lol, server crashed 🥲
6.3.2025 19:14lol, server crashed 🥲Dang Ampache is pretty cool
6.3.2025 17:34Dang Ampache is pretty coolSetting up my dietpi
2.2.2025 17:40Setting up my dietpiPlan for 2025
1. Get my wife a new computer. Handheld or gaming pc.
2. Make the current computer more quiet (or find a suitable place for it) and create a server out of it.
3. Run docker
4. create own mastodon account and othere social media
5. Test if Librem is a viable option...
well... it is still a work inprogress
Also I need to get used to #Librem5.
A few things noticed:
1. I am not getting the hang of the keyboard yet.
2. The battery goes out really fast.
3. Spotify does not work.
4. Slower sometimes than I expected.
Posting from Librem 5. Still a funny thing. Gonna check if I can use it for a week.
26.1.2025 23:00Posting from Librem 5. Still a funny thing. Gonna check if I can use it for a week.Maybe doing some freelance work. I now know a bit about spark and how to create something with data. Though I am not confident enough if I will get it though.
Anyone have some #advice regarding freelance jobs?
Want to do different work...
15.1.2025 07:40Want to do different work...shit. went away too late
29.11.2024 20:07shit. went away too lateAnnoyed. Just annoyed with myself... pfff
21.11.2024 06:46Annoyed. Just annoyed with myself... pfffHybrid Fitness Routine
✅ Straight Leg Twists: 20 x 20 x 15
✅ Glute Bridges: 15 x 15
🔥 3 Day Streak
Hybrid Fitness Routine
✅ Wall Pullups: 60 x 60
✅ Jackknife Squats: 35 x 20
🔥 2 Day Streak
Really hope I can keep this up. It was very difficult to do the jackknife squats. More than I expected actually... Anyhow, it was a good workout!
#fitness #fitnessgoals #gethealthy
22.9.2024 22:29Hybrid Fitness Routine====================✅ Wall Pullups: 60 x 60✅ Jackknife Squats: 35 x 20====================🔥 2 Day StreakReally...Using Moshidon nowadays
1.1.2024 15:18Using Moshidon nowadaysFound a new one that is based on the mastodon app, but that issue is less annoying
1.1.2024 15:18Found a new one that is based on the mastodon app, but that issue is less annoyingOn the mastodon app it isn't easy to change account. I tried long clicking, but it seems it does not pop up the account selection menu. Very unfortunate
25.11.2023 23:04On the mastodon app it isn't easy to change account. I tried long clicking, but it seems it does not pop up the account selection menu....Just going to try something here with this picture of the back of amsterdam
21.11.2023 00:22Just going to try something here with this picture of the back of amsterdamIt does make me wonder what is the use of having an account on for example pixelfed, when I can just do something aimilar on Mastadon.
I fail to see the use case yet.
Need to check wwhat happens when I do this.
20.11.2023 23:39Need to check wwhat happens when I do this. Rain here is crazy. So much rain atm
31.7.2023 14:41Dang. Rain here is crazy. So much rain atmProbably overpaid by a long shot. Might as well get my money worth
1.7.2023 15:35Probably overpaid by a long shot. Might as well get my money worth