I was shooting the flowers trying out my new Panasonic 3D LUMIX G 12.5mm lens (modified for macro focus). Got a lucky Crab Spider perfectly focused. Cross-eyed stereo pair image. Cross your eyes to view 3D image. #macro #stereography #stereopair #spider #nature #wildlife #flowers
20.2.2025 03:02I was shooting the flowers trying out my new Panasonic 3D LUMIX G 12.5mm lens (modified for macro focus). Got a lucky Crab Spider perfectly...Skipperling Stalkers - Southern Skipperling, Ambush Bug, & Crab Spider. One of my favorite shots, even better in 3D! The 2D scene won 1st place in the 2022 North American Butterfly Association Photo Contest. #stereogram #stereopair #3D #spider #macro #wildlife #spider #butterfly #nature
29.1.2025 23:07Skipperling Stalkers - Southern Skipperling, Ambush Bug, & Crab Spider. One of my favorite shots, even better in 3D! The 2D scene won...Hogna antelucana. Out walking and couldn't believe the number of wolf spiders I saw in my neighbor's yard. Several big ones, and then this mom with babies. Cross-eyed stereo pair image. Cross your eyes to view 3D image. #macro #stereography #stereopair #spider
28.1.2025 06:31Hogna antelucana. Out walking and couldn't believe the number of wolf spiders I saw in my neighbor's yard. Several big ones, and...Rabid Wolf Spider (Rabidosa rabida). I went out looking for #spiders after our little freeze in South Texas. Still found plenty of wolf spiders. Maybe not so many big ones though. And not much else. Cross-eyed stereo pair image. Cross your eyes to view 3D image.
#macro #stereography #stereopair #wildlifephotography #naturephotography
Crab Spider (Mecaphesa)
Cross-eyed stereo pair image. Cross your eyes to view 3D image.
#spider #macro #stereography #stereophotography #stereopair #macrophotography #arachnid #wildlife #naturephotography
Crab Spider (Mecaphesa)
Cross-eyed stereo pair image. If you cross your eyes to view it, you can see a 3D image.
#spider #macro #stereography #stereophotography #stereopair #macrophotography #arachnid #wildlife #naturephotography
Brown Anole (Anolis sagrei)
Not my usual subject, but I love the depth and lighting.
Cross-eyed #stereography. Cross eyes to view 3D image.
#macrophotography #macro #nature #wildlife
Burrowing Wolf Spider. Same spider that was very popular with my Arachtober 21st post, shortly before I started posting stereo images. I was excited to see such a pretty face. I kept waiting for it to come back out to get an ID shot, but this one is far cuter. The third time I went to look, I couldn't find the hole again so I had to give up. This was at a park I had never been to at night due to the long drive. Looks a lot like Geolycosa riograndae, but species in that area aren't well documented so can't say with such little visible in the photos I got.
Cross-eyed stereo pair image. If you cross your eyes to view it, you can see a 3D image.
#spider #arachnid #macrophotography #stereography #macro
27.11.2024 05:40Burrowing Wolf Spider. Same spider that was very popular with my Arachtober 21st post, shortly before I started posting stereo images. I was...Mexican Two-Tailed Spider (Neotama mexicana)
Cross-eyed #stereography. Cross eyes to view 3D image.
Showed this #spider to people at National Butterfly Center recently. Nearly invisible in natural light. Even knowing the tree, I have a hard time respotting every time.
#macrophotography #wildlife #naturephotography #macro #arachnid
26.11.2024 02:19Mexican Two-Tailed Spider (Neotama mexicana)Cross-eyed #stereography. Cross eyes to view 3D image.Showed this #spider to people at National...Reakirt's Blue #Butterfly (Echinargus isola).
I'm still doing #stereograph #macros on flickr. I keep meaning to post some here, but it's weird not posting spiders on this account. I love the depth and texture in this shitty one.
Cross-eyed stereo pair image. Cross your eyes to see a 3D image.
#macrophotography #wildlifephotography #naturephotography
23.11.2024 11:13Reakirt's Blue #Butterfly (Echinargus isola).I'm still doing #stereograph #macros on flickr. I keep meaning to post some here, but...Marius Hairstreak (Rekoa marius)
Cross-eyed stereo pair image. If you cross your eyes to view it, you can see a 3D image, like Magic Eye.
