Same picture.
If you read any NewsCorp paper you tacitly support this, as well as how they rehabilitated the reputations of Mark Latham, Pauline Hanson, who spouted the same false flag rhetoric that the shooters were putting online.
13.12.2022 22:27Same picture. If you read any NewsCorp paper you tacitly support this, as well as how they rehabilitated the reputations of Mark Latham,...Content warning:Dark Brandon has turned scab
Can you imagine the leader of a country, especially one whose party is closer aligned with the labo(u)r movement essentially acting as a strikebreaker?
Hold on, I’m being handed a note…the head of the ACTU did what! And then again when he became prime minister?
29.11.2022 12:17Content warning:Dark Brandon has turned scabCan you imagine the leader of a country, especially one whose party is closer aligned with the...Just finished #1899Netflix
Get on it. And watch DаяК if you haven’t yet done so. One of my favourite shows this century.
Content warning:Stochastic Terrorism - The Pattern
A good explainer on the process by which primarily conservative commentators use incredibly inflammatory language, then feign surprise and victimhood when someone takes their language to its logical conclusion
27.11.2022 12:09Content warning:Stochastic Terrorism - The PatternA good explainer on the process by which primarily conservative commentators use...Content warning:Kris Wu verdict
本来想他是个rapper没想到他竟是个raper! freestyle,现在只有style没有free
25.11.2022 11:54Content warning:Kris Wu verdict本来想他是个rapper没想到他竟是个raper! freestyle,现在只有style没有freeRelatively new so don’t want to overstep my bounds, but shouldn’t Bad Show discourse be behind a CW? If anything should be, surely it’s the vapid non-answers of Q and A, that do nothing other than erode IQ of viewers, then spread that carcinogen further on social media.
24.11.2022 13:33Relatively new so don’t want to overstep my bounds, but shouldn’t Bad Show discourse be behind a CW? If anything should be, surely...Content warning:Vic Votes, hypocrisy
Aren’t you the ones who want to drill near the 12 apostles?
22.11.2022 21:31Content warning:Vic Votes, hypocrisyAren’t you the ones who want to drill near the 12 apostles?Netflix 1899 - No Spoilers
Is anyone else watching? Just watched first ep. I like the multilingual casting.
Content warning:Local politics, Geelong
So the councillor who was elected on a sustainability platform beating out the grn candidate keeps posting (((new world order))) stuff from her IG account (unreported as yet) and attended antivax marches (which was reported). This socmed inspired shift keeps happening.
20.11.2022 03:33Content warning:Local politics, GeelongSo the councillor who was elected on a sustainability platform beating out the grn candidate keeps...Whaddya mean there’s no more Old Spice in Australia? What am I supposed to use now? Brut!? LYNX!? What am I, a pubescent teenager?
20.11.2022 02:17Whaddya mean there’s no more Old Spice in Australia? What am I supposed to use now? Brut!? LYNX!? What am I, a pubescent teenager?Content warning:#VicVotes2022
Make sure to vote beneath the line, and advise your apolitical normie friends in particular to do the same.
18.11.2022 11:09Content warning:#VicVotes2022Make sure to vote beneath the line, and advise your apolitical normie friends in particular to do the same.Hi #langtoot #langtwt
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Also doing Attic Greek/Latin
My language/professional Twitter is
Content warning:USpol Trump Murdoch
Ken Watanabe Let them Fight dot gif
12.11.2022 10:32Content warning:USpol Trump MurdochKen Watanabe Let them Fight dot gifContent warning:Beer
Naughty or nice?
12.11.2022 09:38Content warning:BeerNaughty or nice?Let’s see…Eli Lilly? Nice.
Lockheed Martin? Nice.
Nintendo Corporation? I’ll take it
Content warning:Yi Long Ma
Yi Long Ma loves you
12.11.2022 02:08Content warning:Yi Long MaYi Long Ma loves you related banter
11.11.2022 09:54Clyde related banterCatching the #GeelongKorea opening game on YouTube. I like how their jerseys have the KBL team the players are affiliated with. Link to the feed
11.11.2022 08:19Catching the #GeelongKorea opening game on YouTube. I like how their jerseys have the KBL team the players are affiliated with. Link to the...