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Ežiukas ant kaktuso Seniai buvo istorijų apie #jureivioduona, tai prašom.Anądien buco sriuba, kurią vos pamatęs prisipyliau pilną...

Ežiukas ant kaktuso

Seniai buvo istorijų apie , tai prašom.

Anądien buco sriuba, kurią vos pamatęs prisipyliau pilną dubenį ir kirtau godžiai.

Nors skonis kažkoks įtartinas...

Kolega gi atvirkščiai: pamatė ir nusisuko.
Aš jam:
- Tu ką, nemėgsti rūgštynių sriubos?
Jis man:
- Čia ne rūgštynių, čia baklažanų.

Tai stai kodėl skonis įtartinas...

26.3.2025 20:16Ežiukas ant kaktuso Seniai buvo istorijų apie #jureivioduona, tai prašom.Anądien buco sriuba, kurią vos pamatęs prisipyliau pilną...

Tai šakutės Signal appsui? Apkakojo tie nekompetetingi liurbiai?

Tai šakutės Signal appsui? Apkakojo tie nekompetetingi liurbiai?

25.3.2025 21:00Tai šakutės Signal appsui? Apkakojo tie nekompetetingi liurbiai?

Sušėriau populiariausiam LLMui savo seną blog'ą. Išmoko rašyti mano stiliumi. Čia mums korta ir paėjo.Beje, tas LLMas geros...

Sušėriau populiariausiam LLMui savo seną blog'ą. Išmoko rašyti mano stiliumi. Čia mums korta ir paėjo.

Beje, tas LLMas geros nuomonės apie mane:
- Paprastas, aiškus sakinys, bet gili mintis
- Tvirtas, bet ne sausas tonas
- Kartais juntamas subtilus ironijos ar lengvos kritikos atspalvis
- Jokių pagražinimų, bet kartais metaforos naudojamos tiksliai

21.3.2025 17:52Sušėriau populiariausiam LLMui savo seną blog'ą. Išmoko rašyti mano stiliumi. Čia mums korta ir paėjo.Beje, tas LLMas geros...

After two years on big vessels, compared to the newcomers, I could feel like an old sea dog.But I want to go back to sailboats and teach...

After two years on big vessels, compared to the newcomers, I could feel like an old sea dog.
But I want to go back to sailboats and teach people how to catch the wind.
Maybe I made a mistake changing my life course towards big vessels. (2/2)

21.3.2025 11:51After two years on big vessels, compared to the newcomers, I could feel like an old sea dog.But I want to go back to sailboats and teach...

The vessel is full of new crew members. Young guys. Some are completely new to the sea, others new to ro-pax vessels.They need to learn a...

The vessel is full of new crew members. Young guys. Some are completely new to the sea, others new to ro-pax vessels.
They need to learn a lot, and quickly. Some older, salty seafarers have now found themselves becoming teachers. I know that sweet feeling when you’re sharing your knowledge—you feel smart and confident. But I don’t enjoy it anymore. (1/2)

21.3.2025 11:51The vessel is full of new crew members. Young guys. Some are completely new to the sea, others new to ro-pax vessels.They need to learn a...

Why I'm doing selfie? Not because I haven't friends who can help me. Just because they don't know how to take a photo.Good...

Why I'm doing selfie? Not because I haven't friends who can help me. Just because they don't know how to take a photo.
Good morning from Rostock.

19.3.2025 05:30Why I'm doing selfie? Not because I haven't friends who can help me. Just because they don't know how to take a photo.Good...

Ro-pax ferries? Yeah, not exactly winning any beauty contests. See the pic.Hold up—wait, wait… that’s Huckleberry Finn!And?She’s Tom...

Ro-pax ferries? Yeah, not exactly winning any beauty contests. See the pic.

Hold up—wait, wait… that’s Huckleberry Finn!


She’s Tom Sawyer’s sistership.
Ohhh, so basically you just roasted your own ship.

Pfft, no way! Tom Sawyer’s the good-looking sibling—check the second pic, obviously.

17.3.2025 18:30Ro-pax ferries? Yeah, not exactly winning any beauty contests. See the pic.Hold up—wait, wait… that’s Huckleberry Finn!And?She’s Tom...

A seafarer’s life is like salt, they say.I’m not arguing.I just went to the nearest Biedronka in Świnoujście during a short stop in...

A seafarer’s life is like salt, they say.
I’m not arguing.
I just went to the nearest Biedronka in Świnoujście during a short stop in port and bought some sweets.

15.3.2025 20:00A seafarer’s life is like salt, they say.I’m not arguing.I just went to the nearest Biedronka in Świnoujście during a short stop in...

BTW, I found who was sending these birds: see AIS info in right corner at screen photo.

BTW, I found who was sending these birds: see AIS info in right corner at screen photo.

12.3.2025 17:22BTW, I found who was sending these birds: see AIS info in right corner at screen photo.

That was very unexpected. Four helicopters came out of nowhere from both sides of our vessel and then flew away.I didn’t have the chance...

That was very unexpected. Four helicopters came out of nowhere from both sides of our vessel and then flew away.
I didn’t have the chance or time to turn on the camera.
Few minutes before I saw these helicopter far away near another vessel.
Half hour ago we saw few NATO warships near around.

12.3.2025 14:53That was very unexpected. Four helicopters came out of nowhere from both sides of our vessel and then flew away.I didn’t have the chance...

- Watchman, please take a bearing on the vessel to port.- Which vessel?- Don’t you see the vessel?- - - -Negative. I can’t see the sea...

- Watchman, please take a bearing on the vessel to port.
- Which vessel?
- Don’t you see the vessel?- - - -Negative. I can’t see the sea at all.

It’s the second day in dense fog at sea. We’re sailing solely by radar.
The photos I took yesterday. If I take them today, the view will be the same—just a milky haze around us.

