Blogged: Start refactoring from the leaves
1.7.2023 08:59Blogged: Start refactoring from the leaves look at some functional abstractions that enable static analysis. #haskell #purescript
25.2.2023 21:18A look at some functional abstractions that enable static analysis. #haskell...Some hate towards React and other JS frameworks lately. I'd suggest that instead of claiming that React users have been fooled into using it, maybe acknowledge its merits and what problems it solves (and what it doesn't)
Main thing IMO is that is allows for early binding of event handlers to the state. This is generally a much more principled way to write complex apps and makes frontend development much more suitable for static typing.
23.2.2023 20:47Some hate towards React and other JS frameworks lately. I'd suggest that instead of claiming that React users have been fooled into...Static analysis and type classes in #haskell
- Applicative functors allow for static analysis because the terms you are composing are _not_ inside a lambda term `(a -> b) -> f a -> f b`
- This is not true for Monad. You need to "run" the computation to peel off a layer in order to analyze an inner term
- However, if you lift your monadic DSL to a Category, you might be able to use Kleisli composition _which_ does allow for some static analysis, at least of those Kleisli terms
- Bonus: Selective applicative functors are a hybrid, because you will need to "run" the computation, but since you know all the possible values there are, you can skip running the entire tree.