One of the things my team does at the FSA is commission and manage contracts for research projects. Just up, a post on the FSA blog about *IID3*, a large project to estimate levels of intestinal infectious disease in the UK population! What the project involves, why it's important, and how we'll use the outputs:
@juergen_hubert I'm struggling to find where we talked about this but in case it's useful the Free League/Year Zero (Vaesen etc) license is up now:
The papers for the public session today are available at:
9.2.2023 08:47The papers for the public session today are available at: sunny morning in York and I'm heading into York centre, past the chocolate-scented Nestlé Rowntree plant, to the first plenary meeting of 2023 of the Advisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Food! Have a good day, everyone.
9.2.2023 08:39A sunny morning in York and I'm heading into York centre, past the chocolate-scented Nestlé Rowntree plant, to the first plenary...(I know I can download my data but that wouldn't migrate followers, right?)
I assume eventually some governments and organisations will set up (e.g.) servers to host official, stable, verified accounts, unless I'm misunderstanding how that could work.
19.11.2022 08:59(I know I can download my data but that wouldn't migrate followers, right?)I assume eventually some governments and organisations will...New user question: my biggest concern about Mastodon is still server persistence - how do I know (e.g.) isn't going to disappear overnight? Can I do anything if it does? And are any of the servers necessarily any more stable?
I've seen a lot of new ones appear, and I assume it's only a matter of time until one meets some kind of accident.
(And if I've picked a "bad" server and should migrate somewhere, please tell me.)
19.11.2022 08:58New user question: my biggest concern about Mastodon is still server persistence - how do I know (e.g.) isn't going to...In #dengue news today (well, Monday - only just seen it):
Interesting read to start the morning! Public Accounts Committee finds the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) in Weybridge “continually vulnerable to a major breakdown” because the Defra had “comprehensively failed” in its management of the site:
If you're planning to use Mastodon to talk about:
- disease ecology & epidemiology
- arthropod- or food-borne pathogens
- science communication or using science to develop policy
...then reply below for a follow and a boost!
Still finding my way on here, but I've noticed for some accounts the total following/followers is wildly different to the number I can see when I click on it (e.g. over 100 followers, but I can see less than ten). Is this something to do with which server I'm on - or privacy settings, maybe?
7.11.2022 15:12Still finding my way on here, but I've noticed for some accounts the total following/followers is wildly different to the number I can...Hi Mastodon! I'm an epidemiologist and disease ecologist interested in #scicomm, currently leading microbiological risk assessment at the UK Food Standards Agency. I have a background in vector- and (more recently) food-borne disease, particularly viruses, and an interest in food more generally. I'll be sharing interesting research and issues around food, risk and epidemiology. Please say hi - especially old friends from Twitter, it'll take a while to find you all!
7.11.2022 12:36Hi Mastodon! I'm an epidemiologist and disease ecologist interested in #scicomm, currently leading microbiological risk assessment at...