Trump is not to be trusted in any case ... he is 100% Remote controlled by Putin.
19.3.2025 18:58Trump is not to be trusted in any case ... he is 100% Remote controlled by Putin.War in Gaza
#Netanjahu is a big xxxxx 🤮🖕🏻
18.3.2025 16:12War in Gaza#Netanjahu is a big xxxxx 🤮🖕🏻bad language wrong pronounciation
who doesn't know the disney castle in southern germany ... what was it called? Neuschwanzstein? 🤣🙈 #bavaria #germany #poi
16.3.2025 14:51bad language wrong pronounciationwho doesn't know the disney castle in southern germany ... what was it called? Neuschwanzstein?...Trumpelstielzchen
Mr. #trump you wanna take the #tesler for a trip? Luigi is #putin your luggage in the #frunk fo ya.
14.3.2025 22:21TrumpelstielzchenMr. #trump you wanna take the #tesler for a trip? Luigi is #putin your luggage in the #frunk fo ya.US child soldiers old enough to fight in foreign countries but not for drinking or voting (in the US) the men who sent him to vietnam
14.3.2025 20:17US child soldiers old enough to fight in foreign countries but not for drinking or voting (in the US)...Imagine someone fighting his almost whole life for the american people and his constituency like #berniesanders, just to see that orange #bawbag and his #DOGE CEO coming along and trampling on that life work. No wonder why old Bernie doesn't look amused when he's holding a speech. 😢
14.3.2025 18:04Imagine someone fighting his almost whole life for the american people and his constituency like #berniesanders, just to see that orange...Die #USA wollen jetzt von den Dänen Hilfe bei ihrem #Eier -problem. #Türkei hat sich schon für eine Liefersteigerung angeboten .... Erdogan brühtet schon die ersten Legehennen für die #US Eier aus.
100Mrd. für den Klimaschutz ... wir bauen Rüstungsgüter mit 500Mrd "Sondervermögen" (Ich sag meiner Bank das nächste Mal auch: nein ich möchte keinen Kredit, ich möchte bloß mein Sondervermögen abheben) und statten die Rüstungsgüter dann mit Rußpartikelfilter aus 🤣🤡 ... wird alles immer lächerlicher
14.3.2025 17:39100Mrd. für den Klimaschutz ... wir bauen Rüstungsgüter mit 500Mrd "Sondervermögen" (Ich sag meiner Bank das nächste Mal...orangen Mann
Ma ne Frage wie ist Impact der EU Zölle auf Boote und Motorräder 🤔🤡 so hoch, dass es Auswirkungen auf die US Wirtschaft hat und sollte uns dies dann nicht in der EU zum Nachdenken bringen? #zölle #tarifs #trump
13.3.2025 13:34orangen MannMa ne Frage wie ist Impact der EU Zölle auf Boote und Motorräder 🤔🤡 so hoch, dass es Auswirkungen auf die US Wirtschaft...That one guy selling electric cars and working for a back to fossil fuel guy 🤣🤡. Just everything is 🤯
12.3.2025 21:58That one guy selling electric cars and working for a back to fossil fuel guy 🤣🤡. Just everything is 🤯Steve Wozniak ... that guy really seems cool 👍🏼 #musk #trump #bullying
10.3.2025 22:18Steve Wozniak ... that guy really seems cool 👍🏼 #musk #trump #bullying#ICE #Detention Center CEOs having a great time now 💵💲🤑 #Trump
10.3.2025 12:28#ICE #Detention Center CEOs having a great time now 💵💲🤑 #Trump#Trump; #Musk and their buddies are the maggots in your bacon ... watch this:
8.3.2025 23:39#Trump; #Musk and their buddies are the maggots in your bacon ... watch this: lieber mehr #Frauenrechte als rechte Frauen #noAfd
8.3.2025 12:47#essen lieber mehr #Frauenrechte als rechte Frauen #noAfdpractical #engineering about the over time deminishing capacity of water #resavoirs and risks to #dams #water #wildfires
7.3.2025 21:12practical #engineering about the over time deminishing capacity of water #resavoirs and risks to #dams #water...trumpelmann #trump #roberts #supremecourt
7.3.2025 19:58trumpelmann 9/11 was an inside job ... i would definitly check if #trump had an alibi for this time.
6.3.2025 20:19If 9/11 was an inside job ... i would definitly check if #trump had an alibi for this time.#Trump administration apparently deactivated the #HIMARS targeting systems in #Ukraine ... so he is not only stopping any new help ... he is sabotaging the already given help. Hope every country takes a good look, which weapons you shouldn't buy if you don't want them to stop workin in a #combat situation. #USA 👎🏻
6.3.2025 20:18#Trump administration apparently deactivated the #HIMARS targeting systems in #Ukraine ... so he is not only stopping any new help ... he is...nsfw words
My social media feeling after freakin nazi trump adressed the union
5.3.2025 17:06nsfw wordsMy social media feeling after freakin nazi trump adressed the union
Unelected government official 🤡 #Musk
5.3.2025 16:57trumpelstielzchenUnelected government official 🤡 #Musk