Vågar man hoppas att allt fungerar nu på mastodon.nu med databasen?
31.1.2025 10:47Vågar man hoppas att allt fungerar nu på mastodon.nu med databasen?Example fk_970d43f9d1 with over 735K in time:
Here is the FK:
alter table public.mentions
add constraint fk_970d43f9d1
foreign key (account_id) references public.accounts
on delete cascade;
Here are two indexes which should lower that number a lot:
create unique index index_mentions_on_account_id_and_status_id
on public.mentions (account_id, status_id);
create index anders_mentions_account_id
on public.mentions (account_id);
27.1.2025 19:23https://gist.github.com/aquaplanet/522313e1f74aa52a13cfebbd3cb18dc0#postgresql 13 Linux:
Trying to remove rows from accounts table but it is really slow due to foregin key triggers. I have indexes on the foreign keys as well, but it is still sloooow (hours for 100 rows). Anything more I can do to speed up "delete accounts where id in (select id from accounts_to_remove);"
Alla som spelar Factorio tycker om pasta!
18.1.2025 04:28Alla som spelar Factorio tycker om pasta!Jag är säkert inte första personen ni hört av att det nu går att spela Doom i PDF: https://github.com/ading2210/doompdf
17.1.2025 16:45Jag är säkert inte första personen ni hört av att det nu går att spela Doom i PDF: https://github.com/ading2210/doompdf#doomMight found the issue, my indexes needs to be recalculated.
If is did:
reindex index index_users_on_email;
It works fine!
17.1.2025 11:14Might found the issue, my indexes needs to be recalculated.If is did:reindex index index_users_on_email;It works fine!So to summarize, the text looks unmodified but suddenly my email address is changed without visual clues.
It feels like I am debugging why
1 <> 1
1 != 1
I think it is Mastodon-web or Streaming which is the issue, because before signing in (in my LXC container, snapshot) I can select my user from users table using only my email.
But a bit after that, I cannot.
Postgresql 13, Mastodon v4.3.3 (as well as v.4.3.2 which I tested before).
I think it is some kind of blank character but I have no clue where it is:
select length(email), trim(length(email)) from users where id = 7
Yields the same length.
Mastodon server migration problem:
select * from users where email = 'my@email.com'
0 rows
select * from users where id = 7
1 row, My account with email = 'my@email.com'
users has a row with email my@email.com the Postgres database, but when I ask the database for that user (using email = ...) I get nothing back. The length is correct, if I trim the column then I get a match but the trimmed email has exactly the same length.
Does anyone have a suggestion?
#mastodon #postgresql #rubyonrails
17.1.2025 10:53Mastodon server migration problem:select * from users where email = 'my@email.com'0 rowsselect * from users where id = 71 row, My...Dagens underhåll gick inte så bra, men enkelt att rulla tillbaka. Jag tror jag vet hur jag skall göra utan nertid för er för att komma fram till roten av problemen (OAuth).
15.1.2025 07:15Dagens underhåll gick inte så bra, men enkelt att rulla tillbaka. Jag tror jag vet hur jag skall göra utan nertid för er för att komma...Så nu kör Mastodon på den gamla servern igen och det ser bättre ut för tillfället.
Det kommer fler försök i veckan eller nästa vecka att få till en stabil migrering.
7.1.2025 14:40Så nu kör Mastodon på den gamla servern igen och det ser bättre ut för tillfället.Det kommer fler försök i veckan eller nästa vecka...Testar att skriva ett meddelande till. Försökt mig på en migrering på Mastodon.nu men lyckades inte då av någon anledning oauth-tokens inte togs väl emot.
7.1.2025 14:39Testar att skriva ett meddelande till. Försökt mig på en migrering på Mastodon.nu men lyckades inte då av någon anledning oauth-tokens...Question though: should I have different accounts for different languages on Mastodon or is it just enough to set language to English or Swedish? I don't want to annoy readers who may or may read a certain language.
2.1.2025 12:07Question though: should I have different accounts for different languages on Mastodon or is it just enough to set language to English or...Considering I help to maintain and sponsor mastodon.nu I should start using it as well. Learning a lot by it. For instance doing a Postgresql streaming hot replication now for the first time ever for me.
2.1.2025 12:02Considering I help to maintain and sponsor mastodon.nu I should start using it as well. Learning a lot by it. For instance doing a...@jorge If I understand right this is to dualbooting what containers are for virtual machines. I could dualboot to another container on my same computer without installing and configuring two completely different linux distros (skipping disk partitioning etc). It would only change the system level files.
11.10.2023 12:00@jorge If I understand right this is to dualbooting what containers are for virtual machines. I could dualboot to another container on my...@jorge
I would like some clarifications on OCI Fedora images. I run Silverblue and know I can boot to previous version in Grub. Does Fedora OCI mean I can create an podman image for Web development, use Buzzite from you for a gaming variant of Fedora...then reboot my computer and choose in Grub which ever image I want and have my systemen configured for that task? Like I have flatpaks and toolboxes for each specific task I want. Have I understood this right?
@jorge I saw the Fedora Immutable desktop video which pointed me to universal-blue.org and I feel my reality have shifted. I posted a few seconds ago on one of your videos on Youtube but while typing you mentioned mastodon, so I post it here as well. I really hope you can answer (question is kind of long so I make another post).
11.10.2023 11:55@jorge I saw the Fedora Immutable desktop video which pointed me to universal-blue.org and I feel my reality have shifted. I posted a few...Classic joke, for you who don't understand, the owl talk forever and at last asks if you got the message. If you answer no, it repeats itself again...
19.1.2023 13:07Classic joke, for you who don't understand, the owl talk forever and at last asks if you got the message. If you answer no, it repeats...First time ever to lube my keyboard switches. The keyboard got a lot quieter and have another feel that is a bit better than before but I probably have wrong cherry switches. Might replace them at some point...I got pink isch, and they are too heavy for me to press down.
4.1.2023 21:37First time ever to lube my keyboard switches. The keyboard got a lot quieter and have another feel that is a bit better than before but I...