Likely going to be moving instances soon :3 is a nice instance but I think I want something a bit smaller. And that I can ssh into and muck around I guess :p
18.11.2022 15:50Likely going to be moving instances soon :3 is a nice instance but I think I want something a bit smaller. And that I can ssh into...Oh hell yes 👏
18.11.2022 06:59Oh hell yes 👏 do I not have a small army of these
17.11.2022 14:39why do I not have a small army of theseBody tracking for VR, especially in VRChat (or similar), is so nice. It really adds another level of immersion.
17.11.2022 10:34Body tracking for VR, especially in VRChat (or similar), is so nice. It really adds another level of immersion.Stopped procrastinating and wrote my first Role and RoleBinding for Kubernetes. Not that difficult, just been putting it off :p
17.11.2022 09:38Stopped procrastinating and wrote my first Role and RoleBinding for Kubernetes. Not that difficult, just been putting it off :p0a6379e5-15cf-46b5-9f13-ba7bde14fe63
16.11.2022 14:530a6379e5-15cf-46b5-9f13-ba7bde14fe63Update: I have a sheet going :3
16.11.2022 10:21Update: I have a sheet going :3 I can't find anything, time to start compiling a list. Comparing Coder to the rest is a little tricky since it really depends on how you setup the server, so I'm going off of the specs of the other two offered.
16.11.2022 09:41Since I can't find anything, time to start compiling a list. Comparing Coder to the rest is a little tricky since it really depends on...Has anyone done a cost comparison between the various cloud development environment options? Specifically poking around Jetbrains Space, GitHub Codespaces and self-hosted Coder.
16.11.2022 09:30Has anyone done a cost comparison between the various cloud development environment options? Specifically poking around Jetbrains Space,...Got my work MacBook updated to Ventura. First impressions of StageManager - weird. Doesn't quite solve my gripes with macOS window management but going to keep it on and see how I feel about it after a bit more time
16.11.2022 09:10Got my work MacBook updated to Ventura. First impressions of StageManager - weird. Doesn't quite solve my gripes with macOS window...Debating whether to participate in Advent of Code and learn a new language while doing it.
15.11.2022 20:06Debating whether to participate in Advent of Code and learn a new language while doing it.Who let me sign up for a website that let me post whatever thoughts entered my head at 10/11.
No really why did I do this I just inflicted psychic damage on myself reading through my archive.
15.11.2022 19:04Who let me sign up for a website that let me post whatever thoughts entered my head at 10/11.No really why did I do this I just inflicted......huh......
15.11.2022 18:45...huh......decaf go brr
15.11.2022 10:10decaf go brrGetting legitimately frustrated with macOS and how it handles mice. Constantly skipping around and no way to disable acceleration or separate scrolling direction preferences. It’s so simple to fix Apple. Please.
14.11.2022 13:51Getting legitimately frustrated with macOS and how it handles mice. Constantly skipping around and no way to disable acceleration or...'tis the season of MINCE PIES
14.11.2022 11:22'tis the season of MINCE PIEShi @kakious
13.11.2022 19:23hi @kakiousCool stuff
13.11.2022 17:19Cool stuffOccurred to me I could be using Linux kernel 6. So I'm going to use Linux kernel 6.
13.11.2022 17:10Occurred to me I could be using Linux kernel 6. So I'm going to use Linux kernel 6.I don’t normally cry over TV show events but holy SHIT does The Orville pack a punch sometimes
13.11.2022 15:09I don’t normally cry over TV show events but holy SHIT does The Orville pack a punch sometimes