Stoked to find out that a 🗺️ map of mine will be part of the awesomeness that is the #Geohipster 2025 calendar amongst other very hip maps. You can get yours here I'm October! Excited doesn't even...
21.11.2024 10:45Stoked to find out that a 🗺️ map of mine will be part of the awesomeness that is the #Geohipster 2025 calendar amongst other very hip...So we all have a map, a set of coordinates that we carry inside and makes us who we are... Now @stevenfeldman and I would like to invite you to share yours here to make them into an episode of the wonderful @geomob podcast (if we get enough of them 🙂 ) Let's tell and draw and plot stories using our own personal maps!
22.3.2024 10:49So we all have a map, a set of coordinates that we carry inside and makes us who we are... Now @stevenfeldman and I would like to invite you...... and so it is that I say goodbye to the wonderful adventure that was working at the BBC with a story about a map that dared to dream about a connected world 🗺️. Even more fittingly, I wrote it in Spanish for BBC Mundo, my first and from then ever-constant port of call
I part with a full and grateful heart for the colleagues, friends and family that I made on the way. On I go now to new shores at The Guardian's Visual Projects team - excited to see what awaits.
17.3.2024 19:43... and so it is that I say goodbye to the wonderful adventure that was working at the BBC with a story about a map that dared to dream...Some months ago I posted a 🗺️ story I wrote about how we all carry a map inside. Little did I know this would get me my own personalised #SplashMap and that I would get invited to a podcast about maps! Maps! Thank you @geomob, thank you #mapstodon for hosting such a friendly community.
This is the podcast episode @stevenfeldman really made me think about why I did what I did... And if you want to tell me about your own inner map, please tell me all about it here 🙂
Incredibly, super, utterly excited and humbled to be one of the speakers at this week's London edition of @geomob I'll be talking about - do drop by if you can and thanks so much Geomob crew for inviting me!
So... I've been working for a year on this story about how geography makes us who we are, and it's about time it sees the light of day. I can't think of a better place to start than this wonderful 🗺️ space. You can read it here (in English and Spanish 🙂) or follow the 🧵 here. Hope you enjoy it and if you feel like, share your own stories about how geography has drawn your inner cartography.
31.10.2023 22:49So... I've been working for a year on this story about how geography makes us who we are, and it's about time it sees the light of...So I know this is not exactly the place for shameless self-promotion, and not exactly cartographic BUT I am quite proud of this explainer about how AI generates images from text. It is in Spanish and Portuguese *both subtitled in English
31.1.2023 16:03So I know this is not exactly the place for shameless self-promotion, and not exactly cartographic BUT I am quite proud of this explainer...A whole world and many, in one map 😍
16.11.2022 21:21A whole world and many, in one map 😍