Quite the great day, if I do say so myself! Got to spend quality time with my sibs <3
19.2.2023 14:24Quite the great day, if I do say so myself! Got to spend quality time with my sibs <3Finished A Light in the Mist. I am not okay 😭
28.1.2023 13:11Finished A Light in the Mist. I am not okay 😭 #warriorcatsHolyyyy how tf do people finish a full-course Korean meal? So full and I'm not even halfway done! It's so good though 😭
18.12.2022 06:29Holyyyy how tf do people finish a full-course Korean meal? So full and I'm not even halfway done! It's so good though 😭Deleted all my social media except for Mastodon. The withdrawal effects are beginning to set in 😭
13.12.2022 08:33Deleted all my social media except for Mastodon. The withdrawal effects are beginning to set in 😭People really gotta know how to teach their kids how to handle puppies properly :(( Felt awful riding the jeepney today.
2.12.2022 05:50People really gotta know how to teach their kids how to handle puppies properly :(( Felt awful riding the jeepney today.looking at all the glitches for SV and I haven't been able to stop laughing for the past 30 minutes LMAOOOOO
20.11.2022 16:00looking at all the glitches for SV and I haven't been able to stop laughing for the past 30 minutes LMAOOOOO#pokemonscarletvioletTsukemen ramen is goooood! Gotta try it more often 🤤
19.11.2022 05:21Tsukemen ramen is goooood! Gotta try it more often 🤤Hoping to improve on myself during the busy weeks ahead. Just gotta find that spark. ;)
17.11.2022 10:48Hoping to improve on myself during the busy weeks ahead. Just gotta find that spark. ;)Content warning:Onestar's Confession post-read reaction
Okay, so... it turns out the book is good. Like REALLY good. Rough start, but it seriously picks up halfway through and absolutely crushes it.
15.11.2022 16:24Content warning:Onestar's Confession post-read reactionOkay, so... it turns out the book is good. Like REALLY good. Rough start, but it...ughhh making a habit tracker thing again finally, hopefully it works this time to get myself on track
5.11.2022 14:15ughhh making a habit tracker thing again finally, hopefully it works this time to get myself on tracknot feeling so hot rn
12.10.2022 10:51not feeling so hot rntfw you just woke up #mastocats #caturday
17.9.2022 09:57tfw you just woke up #mastocats #caturdaya little tortie tabby parade #caturday
10.9.2022 05:02a little tortie tabby parade #caturdayIt definitely feels nice to get up relatively earlier than I have the last week! Things really do feel different at 6 AM
Leo from the college's local cat colony does a cuddle roll #mastocats
4.7.2022 14:53Leo from the college's local cat colony does a cuddle roll #mastocatsneed to find a way to focus for an extended time without hard pressure, I think my brain has just absolutely overdosed on Internet-induced dopamine for the longest time and I haven't noticed it
4.7.2022 10:30need to find a way to focus for an extended time without hard pressure, I think my brain has just absolutely overdosed on Internet-induced...Content warning:Lost Stars stuff
Jayfeather spicier than usual. Looks like Leafpool and Briarlight's deaths made him feel a lot worse
31.5.2022 02:40Content warning:Lost Stars stuffJayfeather spicier than usual. Looks like Leafpool and Briarlight's deaths made him feel a lot worseContent warning:Lost Stars stuff
idk why but Shadowpaw's just the cutest bean this first chapter <3
31.5.2022 02:33Content warning:Lost Stars stuffidk why but Shadowpaw's just the cutest bean this first chapter <3Content warning:AVoS reaction
That being said though this is definitely one of the best arcs I've read just from a character development and Clan politics perspective! I should probably read slower to really savor the next arc lol
28.5.2022 03:36Content warning:AVoS reactionThat being said though this is definitely one of the best arcs I've read just from a character development...Content warning:AVoS reaction
Finished the arc! Definitely a ton of fun to read. I don't think I've read books as fast since I was a lot younger. Ending was okay, I guess, but it doesn't quite make it better than DoTC for me. Still a very good arc, and I'll be glad to see what it sets up in the next one.
28.5.2022 03:04Content warning:AVoS reactionFinished the arc! Definitely a ton of fun to read. I don't think I've read books as fast since I was a...