Live on Twitch right now with @g0g0gadget talking #micropython
15.11.2022 17:26Live on Twitch right now with @g0g0gadget talking #micropythonI'll shortly (sometime today) be moving across to as I would like to be on a smaller instance, and I know a lot of the fine folks over there. My first instance migration - wish me luck...
Ah, more accessible SMS messages from Kia.
15.11.2022 15:50Ah, more accessible SMS messages from Kia.Getting set up to talk #MicroPython with @g0g0gadget in a little while... #electronics
15.11.2022 15:42Getting set up to talk #MicroPython with @g0g0gadget in a little while... #electronicsBlinky! #pimoroni #micropython #blinkenlights #PicoW
14.11.2022 22:59Blinky! #pimoroni #micropython #blinkenlights #PicoWHave you ever noticed how everything becomes infinitely more complicated, once humans get involved?
14.11.2022 22:51Have you ever noticed how everything becomes infinitely more complicated, once humans get involved?Switching off the @moaparty crossposting from the other place.
14.11.2022 21:53Switching off the @moaparty crossposting from the other place.Content warning:birdsite snark / detailed historical knowledge
You know that "source label" thing on Tweets? that was really handy to figure out which ones were posted via the API / bots. Almost as if it was useful for people on Twitter, to know what a Tweet was sent with. Not infallible as a signal, but useful.
14.11.2022 21:35Content warning:birdsite snark / detailed historical knowledgeYou know that "source label" thing on Tweets? that was really handy...@jtonline also this #owls
14.11.2022 18:29@jtonline also this #owlsHey @jtonline this is for you #kittens 🐈
14.11.2022 18:24Hey @jtonline this is for you #kittens 🐈@geekmomprojects ... on the subject of the Dublin talk from that blog post, I totally blanked on your @ handle when I gave it, and just mumbled your name or something - sorry!
14.11.2022 18:17@geekmomprojects ... on the subject of the Dublin talk from that blog post, I totally blanked on your @ handle when I gave it, and just...Quick set of updates on the latest around #MicroPython, my talk from #EuroPython back in July, and my upcoming chat with @g0g0gadget 🤗
14.11.2022 18:02Quick set of updates on the latest around #MicroPython, my talk from #EuroPython back in July, and my upcoming chat with @g0g0gadget 🤗...Content warning:job spam
14.11.2022 10:30Content warning:job spamARE YOU KIDDING ME 🤬Last week, I had a lovely unexpected surprise delivery from Pimoroni 🤩 #picow #blinkenlights #MicroPython #gadgets #hardware 🎇🦄✨
14.11.2022 10:14Last week, I had a lovely unexpected surprise delivery from Pimoroni 🤩 #picow #blinkenlights #MicroPython #gadgets #hardware 🎇🦄✨Content warning:work culture, birdsite
At the start of this year, my team had a small reorg. In our annual kickoff conversation my manager looked me in the eye and told me, very directly: "I believe in you, Andy".
It might sound corny but, it was hugely powerful. Throughout the year, he gave me his complete trust to make decisions, run my projects, and get things done. Massive confidence enabler.
Also... the complete opposite of the behaviours I'm seeing and hearing about over at the birdsite company today. 😢
14.11.2022 09:52Content warning:work culture, birdsiteAt the start of this year, my team had a small reorg. In our annual kickoff conversation my manager...So far, I have a couple of Twitch streams, a podcast guest slot, and a couple of talks on the horizon or firmly the calendar. Happy with that!
12.11.2022 15:49So far, I have a couple of Twitch streams, a podcast guest slot, and a couple of talks on the horizon or firmly the calendar. Happy with...Off to look for #vinyl at the Twickenham Record Fair.
12.11.2022 11:57Off to look for #vinyl at the Twickenham Record Fair.Awful story - I love these comics so was happy to add to the fundraiser
12.11.2022 00:18Awful story - I love these comics so was happy to add to the fundraiser...If you're getting an archive of your Twitter Data (recommended), @hbeck has a great tool to help you to also save the alt text you wrote for the images ->
11.11.2022 22:16If you're getting an archive of your Twitter Data (recommended), @hbeck has a great tool to help you to also save the alt text you wrote...Still catching up on inbounds...