tolol dikira yg punya perasaan cm lu doang apa, gua jg babi
5.6.2023 16:13tolol dikira yg punya perasaan cm lu doang apa, gua jg babii’m matured enough to understand that i have some toxic traits too.
27.5.2023 05:45i’m matured enough to understand that i have some toxic traits too.I hope I never lose what I love the most.
24.5.2023 09:06I hope I never lose what I love the most.i be like “communication is key” then suffer in silence
19.5.2023 07:47i be like “communication is key” then suffer in silencemorning moots, i hope u having a good day!
13.5.2023 23:22morning moots, i hope u having a good day!moving on isn't about not loving someone anymore and forgetting them. it's about having the strength to say i still love you, but we no longer serve each other a purpose anymore
13.5.2023 01:20moving on isn't about not loving someone anymore and forgetting them. it's about having the strength to say i still love you, but we...when sza said “this time next year, i’ll be living so good won’t remember your name i swear”
10.5.2023 16:44when sza said “this time next year, i’ll be living so good won’t remember your name i swear”Cewe cewe ilfeel gasi sm cowo yg kerjanya buruh pabrik gtu?
8.5.2023 15:06Cewe cewe ilfeel gasi sm cowo yg kerjanya buruh pabrik gtu?When you’ve achieved something good, be prepared for the haters to come out in full force. They might ridicule you, spread rumours about you or even spew harsh words. Don’t worry. Focus on what’s right & keep going. The Almighty is on your side
8.5.2023 02:16When you’ve achieved something good, be prepared for the haters to come out in full force. They might ridicule you, spread rumours about...piwikeen
8.5.2023 00:50piwikeengausah sok-sokan nonton konser bruno major kalo cuma tau lagu grenade
6.5.2023 17:28gausah sok-sokan nonton konser bruno major kalo cuma tau lagu grenadeWhy i gotta be the one to break all these generational curses
5.5.2023 12:46Why i gotta be the one to break all these generational cursesi feel like i’m waiting on something that ain’t gonna happen
5.5.2023 00:41i feel like i’m waiting on something that ain’t gonna happenworst feeling in the world is knowing you did the best you could, and it still wasn't good enough.
5.5.2023 00:38worst feeling in the world is knowing you did the best you could, and it still wasn't good enough.“You changed” thanks I started choosing myself.
3.5.2023 11:20“You changed” thanks I started choosing myself.Someone out there is rooting for you, getting updates from you, and appreciating your existence here in virtual world. Stop whining about how unfamous you are, having someone who cares about your presence is enough.
2.5.2023 08:03Someone out there is rooting for you, getting updates from you, and appreciating your existence here in virtual world. Stop whining about...Someone out there is secretly staring at your pictures and searches for your name to stalk your profile. Someone out there is laughing at your jokes and getting heartbreaks from your sad posts without you knowing.
2.5.2023 08:03Someone out there is secretly staring at your pictures and searches for your name to stalk your profile. Someone out there is laughing at...“loyal girls stay at home” nah loyal girls remain loyal everywhere they go
30.4.2023 08:02“loyal girls stay at home” nah loyal girls remain loyal everywhere they gomy love language is helping you see yourself clearly, giving you grace you don’t have to ask for, sending you affirmations, quotes from books, music that i’m currently listening to or that makes me think about u, exercise tips, food recipes, resources about self-care & wellness.
29.4.2023 10:40my love language is helping you see yourself clearly, giving you grace you don’t have to ask for, sending you affirmations, quotes from...When you have a good heart: You help too much. You trust too much. You give too much. You love too much. And it always seems you hurt the most.
26.4.2023 16:14When you have a good heart: You help too much. You trust too much. You give too much. You love too much. And it always seems you hurt the...