In order to get through your work in proper time, you should make it your chief study to rise early in the morning; for an hour before the family rises is worth more to you than two after they are up; for in this time you can get through the dirtiest part of the work, which you cannot well do after the family rises; for then you always are liable to interruption; […] there is nothing more disagreeable than to run about with dirty hands and dirty clothes;
18.1.2025 20:25In order to get through your work in proper time, you should make it your chief study to rise early in the morning; for an hour before may perhaps find a master or mistress who may act unkindly and unjustly towards you; but if you do your duty honestly and faithfully, depend on it that you will be more happy in your integrity than your employers can be in their injustice; for it is much better to be the oppressed than to stand in place of the oppressor; for patience is ever acceptable in the sight of God, and in due time will be rewarded, because God had promised that it shall be so; and when have his promises failed?
16.1.2025 05:13you may perhaps find a master or mistress who may act unkindly and unjustly towards you; but if you do your duty honestly and faithfully,...What praise is not due to an humble attempt to amend the morals and awkwardness of domestics?
In school-learning generally our native servants surpass foreigners, but in manners, deportment, and a knowledge of the duties of their station, it must be admitted they are considerably inferior. To borrow a phrase from the kitchen, our aboriginal servants need grilling; they require much instruction, and an apprenticeship to the art and faculty of unbending.
14.1.2025 16:21What praise is not due to an humble attempt to amend the morals and awkwardness of domestics?In school-learning generally our native...“Could servants be induced to conform to these directions, their own lives would be more useful, and the comfort and convenience of families much promoted. Consider me as a subscriber for such number of copies as six dollars will pay for.”
- Robert’s Guide for Butlers & other Household Staff, 1827
14.1.2025 04:34“Could servants be induced to conform to these directions, their own lives would be more useful, and the comfort and convenience of...