E por se fora poco, hoxe conmemoramos a primeira edición de "Cantares Gallegos", cuxa foto deixo debaixo. Mirade o nome, e mirada como escriben o nome os da foto. Xa non sei qué mais se pode dicir
17.5.2024 14:34E por se fora poco, hoxe conmemoramos a primeira edición de "Cantares Gallegos", cuxa foto deixo debaixo. Mirade o nome, e mirada...Hoxe, día das letras galegas, volvo preguntarme por qué se di "Rosalía De Castro" cando se conserva a súa firma que pon "Rosalía Castro" e o de vai antes do apellido do seu home, Manuel Murguía, como era a costume ata a segunda metade do século XX.
Por máis que lle dou voltas non consigo entender porqué se perpetuou este erro. E parece que xa non hai xeito de revertilo...
17.5.2024 12:38Hoxe, día das letras galegas, volvo preguntarme por qué se di "Rosalía De Castro" cando se conserva a súa firma que pon...Having said that, what Israel is doing, killing children, women and innocent people in Gaza by the thousands won't bring Sergey back. It won't prevent further terrorist acts either; on the contrary, it will only increase the hatred and the violence. I'm not even sure they will bring justice against Sergey's murderers. Israel must stop this barbaric, unjustifiable attack right now, and a fair, sustainable solution for the future of the Palestine people must be found.
16.11.2023 18:59Having said that, what Israel is doing, killing children, women and innocent people in Gaza by the thousands won't bring Sergey back. It...We have two other joint papers which were also very enjoyable, and we were actually able to do some of the work together in Madrid. Shortly thereafter he went to Ben Gurion University, where he has now been murdered.
I am really shocked by his death and my thoughts are with Sergey and wife's family. I fully, wholeheartedly condemn their deaths and the barbaric, unjustifiable attack of Hamas on innocent people.
16.11.2023 18:59We have two other joint papers which were also very enjoyable, and we were actually able to do some of the work together in Madrid. Shortly...I have just learned that one of the co-authors of my first paper, Sergey Gredeskul, was killed along with his wife in the despicable Hamas attack on 7 October. I'm deeply saddened by this news. It's been a long, long time since we last met but I remember him fondly as a very nice, friendly, humorous person, and as a great physicist. We collaborated when he was still in Ukraine (then the Soviet Union) through my mentor Yuri Kivshar, and I really learned a lot from both of them.
16.11.2023 18:58I have just learned that one of the co-authors of my first paper, Sergey Gredeskul, was killed along with his wife in the despicable Hamas...New preprint out with Sergey Gavrilets and Denis Tverskoi that can be useful for researchers trying to make sense of how people make decisions: a review of norm-utility approaches including belief dynamics, soon to appear in Phil Trans R Soc B:
19.10.2023 18:57New preprint out with Sergey Gavrilets and Denis Tverskoi that can be useful for researchers trying to make sense of how people make...Some other insights:
* Individuals behaving prosocially have higher weights of personal norms while antisocial types are more affected by conformity
* Messaging greatly decreases the weight of personal norms and increases that of conformity
* Between-individual variation is present in all measured characteristics and notably impacts observed group behavior
* Our results have implications for understanding and predicting social processes and for designing policy interventions
16.5.2023 07:20Some other insights:* Individuals behaving prosocially have higher weights of personal norms while antisocial types are more affected by...Are material incentives the only reason for human decisions? If not, what other factors influence them?
Actually, material incentives are more often than not the least important thing we have in mind when deciding.
Our personal norms weigh a lot in our choices, but social norms are also quite important.
There was a theory about this by Sergey Gavrilets which we have now validated in a specifically designed experiment here:
16.5.2023 07:17Are material incentives the only reason for human decisions? If not, what other factors influence them?Actually, material incentives are...Hoy vuelvo por un día a Nada es Gratis para hablar del experimento sobre mitigación del cambio climático que hicimos durante La Gala de COTEC, y de su decepcionante y a la vez alarmante resultado. El post está aquí
14.4.2023 06:53Hoy vuelvo por un día a Nada es Gratis para hablar del experimento sobre mitigación del cambio climático que hicimos durante La Gala de...Spanish gov't research grants are notoriously little money.
I have just closed my last 4-year grant and I reported expenses of about 18 500 € in experiment (some 18% of the total grant) and about 15 500 € in APCs for publications (almost 165% of the grant).
So the APCs money would have allowed me to do twice as many experiments or hire a Ph D student for about 9 months.
There is something very, very wrong here. We need a new publication (and research assessment) model
9.3.2023 08:19Spanish gov't research grants are notoriously little money. I have just closed my last 4-year grant and I reported expenses of about 18...A slightly longer explanation of how the need to leave twitter dawned on me: https://anxosanchez.eu/bye-bye-twitter
8.3.2023 08:04A slightly longer explanation of how the need to leave twitter dawned on me: https://anxosanchez.eu/bye-bye-twitterNew preprint out with a longitudinal study of two years of a high school. Key findings:
* Further evidence of the existence and relevance of Dunbar's circles
* There are many less enmities and they are highly volatile
* There is an almost constant degree of reciprocity in the relationships, around 60%
* The whole social structure is very robust even under the huge perturbation of covid-19
Read all about it here: https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.03786
8.3.2023 07:44New preprint out with a longitudinal study of two years of a high school. Key findings: * Further evidence of the existence and relevance of...After giving it some thought for a few weeks, this morning I have left "the other place". Hope to find here what I lost there: info from colleagues and about science
3.3.2023 08:09After giving it some thought for a few weeks, this morning I have left "the other place". Hope to find here what I lost there:...When you have to coordinate with others and choose with whom you do it, you can end up coordinating or breaking the network!
This is one of the conclusions of a paper just out led by Miguel González Casado with Maxi San Miguel and I:
27.2.2023 10:17When you have to coordinate with others and choose with whom you do it, you can end up coordinating or breaking the network! This is one of...Hi everybody, just moved to datasci.social as I want to be close to the community that does research I like and may be interested in mine. Always willing to learn and have fun doing it!
22.2.2023 08:56Hi everybody, just moved to datasci.social as I want to be close to the community that does research I like and may be interested in mine....