Does yesterday’s storm qualify as a derecho? #lnk #lnkwx
1.8.2024 18:20Does yesterday’s storm qualify as a derecho? #lnk #lnkwxYeah same, also had a tree fully uprooted in our neighborhood. That’s a first.
31.7.2024 23:17Yeah same, also had a tree fully uprooted in our neighborhood. That’s a first.Happy Canada’s On Fire Again Season to those who observe it.
14.5.2024 13:04Happy Canada’s On Fire Again Season to those who observe it.Watched Empire Strikes Back with my daughter (7) last night. She took notes. Nailed it.
10.2.2024 22:00Watched Empire Strikes Back with my daughter (7) last night. She took notes. Nailed it.No thank you.
13.1.2024 14:41No thank you.Our street just got plowed. A friend was out for some fresh air and heard them laughing about the size of the snow walls that they left on some driveways (they stopped to gas up apparently)
13.1.2024 04:29Our street just got plowed. A friend was out for some fresh air and heard them laughing about the size of the snow walls that they left on...My daughter has apparently grown out of calling bread “raw toast”. End of an era.
22.11.2023 13:29My daughter has apparently grown out of calling bread “raw toast”. End of an era.I can’t help but feel like the sad “low battery” beep-boop of my AirPods is somewhat accusatory in nature.
22.11.2023 03:43I can’t help but feel like the sad “low battery” beep-boop of my AirPods is somewhat accusatory in nature.So TIL you can call the Linux fuser command on directories and it will show processes using files in that directory, which came in clutch as I was doing a file system migration and the old FS wouldn’t unmount cleanly. It ended up being an idle screen session I’d left in a detached state.
13.10.2023 04:26So TIL you can call the Linux fuser command on directories and it will show processes using files in that directory, which came in clutch as...My 11 y/o son, who until very recently has not cared about clothing, to the extent that he'll happily wear clothes back-to-front or inside out, is now insisting that his 7 y/o sister picks out his outfits because she "got drip".
Life comes at you fast.
18.9.2023 13:15My 11 y/o son, who until very recently has not cared about clothing, to the extent that he'll happily wear clothes back-to-front or...Maenads. Why did it have to be Maenads.
8.3.2023 12:18Maenads. Why did it have to be Maenads.Always delighted when I try a feature because I had an “Wouldn’t it be cool if…” thought, and the feature works even better than you imagine.
6.2.2023 01:21Always delighted when I try a feature because I had an “Wouldn’t it be cool if…” thought, and the feature works even better than you...Well, ate at two of the midwestern James Beard finalists last year. Block 16 likely next!
27.1.2023 03:00Well, ate at two of the midwestern James Beard finalists last year. Block 16 likely next!Weird. Just found a single TV series that regularly and reliably crashes my (admittedly 10 year old) AV receiver. It’s reproducible as well, which is interesting. Aaaaaand now I’m thinking of upgrading.
16.12.2022 03:28Weird. Just found a single TV series that regularly and reliably crashes my (admittedly 10 year old) AV receiver. It’s reproducible as...Is there a better solution for unsolicited Google Drive share requests than "block individual users one at a time"? Becoming quite the spam vector now, and it has me considering alternatives.
12.12.2022 14:16Is there a better solution for unsolicited Google Drive share requests than "block individual users one at a time"? Becoming...Belated #introduction post!
I'm a Nebraska-based technologist working in #govtech that works with government at all levels to deliver secure, robust, efficient and accessible solutions that provide simple and intuitive services to agencies and citizens alike. Currently working in the federal space. Love what I do!
19.11.2022 22:56Belated #introduction post!I'm a Nebraska-based technologist working in #govtech that works with government at all levels to deliver...Hey, this is kinda neat. Thanks @nirak and @mrwilson!
19.11.2022 18:34Hey, this is kinda neat. Thanks @nirak and @mrwilson!