I'll be speaking at this! (About newsletters)
Freelance Forum, Monday April 8, Dublin.
A one day information event for freelance journalists and students.
New Issue of the gaming newsletter: https://irregularshapes.beehiiv.com/p/customising-homebrew-for-pcs
18.1.2024 13:42New Issue of the gaming newsletter: https://irregularshapes.beehiiv.com/p/customising-homebrew-for-pcsGaming books for sale: https://www.ebay.ie/usr/gothwalk (more to come; I add a few more each week from the teetering pile)
8.1.2024 18:22Gaming books for sale: https://www.ebay.ie/usr/gothwalk (more to come; I add a few more each week from the teetering pile)Climate, tomatoes
More on my usual climate and supply lines beat: https://gentledecline.substack.com/p/226-tomatoes-and-top-level-privileges
27.2.2023 13:13Climate, tomatoesMore on my usual climate and supply lines beat: https://gentledecline.substack.com/p/226-tomatoes-and-top-level-privilegesNewsletter, food
Latest Issue of Commonplace hits the streets: https://commonplacebook.substack.com/p/commonplace-vol-4-issue-2
2.2.2023 15:08Newsletter, foodLatest Issue of Commonplace hits the streets: https://commonplacebook.substack.com/p/commonplace-vol-4-issue-2Cat
I cannot work in these conditions.
18.1.2023 17:05CatI cannot work in these conditions.Work, websites
Sometimes I feel like adding to the support tickets, "Look, I'm not a complete moron, but I inherited the running of this website from a series of people who either WERE complete morons, or didn't believe in documentation, or both. Really."
17.1.2023 16:05Work, websitesSometimes I feel like adding to the support tickets, "Look, I'm not a complete moron, but I inherited the running of...Work, spreadsheets
I have done one small section of one spreadsheet for an annual report - about 5% of what I'm going to need to do - and my brain is like "yep, that was another week's work today, time to pack it in and do something entertaining like laundry!"
12.1.2023 12:38Work, spreadsheetsI have done one small section of one spreadsheet for an annual report - about 5% of what I'm going to need to do - and...Environment, Civilisational Decline
A new issue of Gentle Decline hits the mean streets of the internet: https://gentledecline.substack.com/p/gentle-decline-224-resolutions-and #climate
4.1.2023 15:17Environment, Civilisational DeclineA new issue of Gentle Decline hits the mean streets of the internet:...I do not feel entirely down with this work thing today. I got up at 8, is that not enough? It feels like it should be enough.
3.1.2023 09:42I do not feel entirely down with this work thing today. I got up at 8, is that not enough? It feels like it should be enough.Neurodiversity, mild frustration
There is an aspect of some neuroatypicalities that means that when someone makes a recommendation - TV, film, book, whatever - the recommendee will do anything BUT that. For someone like me, who communicates in recommendations, this is DEEPLY frustrating. This is because what I want is to be able to to talk to them about it while it's still fresh in my head. Someone catching up 6 months or a year later is no fun; I'm thinking about something else by then.
29.12.2022 02:02Neurodiversity, mild frustrationThere is an aspect of some neuroatypicalities that means that when someone makes a recommendation - TV,...Public Domain Images
Wow, look at these! https://www.davidrumsey.com/luna/servlet/view/search?q=author=%22Heck%2C%20Johann%20Georg%2C%20-1857%22 #PublicDomain
26.12.2022 21:50Public Domain ImagesWow, look at these!...It's worth noting, in this context, that I can look at a hedge and be pretty sure immediately whether it's in England or Ireland, and I don't know what details I'm picking up on. https://interconnected.org/home/2022/07/06/hedges
21.12.2022 19:27It's worth noting, in this context, that I can look at a hedge and be pretty sure immediately whether it's in England or Ireland,...Gaming, Newsletters
A new issue of my gaming newsletter is out: https://irregularshapes.substack.com/p/solo-games
19.12.2022 14:07Gaming, NewslettersA new issue of my gaming newsletter is out: https://irregularshapes.substack.com/p/solo-gamesOnline Community, Alcohol Mention
Derek Powazek has some very interesting thinking here on how online communities are shaped. I'm thinking of the application here for offline non-geographical community as well. https://powazek.com/posts/3571
19.12.2022 07:56Online Community, Alcohol MentionDerek Powazek has some very interesting thinking here on how online communities are shaped. I'm...RPGs, Year-Long Project
I need another ongoing project like I need... something I really don't need. But at the same time, this looks awesome. https://seanmccoy.substack.com/p/dungeon23
11.12.2022 22:15RPGs, Year-Long ProjectI need another ongoing project like I need... something I really don't need. But at the same time, this looks...Newsletters, urban wilderness
Some interesting notes on the erosion of enclosure in the US from Christopher Brown (among other good stuff): https://fieldnotes.christopherbrown.com/p/up-the-creek-with-robots-eagles-and
11.12.2022 13:08Newsletters, urban wildernessSome interesting notes on the erosion of enclosure in the US from Christopher Brown (among other good stuff):...Weather, Cold
It was cold enough to take this picture in mid-afternoon on Friday. #sneachta #coldweather
11.12.2022 12:15Weather, ColdIt was cold enough to take this picture in mid-afternoon on Friday. #sneachta #coldweatherEnvironment, Civilisational Decline
A new issue of Gentle Decline is out. It's about road expectations for the next few decades. https://gentledecline.substack.com/p/gentle-decline-223-expectations-and
10.12.2022 14:49Environment, Civilisational DeclineA new issue of Gentle Decline is out. It's about road expectations for the next few decades....Weather
A dusting of snow in Lucan as we're coming back from fight practice. #sneachta
8.12.2022 21:57WeatherA dusting of snow in Lucan as we're coming back from fight practice. #sneachta