@Teri_Kanefield - I believe the standard is one free meltdown per 50 posts, so you still have plenty of credit. 😆 Thanks for all your in-depth and easy to follow explanations of how the law works and doesn't work, and why we need to pay attention and act. Most of us deeply appreciate the time and effort you put into your posts.
18.11.2023 18:12@Teri_Kanefield - I believe the standard is one free meltdown per 50 posts, so you still have plenty of credit. 😆 Thanks for all your...The Fifth National Climate Assessment is out, after several years of hard work by a lot of dedicated experts. It's designed for on-line access and is available here: https://nca2023.globalchange.gov/
14.11.2023 12:21The Fifth National Climate Assessment is out, after several years of hard work by a lot of dedicated experts. It's designed for on-line...EPA's Office of Research and Development is looking for candidates for our climate science position, open through Nov 6: https://www.usajobs.gov/job/757893900
31.10.2023 11:58EPA's Office of Research and Development is looking for candidates for our climate science position, open through Nov 6:...Some excellent and insightful pieces of art - another reason to look forward to publication of NCA5 later this year.
13.6.2023 00:46Some excellent and insightful pieces of art - another reason to look forward to publication of NCA5 later this year.Final Art x Climate Award winner:
Ritika S. (Concord, NC, 8th grade)– “Redrawing The Earth”
Art x Climate Award winner:
Amelia K. (Pennington, NJ, 10th grade)– “Cautionary tale”
Art x Climate Award winner:
Taelyn B. (Boise, ID, 11th grade) – “Endangered West”
Art x Climate Award winner:
Simona Clausnitzer (Port Townsend, WA) – “In the Eye of the Storm”
Art x Climate Award winners:
Tammy West (Austin, TX) – “Keep it Together”
How about something different? OSTP has announced five Art x Climate award winners, and that 92 artists will have their works included in the Fifth National Climate Assessment: https://www.whitehouse.gov/ostp/news-updates/2023/06/09/white-house-office-of-science-and-technology-policy-announces-national-climate-assessment-art-submission-award-winners/
13.6.2023 00:38How about something different? OSTP has announced five Art x Climate award winners, and that 92 artists will have their works included in...Just have to share this outstanding review of gasoline car operation: https://geoff.greer.fm/2023/02/08/gasoline-car-review/
14.2.2023 16:29Just have to share this outstanding review of gasoline car operation: https://geoff.greer.fm/2023/02/08/gasoline-car-review/Kudos to the designers who created it (and to the managers who let this out the door). It's outstanding - the US Army Corps of Engineers Portland District Cat Calendar for 2023:
EPA researchers reflect on their accomplishments over the past year. Give it a read and see some of what we do:
Welcome to Mastodon, Allison!
If you're interested in climate change, you'll want to follow Allison, the Director of the Fifth National Climate Assessment:
Hey all, here's Gretchen!
It was a privilege to have been involved in the development of the new USGCRP Decadal Strategic Plan released today. The Plan is ambitious and extends federal global change research in multiple ways, including greater emphasis on social sciences, diversity and equity, and international engagement. It's available at
OSTP and the U.S. Global Change Research Program are hosting a discussion on global change research priorities for the next decade, outlined in the new 10-year strategic research plan.
Hear perspectives from Margaret Torn (LBNL), Katharine Hayhoe (Texas Tech), James Rattling Leaf Sr. (Colorado-Boulder), and Marcos Regis da Silva and Anna Stewart-Ibarra (Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research).
Dec. 6, 1-2:30 ET. Register at https://pitc.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_Sy7NM9d6RRi2jf0zylOwug.
EPA's Office of Research and Development is hiring GS12 and GS13 social science researchers! This includes sociologists, economists, anthropologists, geographers, public health, and other disciplines to plan, design, coordinate, execute, and analyze studies and/or projects using both quantitative and qualitative methods for scientific, behavioral, or econometric topics. The application period is open from Nov 21st to Dec 5th:
For those of you on @fediscience.org interested in energy, check out mastodon.energy. A growing number of new and familiar faces.
13.11.2022 12:39For those of you on @fediscience.org interested in energy, check out mastodon.energy. A growing number of new and familiar faces.Day 1 on Mastodon and seeing folks like @drvolts, @amywestervelt, @bobkopp, and @gwagner is making this feel like the best of the other place already.
11.11.2022 20:33Day 1 on Mastodon and seeing folks like @drvolts, @amywestervelt, @bobkopp, and @gwagner is making this feel like the best of the other...