There: new highway built under suburbs to avoid wrecking them, “old” trains only 1 decade old, free & clean public toilets everywhere. And the most beautiful places are public and free. (Not to mention people there are civil and considerate. But that’s another story.)
1.1.2024 16:18Ended 2023 by returning to the US and A from #Australia — always an exercise in regret. Here: Decrepit roads, 40-year-old trains in...When a #Tesla gets recalled, does it just drive back to the dealership or factory on its own?
14.12.2023 14:36When a #Tesla gets recalled, does it just drive back to the dealership or factory on its own?Excited delirium (aka being scared to death) is a baloney diagnosis made up by forensic pathologists more interested in protecting #police from scrutiny than in uncovering the truth. https://nysfocus.com/2023/12/12/new-york-police-nypd-excited-delirium?oref=csny_firstreadtonight_nl
13.12.2023 15:32Excited delirium (aka being scared to death) is a baloney diagnosis made up by forensic pathologists more interested in protecting #police...Strong Mets Generation K vibes here. #GOP
6.12.2023 19:17Strong Mets Generation K vibes here. #GOPThis sad and pathetic history resonates now. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/12/11/what-happened-when-the-us-failed-to-prosecute-an-ex-president
4.12.2023 12:57This sad and pathetic history resonates now....Lives lost again and again because of #sexism -- a telling book excerpt about the #CIA. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/11/cia-women-counterterrorism-9-11-al-qaeda-warnings/676041/?utm_source=feed
18.11.2023 15:14Lives lost again and again because of #sexism -- a telling book excerpt about the #CIA....As I watch my robot vacuum clean the same corner repeatedly while ignoring two entire rooms, I feel safe from #AI.
18.11.2023 14:59As I watch my robot vacuum clean the same corner repeatedly while ignoring two entire rooms, I feel safe from #AI.So interesting that bottles for nighttime cold #medicine are shaped similarly to a hip #flask. Seems not accidental.
18.11.2023 02:50So interesting that bottles for nighttime cold #medicine are shaped similarly to a hip #flask. Seems not accidental.The unreliability of political polling, the shallowness of political reporting, the fraudulence of political punditry. https://wapo.st/3QU6Ck2
12.11.2023 15:08The unreliability of political polling, the shallowness of political reporting, the fraudulence of political punditry....Take #fascists seriously. Believe them. https://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/trumps-bloody-campaign-promises
4.10.2023 18:57Take #fascists seriously. Believe them. https://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/trumps-bloody-campaign-promisesTrainbow. #lirr
18.9.2023 22:44Trainbow. #lirrIt seems like four indictments are a lot for #Trump, but he's still well short of his six bankruptcies.
18.8.2023 11:18It seems like four indictments are a lot for #Trump, but he's still well short of his six bankruptcies.Been a while since any #images have been visible here.
12.8.2023 19:54Been a while since any #images have been visible here.Here's a thoughtful and intriguing proposal for how the Next Big Thing on #social media could work well. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/07/twitter-threads-new-suggested-rules/674709/?utm_source=feed
18.7.2023 16:06Here's a thoughtful and intriguing proposal for how the Next Big Thing on #social media could work well....https://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/cars/features/why-are-modern-vehicles-so-much-bigger-44501947 Why #American #cars are so huge.
17.7.2023 23:35https://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/cars/features/why-are-modern-vehicles-so-much-bigger-44501947 Why #American #cars are so huge.