Any Groupon available for the Hermit workshop?
22.12.2022 07:29Any Groupon available for the Hermit workshop?Is there a server/client combo that 1:1 mirrors Twitters UX and timeline filtering?
Compared to the Twitter UX Mastodon web interface is trash and filtering is a joke:
- Half of my timeline is one person who posts a shitload all at once
- The permanent sidebar kills like 1/5 of the usable screen
- Notifications are **always** messed up
- AI news and conversation still 1000x better on Twitter which is why I’m there
I’d rather be here but it’s functionally worse in almost every way
19.12.2022 12:57Is there a server/client combo that 1:1 mirrors Twitters UX and timeline filtering?Compared to the Twitter UX Mastodon web interface is...You can’t prove that these aren’t the same song
30.11.2022 14:35You can’t prove that these aren’t the same songHonestly the Discord mobile web interface is seriously keeping me off it and no I’m not downloading an app
Can I write my own UI somehow without having to stand up my own instance?
29.11.2022 05:52Honestly the Discord mobile web interface is seriously keeping me off it and no I’m not downloading an appCan I write my own UI somehow...@stablehorde_generator draw for me a chain gang of human inmates walking in a line being whipped by humanoid robots dressed like police
29.11.2022 05:25@stablehorde_generator draw for me a chain gang of human inmates walking in a line being whipped by humanoid robots dressed like policeThe whole tech industry is having an existential crisis and I’m here for it
Always open DM, email, text, whatever if you want to get deep on life and are serious about doing work on yourself
29.11.2022 05:18The whole tech industry is having an existential crisis and I’m here for itAlways open DM, email, text, whatever if you want to get deep...Wow I had a 1/2 C of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream after months of very little refined sugar and it totally made me crash
I’ll continue to avoid sugar as much as possible
23.11.2022 04:19Wow I had a 1/2 C of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream after months of very little refined sugar and it totally made me crashI’ll continue to...This is some really great work from @nvidia
Marching toward fully solved vision one step at a time
22.11.2022 14:31This is some really great work from @nvidia Marching toward fully solved vision one step at a time was thinking about that recent sauna study that indicated people who did 40 minutes of >175degree sauna daily had some crazy reduction in all cause mortality
I go to the sauna fairly regularly and I can tell you that 40 minutes is a huge amount of your life to spend in the sauna, and who can afford to do that?
People with a lot of free time and no worries about finances. That seems like a pretty glaringly big factor to rule out
22.11.2022 05:37I was thinking about that recent sauna study that indicated people who did 40 minutes of >175degree sauna daily had some crazy reduction...@stablehorde_generator draw for me a stylized seagull with binoculars around it's neck
21.11.2022 14:18@stablehorde_generator draw for me a stylized seagull with binoculars around it's neckProposing a new SOTA general intelligence benchmark:
Can your agent:
- Hoist a jack
- Learn to lay a track
- Learn to pick
- and shovel too
- Take that hammer, and do anything you tell it to
Instance be slow af today, just me or everyone?
21.11.2022 13:39Instance be slow af today, just me or everyone?France just banned O365 & GSuite in French schools
"The ministry thus asked to stop any deployment or extension of this solution (MSFT O365) as well as that of Google, which would be contrary to the GDPR"
Also, I used google translate to translate it
20.11.2022 13:35France just banned O365 & GSuite in French schools"The ministry thus asked to stop any deployment or extension of this solution...Who wants to do a reboot of this?
Feels like great timing tbh
19.11.2022 17:38Who wants to do a reboot of this?Feels like great timing tbhSome of y’all clearly have never been part of a new internet thing
New social spaces are always quirky at first. Weirdos and freaks like me have fun for a while, but over time the quirky stuff fades and the system normalizes
At some point soon, early zealots will get pissed off and leave (“this place sucks now”), while a new set of groups and norms form
Happens everywhere. The fediverse is diverse and decentralized so I think it can absorb everyone but it’s not going to look the same
18.11.2022 13:34Some of y’all clearly have never been part of a new internet thingNew social spaces are always quirky at first. Weirdos and freaks like me...I'm just turning into a Mutualist Labor Organizer
Feels right
16.11.2022 14:22I'm just turning into a Mutualist Labor OrganizerFeels rightReally cool generative flythroughs
Super trippy and fun
This has to be the most unintentionally funny ad ever - comparing their shitcoin to all the greatest inventions ever
Adding to the hilarity is that David never invested in FTX and just took their money for the ad 😂😂
14.11.2022 13:49This has to be the most unintentionally funny ad ever - comparing their shitcoin to all the greatest inventions everAdding to the hilarity...Future Trillionaire here folks
Great conversation too
14.11.2022 13:38Future Trillionaire here folksGreat conversation tooMy girlfriend thought it was
Hans Olo
13.11.2022 23:22My girlfriend thought it wasHans Olo