The government is lying to us. It CAN afford to increase pay for public sector workers. Instead the Conservatives prefer class war. By Jeremy Smith of
7.2.2023 14:25The government is lying to us. It CAN afford to increase pay for public sector workers. Instead the Conservatives prefer class war. By...My latest post on System Change...
24.1.2023 13:30My latest post on System Change......By me... enjoy.
18.1.2023 10:25By me... enjoy. at PRIME have been guided by Prof. Chick's knowledge of monetary theory and of Keynes, and like her "We reject outright the method of drawing macroeconomic conclusions from microeconomic reasoning."
16.1.2023 15:28We at PRIME have been guided by Prof. Chick's knowledge of monetary theory and of Keynes, and like her "We reject outright the...Very sad to hear of the passing of the remarkable Prof. Victoria Chick, a brilliant macroeconomic and monetary theorist - who helped restore Keynes's monetary theory to its rightful place in the economic canon. Prof. Chick helped found Policy Research in Macroeconomics (PRIME). She drafted our foundational text: to "Restore the use of macroeconomic theory to its proper place, i.e. the analysis of macroeconomic conditions."
16.1.2023 15:25Very sad to hear of the passing of the remarkable Prof. Victoria Chick, a brilliant macroeconomic and monetary theorist - who helped restore...By yours truly....
10.1.2023 16:24By yours truly.......UK needs ‘war effort’ to cut energy bills and carbon emissions, say MPs - as we - the GND group - argued back in 2008....
9.1.2023 11:25UK needs ‘war effort’ to cut energy bills and carbon emissions, say MPs - as we - the GND group - argued back in 2008......."Shareholders backing the new resolution have a collective $2.2tn under management and include LGIM, HSBC, Vision Super and the Swiss-based Ethos Foundation, representing pension funds Pensionskasse Post and Bernische Pensionskasse." Glencore shareholders demand more clarity on coal plans
9.1.2023 11:23"Shareholders backing the new resolution have a collective $2.2tn under management and include LGIM, HSBC, Vision Super and the...Boss of South African power producer Eskom survived poisoning attempt in December
8.1.2023 20:03Boss of South African power producer Eskom survived poisoning attempt in December
8.1.2023 19:51
6.1.2023 16:49Excellent.... of Green Hydrogen... in Africa.
5.1.2023 07:11Dreams of Green Hydrogen... in Africa. extends block on UK property fund redemptions Z
4.1.2023 21:25BlackRock extends block on UK property fund redemptions ZA new world energy order is taking shape
3.1.2023 19:00A new world energy order is taking shape’s market value falls below $2tn as tech rout hits iPhone maker
3.1.2023 18:58Apple’s market value falls below $2tn as tech rout hits iPhone maker Spending on Nurses Disrupt Market? By yours truly....
3.1.2023 09:57Will Spending on Nurses Disrupt Market? By yours...Great post on inflation by Claudia Sahm.. channelling Olivier Blanchard..
2.1.2023 21:18Great post on inflation by Claudia Sahm.. channelling Olivier...Biden inches towards war with Iran...
2.1.2023 19:57Biden inches towards war with Iran... and bond markets shed more than $30tn in ‘brutal’ 2022
2.1.2023 11:23Stock and bond markets shed more than $30tn in ‘brutal’ 2022⬆️