Sunrise this morning over the peninsula before the drizzle set in. #OnTheBay
7.3.2025 22:38Sunrise this morning over the peninsula before the drizzle set in. #OnTheBayFall is on its way. The days are getting shorter and the mornings colder. Though with a beautiful calm and sunny day in Te Whanganui-a-Tara, there's no reason to be unhappy. ☀️
6.3.2025 19:30Fall is on its way. The days are getting shorter and the mornings colder. Though with a beautiful calm and sunny day in Te Whanganui-a-Tara,...Pō mārie, The Whanganui-a-Tara #OnTheBay
2.3.2025 06:53Pō mārie, The Whanganui-a-Tara #OnTheBayA calm and sunny evening invites you onto the water #OnTheBay
28.2.2025 06:41A calm and sunny evening invites you onto the water #OnTheBayToday's docking manoeuver is taking longer than usual and there's even a tug boat. They must be on a practice run.
21.2.2025 21:10Today's docking manoeuver is taking longer than usual and there's even a tug boat. They must be on a practice run.This week, I'm at MulticoreWorld taking photos. I'm stoked to have found a spot in the Christchurch Town Hall where I can clone presenters without AI or high performance computing machines. 😂 Here's with her "twin" on stage.
20.2.2025 01:49This week, I'm at MulticoreWorld taking photos. I'm stoked to have found a spot in the Christchurch Town Hall where I can clone...Ata mārie. Flying south during the sunrise.
16.2.2025 18:16Ata mārie. Flying south during the sunrise.Busy morning at the airport.
16.2.2025 17:19Busy morning at the airport.Earlier this morning on my way to the office, the full moon pretended to be late (or early) Christmas decoration.
12.2.2025 22:20Earlier this morning on my way to the office, the full moon pretended to be late (or early) Christmas decoration.Sunset #OnTheBay
1.2.2025 07:42Sunset #OnTheBayIt's done, dried, and hanging. Discarded slats turned into a wall piece.
1.2.2025 00:26It's done, dried, and hanging. Discarded slats turned into a wall piece.If you think moths are small, think again. The opodiphthera eucalypti is huge, about 12cm in wing span.
27.1.2025 09:46If you think moths are small, think again. The opodiphthera eucalypti is huge, about 12cm in wing span.It's an awesome day for doing some painting outside. I'm half done with the largest timber soundwave wall piece yet now that we finally have some summer weather.
18.1.2025 00:31It's an awesome day for doing some painting outside. I'm half done with the largest timber soundwave wall piece yet now that we...You can't beat Wellington on a beautiful sunset day. #OnTheBay
17.1.2025 20:59You can't beat Wellington on a beautiful sunset day. #OnTheBayFinally, there are some photos on the wall where there used to be a big empty spot. One photo is easy to place, two are moderately easy, the fourth is probably less likely to pin point, and the fifth is virtually impossible unless you've gone through my Flickr.
17.1.2025 07:40Finally, there are some photos on the wall where there used to be a big empty spot. One photo is easy to place, two are moderately easy, the...Oops. This plane just now looked like it had a bit to much to drink on how wobbly it approached the tarmac. #WindyWellington
4.1.2025 02:58Oops. This plane just now looked like it had a bit to much to drink on how wobbly it approached the tarmac. #WindyWellingtonAI fun and games that show that it's only 'mathy math' (a term @alex coined): my transcription tool finally learned to pronounce my name with a K, but now everybody else who has my name is also spelt with a K even though for the most part, theirs is spelt with a Ch. 🥹
2.1.2025 01:07AI fun and games that show that it's only 'mathy math' (a term @alex coined): my transcription tool finally learned to pronounce...Look, two benches #OnTheBay 🤩 Happy new bench year!
1.1.2025 23:01Look, two benches #OnTheBay 🤩 Happy new bench year!Finally, my 2024 pics are online.
1.1.2025 01:00Finally, my 2024 pics are online.'s always fun to see what's been added to the fairies forest #OnTheBay
27.12.2024 19:28It's always fun to see what's been added to the fairies forest #OnTheBay