11.3.2025 07:53- Watchman, please take a bearing on the vessel to port.- Which vessel?- Don’t you see the vessel?- - - -Negative. I can’t see the sea...

I noticed strange behavior in myself.While I’m steering the vessel and altering course to port (left) side, I can stop the vessel using...

I noticed strange behavior in myself.
While I’m steering the vessel and altering course to port (left) side, I can stop the vessel using counter-rudder. However, when altering course to starboard (right) side, I almost always miss the correct stopping point by about 2–4 degrees.
This proves that human perception and control are not perfectly symmetrical.

10.3.2025 07:28I noticed strange behavior in myself.While I’m steering the vessel and altering course to port (left) side, I can stop the vessel using...

Ujujuj, LinkedIn rašo apie kažkokią siautulingai baisingą revoliuciją Linux, kur kažkokias Rust nori nugalėti kažkokį C.Ką apie...

Ujujuj, LinkedIn rašo apie kažkokią siautulingai baisingą revoliuciją Linux, kur kažkokias Rust nori nugalėti kažkokį C.

Ką apie tai kalba ?

7.3.2025 18:22Ujujuj, LinkedIn rašo apie kažkokią siautulingai baisingą revoliuciją Linux, kur kažkokias Rust nori nugalėti kažkokį C.Ką apie...

Moreover, the majority of this aid money is spent within the U.S. defense industry—essentially an investment in the domestic...

Moreover, the majority of this aid money is spent within the U.S. defense industry—essentially an investment in the domestic economy.

7.3.2025 18:15Moreover, the majority of this aid money is spent within the U.S. defense industry—essentially an investment in the domestic...

The Foreign Affairs analysis shows that Ukraine’s defeat would force the U.S. to spend an additional $808 billion on defense over the next...

The Foreign Affairs analysis shows that Ukraine’s defeat would force the U.S. to spend an additional $808 billion on defense over the next five years. Meanwhile, since 2022, Congress has allocated $112 billion to the Pentagon for aid to Ukraine—just 14% of the amount that would be needed if the U.S. had to defend Europe against a victorious Russia.

7 times cheaper to support Ukraine now than to pay later for a destabilized Europe.

7.3.2025 18:14The Foreign Affairs analysis shows that Ukraine’s defeat would force the U.S. to spend an additional $808 billion on defense over the next...

Praktikos ataskaitoje prierašuose po nuotraukomis (captions) naudojau Pav. 1 formatą.Išzyziau ChatGTP kad išmokytų automatizuoti...

Praktikos ataskaitoje prierašuose po nuotraukomis (captions) naudojau Pav. 1 formatą.
Išzyziau ChatGTP kad išmokytų automatizuoti numeraciją.
Dėstytojui formatas netiko, reikia 1 pav. Ir numeracija kažkur nusimetė.
ChatGTP nebepadeda. Šneka šneka, macrocommand, dar kažkas, o paprastas "replace all" neveikia (captiona in frames), rankiniu būdu irgi sunkiai/neina.

Tai suprantu kaip vargsta, ten užduotys kur kas sunkesnės, ir LMM'us nuvertina.

3.3.2025 16:51Praktikos ataskaitoje prierašuose po nuotraukomis (captions) naudojau Pav. 1 formatą.Išzyziau ChatGTP kad išmokytų automatizuoti...

Palyginęs su Apolo odisėjomis, @aurimas išpranašavo irkluotojo Mockaus beveik tragišką kelionės baigtį:...

Palyginęs su Apolo odisėjomis, @aurimas išpranašavo irkluotojo Mockaus beveik tragišką kelionės baigtį:

Pats Mockus prieš irklavimo odisėją per Atlantą skundėsi, kad niekas nenori jo remti.

Australian Navy parėmė tokiaą pinigų suma, kad tektų parduoti biznį ir tai nežinia ar užtektų, jei žmogaus gelbėjimas jūroje būtų mokamas.

3.3.2025 13:55Palyginęs su Apolo odisėjomis, @aurimas išpranašavo irkluotojo Mockaus beveik tragišką kelionės baigtį:...

Royal Australian Navy has successfully rescued a Lithuanian solo rower from the Coral Sea after after spending time enduring heavy 🌊 and...

Royal Australian Navy has successfully rescued a Lithuanian solo rower from the Coral Sea after after spending time enduring heavy 🌊 and strong 🌬️ gusts! 💪🇱🇹 🇦🇺

On Friday 28 Feb 2025, accepted a request from the Australian Maritime Safety Authority - AMSA to support a search and rescue operation after an emergency beacon from a vessel about 740km east of Mackay, Queensland.

The solo sailor is safely aboard HMAS Choules, and the ship is making her way back to Port.

3.3.2025 13:09Royal Australian Navy has successfully rescued a Lithuanian solo rower from the Coral Sea after after spending time enduring heavy 🌊 and...

Australian day ago started SAR for rescue Lithuanian rower Aurimas Morkus in ocean. #SAR #Mockus

Australian day ago started SAR for rescue Lithuanian rower Aurimas Morkus in ocean.

2.3.2025 16:43Australian day ago started SAR for rescue Lithuanian rower Aurimas Morkus in ocean. #SAR #Mockus

Šitą bibliotekėlę ko gero jau rodžiau. Vadinasi "imk mane ir skaityk, tak". Toje pat Trelleborg geležinkelio stotyje.

Šitą bibliotekėlę ko gero jau rodžiau. Vadinasi "imk mane ir skaityk, tak".

Toje pat Trelleborg geležinkelio stotyje.

25.2.2025 12:53Šitą bibliotekėlę ko gero jau rodžiau. Vadinasi "imk mane ir skaityk, tak". Toje pat Trelleborg geležinkelio stotyje.
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