I am once again stating that the postal service is one of the top 5 most metal government agencies. Along with NASA and the the National Parks Service.
25.10.2023 02:51I am once again stating that the postal service is one of the top 5 most metal government agencies. Along with NASA and the the National...Anyone got good free refs for resources to learn acoustic guitar?
I think the only organizations I really admire that are part of the US government are the Library of Congress, the Postal Service, and NASA.
Like also, the unofficial motto for the Postal Service is rad as hell‽
“Neither rain, nor snow, nor gloom of night shall stay these couriers from the swift completion of their assigned rounds”
Think I’m gonna make a classification system for my library. All the current ones I can find are either ancient and racist or copywritten
28.9.2023 03:05Think I’m gonna make a classification system for my library. All the current ones I can find are either ancient and racist or copywrittenuwuuuu testing out the move!
8.7.2023 23:50uwuuuu testing out the move!v4.1.4+glitch+cat+1.0.0
8.7.2023 23:39v4.1.4+glitch+cat+1.0.0IT WAS A DATABASE MIGRATION
8.7.2023 23:38AHAHAHAHAAi swear this issue ...
8.7.2023 23:30i swear this issue ...aaaaaa i hate mastodon (the software) aaaaa
8.7.2023 23:30aaaaaa i hate mastodon (the software) aaaaahttps://folk.computer looks cool :>
8.7.2023 19:04https://folk.computer looks cool :>Why don't real SATs let me listen to music ;-; I work so much better with music
8.7.2023 14:38Why don't real SATs let me listen to music ;-; I work so much better with music@nil@functional.cafe random question, but have you read any of Stafford Beer's work? I saw your profile mentioned cybernetics, and Beer is one of my favorite cybernetians, right up there with Ashby :3
8.7.2023 12:45@nil@functional.cafe random question, but have you read any of Stafford Beer's work? I saw your profile mentioned cybernetics, and Beer is...god i miss germany
8.7.2023 01:07god i miss germany#MastoAdmin Boosts requested
Hey! So i've upgraded my instance, and systemd is saying everything's ok, but the streaming service is saying:Error: Missing access token
I tried restarting everything too ;-;
8.7.2023 01:01#MastoAdmin Boosts requestedHey! So i've upgraded my instance, and systemd is saying everything's ok, but the streaming service is...dude ken and roberta williams seem so chill
8.7.2023 00:17dude ken and roberta williams seem so chillI should play some Sierra On-Line games
8.7.2023 00:15I should play some Sierra On-Line gamesCostco Brand Estrogen
7.7.2023 19:46Costco Brand EstrogenWhy does water cost money????
7.7.2023 18:51Why does water cost money????