Check out our new review about sensory coding in the fly mushroom body, with Moshe Parnas and Julia Manoim!
12.6.2024 10:06Check out our new review about sensory coding in the fly mushroom body, with Moshe Parnas and Julia Manoim!...Postdoc position available in my lab! We study sensory coding and memory in the Drosophila mushroom body. More about us at Deadline 25 March. Please spread the word!
15.3.2024 15:13Postdoc position available in my lab! We study sensory coding and memory in the Drosophila mushroom body. More about us at...4-year funded PhD studentship available in our lab! re: compartmentalised synaptic plasticity in the mushroom body. Please spread the word, and email me for informal enquiries
We're looking to hire postdocs and an RA! We study how sensory coding and neuronal plasticity rules might be optimised for memory. Postdoc ad: (closes 4 Apr). RA ad: (closes 31 Mar). Please spread the word!
15.3.2023 16:38We're looking to hire postdocs and an RA! We study how sensory coding and neuronal plasticity rules might be optimised for memory....