Hit the favourite button if you've been prooompting hard these days!
16.10.2024 02:13Hit the favourite button if you've been prooompting hard these days!Whatever floats your bloat, man!
29.9.2024 17:25Whatever floats your bloat, man!Is it just me or Gitlab doesn't support rel=me based verification for Mastodon?
13.8.2024 13:49Is it just me or Gitlab doesn't support rel=me based verification for Mastodon?I'm finna bekk after a break from socials!
8.8.2024 04:28I'm finna bekk after a break from socials!I just completed "Cube Conundrum" - Day 2 - Advent of Code 2023 #AdventOfCode https://adventofcode.com/2023/day/2 in Ocaml
7.12.2023 20:14I just completed "Cube Conundrum" - Day 2 - Advent of Code 2023 #AdventOfCode https://adventofcode.com/2023/day/2 in OcamlI just completed "Trebuchet?!" - Day 1 - Advent of Code 2023 #AdventOfCode https://adventofcode.com/2023/day/1
4.12.2023 13:37I just completed "Trebuchet?!" - Day 1 - Advent of Code 2023 #AdventOfCode https://adventofcode.com/2023/day/1Confused on what I'm talking about?
This holiday season, help out the elf crew of Santa get ready for Christmas by solving fun coding problems to help with their tasks!
Go help out the elves by solving their problems each day from 1st to Christmas day at Advent of Code:
It happens every year. You solve coding problems and submit final answer into the input box. You can checkout the leaderboard and stats. You earn a star for each problem.
Happy Hacking!
4.12.2023 07:53Confused on what I'm talking about?*ehem*This holiday season, help out the elf crew of Santa get ready for Christmas by solving fun...I think I just started my Ocaml journey with Advent of Code now. I just started learning Ocaml yesterday. Seems fun. Currently, I'm trying more of recursive approach than use loops. I'll probably spent some time later improving the solution.
Guess I'll try a new language for every Advent Of Code, I guess.
#adventofcode #ocaml #functional #christmas #hackathon #coding
4.12.2023 07:52I think I just started my Ocaml journey with Advent of Code now. I just started learning Ocaml yesterday. Seems fun. Currently, I'm...Imma OhCamlMyCaml this Advent Of Code. Watch me struggle. I love pain.
2.12.2023 14:55Imma OhCamlMyCaml this Advent Of Code. Watch me struggle. I love pain.Which tailwind ui component library y'all usin?
2.12.2023 07:48Which tailwind ui component library y'all usin?Emacs dots:
Well, I'm back on Emacs again. I'm using Evil Mode, so hey, we still friends Vim squad?
13.11.2023 14:42Well, I'm back on Emacs again. I'm using Evil Mode, so hey, we still friends Vim squad?...And so the DebConf'23 Kochi comes to an end. Thank you Debian and sponsors for giving me such an opportunity to connect with lots of interesting people and have a good time. It was really fun attending the events with my friends. It was really educational and fun at the same time. Thank you for merch and the Cheese and Wine party as well. I'll try to contribute to Debian soon. I'm just sad to have this as the last event I'll be having with Abraham Raji. RIP Abraham.
#debian #debconf #foss
R.I.P Abraham Raji
Thanks for always being a good friend. The free software community lost an amazing contributor. You now live on forever in our hearts.
13.9.2023 16:32R.I.P Abraham Raji Thanks for always being a good friend. The free software community lost an amazing contributor. You now live on forever...I'm at Debconf'23 right now! #debconf #debian #freesoftware #foss #opensoucs #gnu #linux
10.9.2023 09:07I'm at Debconf'23 right now! #debconf #debian #freesoftware #foss #opensoucs #gnu #linuxI'm tryna write the compiler for ir needed for running in goli's vm
9.9.2023 20:20I'm tryna write the compiler for ir needed for running in goli's vmOmw to DebConf'23
9.9.2023 07:11Omw to DebConf'23Moshidon app is pretty epic!
9.9.2023 05:16Moshidon app is pretty epic!I'm currently working on an interpreter for lisp in golang called Goli (GO Lisp Interpreter). Check it out here:
Hello, chat!
9.9.2023 04:43Hello, chat!