“Many public health advocates and scholars see sugar-sweetened-beverage taxes (often simply called soda taxes) as key to reducing obesity and its adverse health effects,” write behavioral economists Kristin Kiesel and Richard J. Sexton. “But a careful look at the data challenges this view.”
Read more:
🥤 In @KnowableMag: https://arevie.ws/SodaTaxes_KM
🥤 Take a deeper dive (Annual Review of Resource Economics): https://arevie.ws/SodaTaxes_RE15
#KnowableMagazine #ScienceMastodon #PublicHealth
4.3.2024 15:01“Many public health advocates and scholars see sugar-sweetened-beverage taxes (often simply called soda taxes) as key to reducing obesity...Long overlooked, menstrual stem cells could have important medical applications, including diagnosing endometriosis. Learn more: https://arevie.ws/MenstrualStem_KM via @KnowableMag
#KnowableMagazine #ScienceMastodon
29.2.2024 15:04Long overlooked, menstrual stem cells could have important medical applications, including diagnosing endometriosis. Learn more:...Bed bugs have resurfaced with a vengeance in 50 countries since the late 1990s. But recently, the resurgence has brought an added twist.
Learn more:
➡️ “Getting rid of bed bugs: Trickier than ever” (@KnowableMag) https://arevie.ws/BedBugs_KM
➡️ “Historical and Contemporary Control Options Against Bed Bugs, Cimex spp.” (Annual Review of Entomology) https://arevie.ws/BedBugs_EN68
#KnowableMagazine #ScienceMastodon
28.2.2024 15:00Bed bugs have resurfaced with a vengeance in 50 countries since the late 1990s. But recently, the resurgence has brought an added twist....As sea level rises, coastal groundwater rises too — increasing the risk of damage to underground infrastructure such as buried pipes and wires, as well as flooding basements and rutting roadways.
”The hidden threat from rising coastal groundwater“ (Knowable Magazine)
“Hidden Threat: The Influence of Sea-Level Rise on Coastal Groundwater and the Convergence of Impacts on Municipal Infrastructure” (Annual Review of Marine Science)
Peoples who live close to nature have a rich lore of plants, animals and landscapes embedded in their mother tongues — which may hold vital clues to protecting biodiversity.
Learn more:
🗣️ Indigenous languages are founts of environmental knowledge (@KnowableMag)
🗣️ Environmental Linguistics (Annual Review of Linguistics)
#KnowableMagazine #ScienceMastodon
21.2.2024 16:00Peoples who live close to nature have a rich lore of plants, animals and landscapes embedded in their mother tongues — which may hold...With the first medical therapy approved and systems like CRISPR-Cas showing up in complex cells, there’s a lot going on in the genome editing field. Here’s a primer via @KnowableMag https://knowablemagazine.org/content/article/living-world/2024/crispr-gene-editing-therapy-systems-eukaryotic-cells
#KnowableMagazine #ScienceMastodon
19.2.2024 17:00With the first medical therapy approved and systems like CRISPR-Cas showing up in complex cells, there’s a lot going on in the genome...A massive bias in medical studies toward men of European origin means that genetic variants in understudied populations don’t get the focus they deserve, writes bioinformatician and Annual Reviews co-author Manuel Corpas.
Read the #OpEd in @KnowableMag: https://arevie.ws/GWAS_KM
Take a deeper dive: “Addressing Ancestry and Sex Bias in Pharmacogenomics” (Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology) https://arevie.ws/GWAS_PA64
#KnowableMagazine #ScienceMastodon
”It is time for a serious, proactive international response to the forest health crisis. If we continue to just react to threats as they pop up, biodiversity will continue to suffer.”
Read the #OpEd by Annual Review of Phytopathology co-author Geoff Williams: https://arevie.ws/Forests_KM (@KnowableMag)
Read the #OpenAccess review: https://arevie.ws/Forests_PY61 (Annual Review of Phytopathology)
#KnowableMagazine #ScienceMastodon
16.2.2024 12:01”It is time for a serious, proactive international response to the forest health crisis. If we continue to just react to threats as they...There’s growing interest in studying coffee as an agroecosystem. Such farming methods have the potential not only to help sustain our caffeine fix, but also to provide a bounty of biological richness.
Learn more:
☕ “How shade coffee lends conservation a hand” (@KnowableMag)
☕ “Complex Ecological Interactions in the Coffee Agroecosystem” (Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics)
#KnowableMagazine #ScienceMastodon
15.2.2024 16:03There’s growing interest in studying coffee as an agroecosystem. Such farming methods have the potential not only to help sustain our...Polygenic risk scores — a patient’s chance, based on tiny DNA variants, of developing cardiovascular disease, breast cancer and more — are coming to clinics. But there are kinks to iron out and accuracy remains an issue. https://knowablemagazine.org/content/article/health-disease/2024/polygenic-risk-score-genes-heart-disease-cancer-coming-to-clinic via @KnowableMag
#KnowableMagazine #ScienceMastodon
12.2.2024 12:00Polygenic risk scores — a patient’s chance, based on tiny DNA variants, of developing cardiovascular disease, breast cancer and more —...Sports psychology research has exploded, as scientists have explored the nuances of everything from the pursuit of perfection to the harms of abusive coaching. Such research has the potential not only to enhance athletic performance, they say, but also to provide insights into psychological influences on success in other realms.
