Time for what may be the last episode of #KuboWontLetMeBeInvisible.
15.2.2023 07:24Time for what may be the last episode of #KuboWontLetMeBeInvisible.Latest #NingenFushin was interesting. Took longer than expected but we saw a second Union.
15.2.2023 01:27Latest #NingenFushin was interesting. Took longer than expected but we saw a second Union.And does Shigure still need all the hugs? #KanColle
14.2.2023 09:10And does Shigure still need all the hugs? #KanColleOh hey #KanColle actually managed to deliver an episode.
14.2.2023 09:08Oh hey #KanColle actually managed to deliver an episode.#TheTaleOfOutcasts is getting really interesting. I hope we see Diana and Naberius as regulars from now on.
14.2.2023 09:07#TheTaleOfOutcasts is getting really interesting. I hope we see Diana and Naberius as regulars from now on.Content warning:Fate/Grand Order - Chaldea Bitter Valentine’s 2023
Huh. Couple of nice new features in the latest #FGO Valentines event - you can bulk receive (up to 10 at a time) the random chocolates AND only play the NEW cut scenes.
So you’ll get voiced scenes only for the servants summoned since the previous Valentines event.
Speaking of which… Castoria’s is ADORABLE. Almost at Mash levels of adorable.
13.2.2023 11:17Content warning:Fate/Grand Order - Chaldea Bitter Valentine’s 2023Huh. Couple of nice new features in the latest #FGO Valentines event -...Time for #HandymanSaitouInAnotherWorld
13.2.2023 08:22Time for #HandymanSaitouInAnotherWorldahhhh TFW you discover ***just*** after you start shaking your fruit juice that you’ve already opened it… #Oops
13.2.2023 02:20ahhhh TFW you discover ***just*** after you start shaking your fruit juice that you’ve already opened it… #OopsContent warning:Fate/Grand Order - Farming QP whilst I think of a plan
In kind of a holding pattern for #FGO at the moment. I haven’t really planned out what to do next with the rosters beyond “Save for Oberon and Koyanskaya” (if I can get both on both accounts without whaling I’ll be happy).
So, for want of anything better to do, I’m farming QP again. #marika just cracked 1 Billion, #arcadia not too far behind.
12.2.2023 23:25Content warning:Fate/Grand Order - Farming QP whilst I think of a planIn kind of a holding pattern for #FGO at the moment. I haven’t...Content warning:Fate Grand/Order - Grail Front
All #GrailFront cleared, although I can’t seem to exchange for the grail yet. The last one got a bit dicey for #arcadia but Himiko monstered her way through it for #marika. #FGO #FGOGlobal
12.2.2023 07:13Content warning:Fate Grand/Order - Grail FrontAll #GrailFront cleared, although I can’t seem to exchange for the grail yet. The last one...Time for #StrongestExorcist
12.2.2023 04:00Time for #StrongestExorcistTime for #Saving80000GoldInAnotherWorldForMyRetirement. I wonder what Mitsuha will get up to this time, and what surprises will trip her up momentarily.
12.2.2023 03:33Time for #Saving80000GoldInAnotherWorldForMyRetirement. I wonder what Mitsuha will get up to this time, and what surprises will trip her up...The ED is subtitled now! It’s about as cute as I thought it might be. #TheAngelNextDoorSpoilsMeRotten
Definite feelings emerging on both sides I think, but I think they need to clear the air about Mahiru-chan’s background/family before anything can really happen.
12.2.2023 03:32The ED is subtitled now! It’s about as cute as I thought it might be. #TheAngelNextDoorSpoilsMeRottenDefinite feelings emerging on both...Time for #TheAngelNextDoorSpoilsMeRotten
12.2.2023 03:07Time for #TheAngelNextDoorSpoilsMeRottenTime for #TheTaleOfOutcasts
11.2.2023 09:52Time for #TheTaleOfOutcasts#KuboWontLetMeBeInvisible is turning into quite a sweet show. It may only have one episode left though - #HiDIVE is only showing 6.
11.2.2023 09:49#KuboWontLetMeBeInvisible is turning into quite a sweet show. It may only have one episode left though - #HiDIVE is only showing 6.Definitely not a fan of Jonas: Arsehats gonna Arsehat.
That said, I’m not sure I like the situation Anne is in right now, something feels off. #SugarAppleFairyTale
11.2.2023 08:52Definitely not a fan of Jonas: Arsehats gonna Arsehat. That said, I’m not sure I like the situation Anne is in right now, something feels...Time for #SugarAppleFairyTale
11.2.2023 08:30Time for #SugarAppleFairyTaleTime for #ReincarnatedPrincess. Let Anis and Euphy kiss already damnit!
11.2.2023 06:43Time for #ReincarnatedPrincess. Let Anis and Euphy kiss already damnit!And there it is: the 1000 yard stare from the rest of Maple Tree at Maple’s latest stunt. #Bofuri
11.2.2023 06:43And there it is: the 1000 yard stare from the rest of Maple Tree at Maple’s latest stunt. #Bofuri