Why is boolean logic so hard? I've rewritten this statement multiple times, as you can see from the debugging lines
expired = storedData && storedTime && expiryTime < currentTime
// console.log(`getCache ${cache_name}: ${storedTime}, ${expiryTime}, expired: ${expired}`)
if (!expired) {
// If the stored data and time exist and the data is less than 15 minutes old, return the stored data
return JSON.parse(storedData);
The field of poppy flowers at Hampton Court Palace is spectacular.
The best time to visit is in the morning, when the flowers are fully open.
This brightened up my morning.
I wanted to have access to the default R number generator (Mersenne Twister) and specifically normally distributed random numbers in Rust.
With helpful pointers by @josi and @rstub I spent a weekend linking to the minimal amount of C code from the R source to get `runif()` and `rnorm()` to replicate between R and Rust.
#rust #R #rstats
I'm hosting a workshop at Posit::conf(2024) with Garrett Grolemund. Join us for an "Intro to Shiny for Python" in Seattle on Aug 12.
This course is for you if you are:
- A #Python programmer interested in quickly building efficient web applications
- An educator interested in integration #shiny apps into your python course
- An R programmer interested in building Shiny apps in Python
@Posit #PositConf2024 #PyShiny
12.6.2024 08:51I'm hosting a workshop at Posit::conf(2024) with Garrett Grolemund. Join us for an "Intro to Shiny for Python" in Seattle on...This water lily is flowering in my wildlife pond, happy to grow among the duck weed and algae.
It reminds me to be hopeful and grateful, despite the overwhelming sense of darkness in the world.
Is it possible to use the Rust foreign function interface (FFI) to call R functions?
I want to access the R random number generator to reproduce some earlier work, but implemented in Rust.
cc @josia @yutannihilation
I was looking for an image of the Seattle skyline to use in my material for #PositConf2024 and came across this beautiful image.
Photo by Michael Heuser
4.6.2024 09:24I was looking for an image of the Seattle skyline to use in my material for #PositConf2024 and came across this beautiful image.Photo by...I made the `gongtimer` quarto extension to help me present lightning talks.
It adds a thin progress bar and elapsed time bar at the bottom of your `reveal.js` slides.
Live preview at https://andrie.quarto.pub/gongtimer
12.3.2024 10:13I made the `gongtimer` quarto extension to help me present lightning talks.It adds a thin progress bar and elapsed time bar at the bottom of...I am delighted that I've finally fixed a bug that was reported on {ggdendro} in 2018.
Version 0.2.0 is substantially faster and no longer suffers from a node stack overflow.
#rstats #ggplot2
If you ever wanted to insert weather-related icons into a #quarto project, I've made an extension for this.
11.2.2024 12:18If you ever wanted to insert weather-related icons into a #quarto project, I've made an extension for...This blog post by @ivelasq3 contains summary of all the goodness that emerged from @Posit and the community during 2023: https://posit.co/blog/2023-posit-year-in-review/
19.1.2024 06:43This blog post by @ivelasq3 contains summary of all the goodness that emerged from @Posit and the community during 2023:...This is the best technical explanation that I've seen for what happened in the UK post office.
Developers Blamed For The Post Office Scandal?
I'm a big fan of using Komoot to plan hiking trips in areas I'm unfamiliar with. This is a short but scenic walk to the Durdle Door rock in Dorset. The English seaside experience at its finest.
If you're remotely interested in bird song, music and functional programming, watch this StrangeLoop video by @cford https://youtu.be/OCYU0LtqRH0?si=wspWuKJChs86X4iE
19.10.2023 08:10If you're remotely interested in bird song, music and functional programming, watch this StrangeLoop video by @cford...I finally fixed a bug in {ggdendro} that was first reported 6 years ago. To celebrate, {ggdendro} now has a hex logo for the first time, despite having been on CRAN since early 2013.
I've released an updated version of the {config} #rstats package to CRAN.
config 0.3.2 has several new features, especially better handling of R expressions in the config.yml. In particular, you can now refer to other configuration values in the R expression.
The package also has a new function `with_config()` that might be useful for testing and in vignettes.
31.8.2023 08:25I've released an updated version of the {config} #rstats package to CRAN.config 0.3.2 has several new features, especially better...If you like creating interactive web apps using shiny for #rstats, please send your #python friends to the TalkPython podcast, where Joe Cheng discusses Shiny for Python. #PyShiny. Via @Gshotwell
28.7.2023 10:36If you like creating interactive web apps using shiny for #rstats, please send your #python friends to the TalkPython podcast, where Joe...CRAN has published a policy for using #rustlang code in an #rstats package. https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/using_rust.html
26.7.2023 10:27CRAN has published a policy for using #rustlang code in an #rstats package. https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/using_rust.htmlI've just booked my flights for Posit conf (formerly RStudio conf) in Chicago. It's my first visit to the city since 1998.
Come join me. I'll be assisting in the workshops for Shiny for Python as well as DevOps for data scientists.
Computing `hilbert(8)` is fast, and it takes {ggplot} only a few seconds to complete the plot with 132K lines.