Nominations are now open for the following positions on the #PASEDB Executive Board!
#development #evolution #evodevo
Development Officer
Diversity Officer
Awards & Elections Officer
Media Officer
Latin American Liaison Officer
Consider running or nominate a friend! More here:
18.11.2022 19:49Nominations are now open for the following positions on the #PASEDB Executive Board!#development #evolution #evodevo SecretaryDevelopment...Here comes the #Introduction. I am a postdoc original from #Colombia interested in #insects, #evodevo #genetics 🧬 and #patterning.
I work with butterfly 🦋 color patterns as a model to study #wnt #signaling, #generegulation, and #morphological evolution. Connecting the #genotype to the #phenotype is the goal!!!
I am a #Latina, working at GWU, in DC. #FirstGen
Done tons of #CRISPR experiments in different species of #Lepidoptera
7.11.2022 22:43Here comes the #Introduction. I am a postdoc original from #Colombia interested in #insects, #evodevo #genetics 🧬 and #patterning. I work...