#butterfly #macro #macrophotography #stereography
7.11.2024 12:34Marius Hairstreak (Rekoa marius)Cross-eyed stereo pair image. If you cross your eyes to view it, you can see a 3D image, like Magic...Cross-eyed stereo pair image. If you cross your eyes you see a 3D image, like Magic Eye. I guess I am going to continue the stereo images for a while.
Greenbottle Fly
Genus Lucilia
#FlyDayFriday #insect #macro #macrophotography #stereography
2.11.2024 03:08Cross-eyed stereo pair image. If you cross your eyes you see a 3D image, like Magic Eye. I guess I am going to continue the stereo images...#Arachtober
Happy Halloween!
Black Widow
Genus Latrodectus
Cross-eyed stereo image. Cross your eyes to see 3D image, like Magic Eye. I had no idea I was going to finish the month in stereo images, but they were fun and popular on some platforms.
#spider #macro #macrophotography #wildlifephotography #halloween
31.10.2024 22:29#ArachtoberHappy Halloween!Black WidowGenus LatrodectusCross-eyed stereo image. Cross your eyes to see 3D image, like Magic Eye. I had no...#Arachtober
Genus Trachelas
Broad-Faced Sac Spider Family (Trachelidae)
Stereo 3D image, like Magic Eye.
#spider #macro #macrophotography #wildlifephotography #naturephotography #stereophotography
31.10.2024 22:19#ArachtoberGenus TrachelasBroad-Faced Sac Spider Family (Trachelidae)Stereo 3D image, like Magic Eye. #spider #macro #macrophotography...#Arachtober
Labyrinth Orbweaver
(Metepeira labyrinthea)
#spider #macro #macrophotography #wildlifephotography
31.10.2024 22:14#ArachtoberLabyrinth Orbweaver(Metepeira labyrinthea)#spider #macro #macrophotography #wildlifephotography#Arachtober
Spiny backed Orbweaver
(Gasteracantha cancriformis)
Stereo 3D image, like Magic Eye. My favorite color variation because she looks like a jack-o'-lantern.
#spider #macro #macrophotography #wildlifephotography
31.10.2024 22:10#ArachtoberSpiny backed Orbweaver (Gasteracantha cancriformis)Stereo 3D image, like Magic Eye. My favorite color variation because she...#Arachtober
Genus Wulfila is the most spooky looking Ghost Spider I find. They are small white hunters and don't make webs. I usually only get blurred or rear end shots of these because they disappear like a ghost.
#spider #macro #macrophotography #wildlifephotography
31.10.2024 22:04#ArachtoberGenus Wulfila is the most spooky looking Ghost Spider I find. They are small white hunters and don't make webs. I usually...#Arachtober Cross-eyed stereo pair image. If you cross your eyes to view it, it lets you see a 3D image, like Magic Eye.
Striped Lynx Spider
(Oxyopes salticus)
#spider #macro #macrophotoraphy #stereography
31.10.2024 07:03#Arachtober Cross-eyed stereo pair image. If you cross your eyes to view it, it lets you see a 3D image, like Magic Eye.Striped Lynx...#Arachtober Cross-eyed stereo pair image. If you cross your eyes to view it, it lets you see a 3D image, like Magic Eye.
Southern Bolas Spider with a moth
(Mastophora cornigera)
Spiders in this genus are extremely well camouflaged like bird droppings. Not many things want to eat bird poop. She is an orbweaver, but she doesn't make a traditional web. Instead she dangles a strand of web with an extra sticky blob on the end which she uses like a bolas. She also emits moth like pheromones to attract male moths to get them in range.
#spider #macro #macrophotoraphy #stereography
31.10.2024 06:49#Arachtober Cross-eyed stereo pair image. If you cross your eyes to view it, it lets you see a 3D image, like Magic Eye.Southern Bolas...#Arachtober Cross-eyed stereo pair image. If you cross your eyes to view it, it lets you see a 3D image, like Magic Eye.
Southern Bolas Spider egg sac
(Mastophora cornigera)
#spider #macro #macrophotoraphy #stereography
31.10.2024 06:46#Arachtober Cross-eyed stereo pair image. If you cross your eyes to view it, it lets you see a 3D image, like Magic Eye.Southern Bolas...