More via:
🏈 @KnowableMag: https://arevie.ws/SportsPsych_KM
🏈 Annual Review of Psychology: https://arevie.ws/SportsPsych_PS74
The Central American arc is relatively small, just 1,100 kilometers long. But it contains an important variety of different types of magmas, some of which are unique on the planet.
Read more in:
➡️ @KnowableMag https://arevie.ws/Gazel_KM
➡️ Knowable en español https://arevie.ws/Gazel_KEE
➡️ Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences https://arevie.ws/Gazel_EA49
#KnowableMagazine #ScienceMastodon
7.2.2024 13:00The Central American arc is relatively small, just 1,100 kilometers long. But it contains an important variety of different types of magmas,...Could gut bacteria connect to Parkinson’s disease?
Growing evidence suggests a link between the debilitating neurological illness and the microbes that live in our intestines. The vagus nerve may be a pathway.
Read more:
➡️ “How gut bacteria connect to Parkinson’s disease” (@KnowableMag)
➡️ “The Gut–Brain Axis” (Annual Review of Medicine)
#KnowableMagazine #ScienceMastodon
5.2.2024 16:00Could gut bacteria connect to Parkinson’s disease? Growing evidence suggests a link between the debilitating neurological illness and the...It is increasingly well understood that the countless microbes in our guts help us to digest our food. Less intuitive — perhaps even outlandish — is the idea that those microbes may also affect our mood, our mental health and how we perform on cognitive tests. But there is mounting evidence that they do.
Read more:
➡️ @KnowableMag: https://arevie.ws/Cryan_KM
➡️ Annual Review of Clinical Psychology https://arevie.ws/Cryan_CP15
#ScienceMastodon #KnowableMagazine
2.2.2024 13:01It is increasingly well understood that the countless microbes in our guts help us to digest our food. Less intuitive — perhaps even...We all want to be happy — and for decades, psychologists have tried to figure out how we might achieve that blissful state.
But psychology has undergone serious upheaval over the last decade, as researchers realized that many studies were unreliable and unrepeatable.
So — what *really* makes us happy?
What we know so far, and what remains to be reassessed, via:
🙂 @KnowableMag https://knowablemagazine.org/content/article/mind/2024/scientists-scrutinize-happiness-research?utm_source=annualreviews&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=originals
😁 Annual Review of Psychology https://arevie.ws/Happiness_PS75
The kākāpō teetered on the edge of extinction in the mid-1900s due to hunting, predators and land clearance. From the 1970s, conservation efforts focused on managing the remaining kākāpō on the country’s offshore islands, where predators are systematically eradicated. Due to those ongoing efforts, parrot numbers have grown from fewer than 60 in 1995 to more than 200 today. https://arevie.ws/Kakapo_KM via @KnowableMag #KnowableMagazine
29.1.2024 13:02The kākāpō teetered on the edge of extinction in the mid-1900s due to hunting, predators and land clearance. From the 1970s, conservation...“The results are amazing, that a piece of wood can be as strong as glass,” says materials scientist Liangbing Hu, who highlighted the features of transparent wood in the 2023 Annual Review of Materials Research.
Read more about why scientists are making transparent wood in @KnowableMag: https://arevie.ws/TransparentWood_KM and the Annual Review of Materials Research: https://arevie.ws/TransparentWood_MR53
“If you’d have asked me 20 years ago, I would have said there was quite a big gap in behavior, and Neanderthals would have lacked many of the complex behaviors we find in Homo sapiens. Now that gap has narrowed considerably.” —paleoanthropologist Chris Stringer
Learn more about what we have gleaned from what our close relatives left behind: https://arevie.ws/Neanderthal_KM via @KnowableMag
22.1.2024 15:04“If you’d have asked me 20 years ago, I would have said there was quite a big gap in behavior, and Neanderthals would have lacked many...Family resemblances are commonplace, of course — and they point to a strong underlying genetic influence on the face. But the closer scientists look into the genetics of facial features, the more complex the picture gets. https://knowablemagazine.org/content/article/living-world/2023/genes-that-shape-facial-features?utm_source=annualreviews&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=originals via @KnowableMag #Knowablemagazine
19.1.2024 18:14Family resemblances are commonplace, of course — and they point to a strong underlying genetic influence on the face. But the closer...Does it work to pay people not to cut the forest? Evidence that the approach helps to save trees, preserve ecosystems and reduce carbon emissions is often hard to come by. But it can succeed if it’s done right, says economists Sven Wunder.
Learn more in @KnowableMag: https://knowablemagazine.org/content/article/food-environment/2023/does-it-work-to-pay-people-not-to-cut-forest and the Annual Review of Resource Economics: https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/10.1146/annurev-resource-110119-025703?utm_source=annualreviews&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=originals