Now it's fixed.
2.9.2023 14:02Now it's fixed.I assume they will scatter Buffet's ashes at sea in the hopes his influence upon his followers will wain over time.
2.9.2023 13:59I assume they will scatter Buffet's ashes at sea in the hopes his influence upon his followers will wain over time.Still can't run the dryer.
27.8.2023 12:32Still can't run the dryer.Sure fucked that up.
19.8.2023 13:24Sure fucked that up.I guess the one missing item in David Allen's GTD Incompletion Trigger List under errand was buy heroin.
18.8.2023 14:49I guess the one missing item in David Allen's GTD Incompletion Trigger List under errand was buy heroin.There are so many facts in this picture:
The letter thorn depicted as a Y in Ye olde Cheshire Cheese.
The railway bridge ruined the view of St. Paul's from down Fleet Street.
British Telecom history stuff.
Hats. All kinds of hats.
17.8.2023 18:27There are so many facts in this picture: The letter thorn depicted as a Y in Ye olde Cheshire Cheese.The railway bridge ruined the view of...My scanner claims it can read my handwriting. Here's what it thinks I wrote:
See^l-e fS 7,
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People are losing their minds over ChatGPT on campus this fall but there was a time when Spell Check seemed like a cheat.
16.8.2023 13:18People are losing their minds over ChatGPT on campus this fall but there was a time when Spell Check seemed like a cheat.Judy wrote the saddest song
9.8.2023 22:27Judy wrote the saddest songCan we have this Internet back and return the one that made Trump president?
30.7.2023 13:41Can we have this Internet back and return the one that made Trump president? my hometown everyone has a boat. Not everyone should have a boat. Did I check this was not my sister's boat before I shared this photo? I did not.
27.7.2023 20:29In my hometown everyone has a boat. Not everyone should have a boat. Did I check this was not my sister's boat before I shared this...Maybe this will be my cyberpunk account. I will shoot someone in the leg over 4 megabytes of RAM.
26.7.2023 21:29Maybe this will be my cyberpunk account. I will shoot someone in the leg over 4 megabytes of RAM.This is the plane I will use to fly the team to San Francis... ittsburgh.
20.7.2023 11:58This is the plane I will use to fly the team to San Francis... ittsburgh.Only this social network gets my sexy Butch Vig photos. Also pictured: Shirley Manson.
14.7.2023 01:12Only this social network gets my sexy Butch Vig photos. Also pictured: Shirley Manson.In important train news london overground lines are getting names. now you can up the junction in clapham just like in a squeeze song and better understand where you're going.
6.7.2023 12:52In important train news london overground lines are getting names. now you can up the junction in clapham just like in a squeeze song and...Bart, a woman is like a 40 cu. ft. Automatic Defrost Commercial Upright Ice Merchandiser Freezer in White...
14.6.2023 20:52Bart, a woman is like a 40 cu. ft. Automatic Defrost Commercial Upright Ice Merchandiser Freezer in White...Chicken Tikka Masala vs Stewed Eels: the battle for the best dish in Britain
11.6.2023 15:07Chicken Tikka Masala vs Stewed Eels: the battle for the best dish in BritainSpoiler alert: it is not New York at all
8.6.2023 01:12Spoiler alert: it is not New York at allWatering down my sweet tea because my god.
6.6.2023 17:02Watering down my sweet tea because my god.