RT @joinmastodon
Why choose Mastodon? Because it's decentralized and open-source, it can't be sold and won't go bankrupt. It respects your privacy and gives control over the network to the people. It's a product on top of a protocol, the way Twitter should have been.
RT @joinmastodon
Decentralization does not mean blockchain, cryptocurrency or NFTs.
Prints are ready!
«Utforsking av Norges flagg» [2012-2021]
Launch: November 4th, 17:00 National Library, Oslo.
Support us and grant your copy:
Utstilling #3 Utforsking av Norges flagg
Rosenkrantztårnet, Bergen
30.april —4.november 2021
Photo: Nayara Leite
Utforsking av Norges flagg 2012-2021
Exhibition: Rosenkrantz Tower, Bergen. until 4/11
Instalation: Strandgaten,Bergen. until 30/6
Symposium: Bymuseet I Bergen. 4/5 2pm gratis
Last school workshop of our series ''Utforsking av Norges flagg''... first one was in 2014 #unf Yes, we finished at Eidsvoll 😉🇸🇯
9.2.2021 13:42Last school workshop of our series ''Utforsking av Norges flagg''... first one was in 2014 #unf Yes, we finished at Eidsvoll...Back in Oslo after three days with workshops at Bodø . Thanks Aspåsen skole 😃
11.12.2020 18:11Back in Oslo after three days with workshops at Bodø . Thanks Aspåsen skole 😃So due to new covid-19 restrictions, we will have to postpone our visit to Narvik school for next year #unf #utforskingavnorgesflagg
Its raining in Bergen, and we are planning next moves . Nothing new. #utforskingavnorgesflagg #unf
2.11.2020 15:31Its raining in Bergen, and we are planning next moves . Nothing new. #utforskingavnorgesflagg #unf26th to 29th 12:00 to 16:00 autumn-cleaning of our storage right behind Norsk Teknisk Museum! bring your ideas and take what it will be yours!
26.10.2020 08:5126th to 29th 12:00 to 16:00 autumn-cleaning of our storage right behind Norsk Teknisk Museum! bring your ideas and take what it will be...Following all safety measures regarding the pandemic we are now entering the final moves of our series "Utforsking av Norges flagg" completing the workshops throughout all regions of Norway, and coordinating diverse activities for the next year in Bergen.
This week we will be in our dear quaint Ålesund, visiting Aspøy Skole
, and staying in the beautiful Hotel Brosundet
. Thanks to both!
UNF Workshop at Fåvang Skole 😃
16.10.2020 11:44UNF Workshop at Fåvang Skole 😃Vol.VI of ''æHouse in a box'' is ready, and soon printed 😃
Feel free to download a pdf (gratis) or to read it online here:
6.10.2020 22:33Vol.VI of ''æHouse in a box'' is ready, and soon printed 😃Feel free to download a pdf (gratis) or to read it online...Time to make some buttons feom the test print of the upcoming æBod-reshow publication #reshow
2.10.2020 08:10Time to make some buttons feom the test print of the upcoming æBod-reshow publication #reshowWhat to do with exhibitions after they are finish ?
This week we will be playing with surplus from the current show at Norsk Teknisk Museum while thinking in what to do with it after its end. Throw it? Nah #reshow #norsktekniskmusem
Including reusing test print of æBod-reshow report for some buttons #reshow
28.9.2020 12:25Including reusing test print of æBod-reshow report for some buttons #reshowAnd now, time for guided tour, workshop (and making some buttons out of paper waste) #reshow #norsktekniskmusem
28.9.2020 12:25And now, time for guided tour, workshop (and making some buttons out of paper waste) #reshow #norsktekniskmusemDelivering materials we designed for exhibition on books by non white privileged authors #blm #blacklivesmatter
28.9.2020 12:18Delivering materials we designed for exhibition on books by non white privileged authors #blm #blacklivesmatter360° Photos and videos with Chris . Soon VR online of our installation ''Take a rest'' at Norsk TeKnisk Museum. #reshow #norsktekniskmusem #borowiakfoto #antipodescafé
5.9.2020 14:08360° Photos and videos with Chris . Soon VR online of our installation ''Take a rest'' at Norsk TeKnisk Museum. #reshow...#reshow storage are those red in the greener side. Blues are into waste, and with luck into recycling, which demands more energy than to reuse. Yes, to reuse demands another strategies on aesthetics and working time, but that's the only thing we have (and share with anyone, including homeless). https://www.reshow.no #klima2+ #norsktekniskmusem #antipodescafé
30.8.2020 10:25#reshow storage are those red in the greener side. Blues are into waste, and with luck into recycling, which demands more energy than to...