We, Rejectionist, believe that the Qur'an has been modified and plagiarised.
Stop lying to people for 1400 years.
We believe as our imams have foretold us.
A verse from imam al Hassan, son of Mohammad, a verse as old as approximately 1400 years old clearly states:
"To know the truth, is to know who plagiarised (the Qur'an)", source: Bihar Al Anwar.
18.1.2025 08:04We, Rejectionist, believe that the Qur'an has been modified and plagiarised.Stop lying to people for 1400 years.We believe as our imams...Since I am back, here to remind people of the right path:
In fact, it is enough to become atheist just to be an honest sincere and peaceful person, and to deny other religions.
To be truly a rejectionist, is
To first become atheist.
Then to acknowledge the crimes committed 1400 years ago,
And to acknowledge that in order to love, is to hate.
Then to be a Rejectionist.
To be a rejectionist, is to acknowledge that islam, as presented today, is false.
Hello everyone,
It's been a while
18.1.2025 07:49Hello everyone,It's been a while#Zelensky was absolutely right, at the time when I was wrong, when he declared his support for Israel.
31.3.2024 14:16#Zelensky was absolutely right, at the time when I was wrong, when he declared his support for Israel.- I also support #Israel and it victims hostages and their dead ones. And the minority victims of #Palestine that fell due to hamas's perpetration. My condolences to you 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱.
And I can relate exactly how Israel is going through, due to how WE have been enduring these Hamas guys from islamist state terrorist organisation in #Iraq, Kuwait, #Afghanistan, #Pakistan, Yemen, and many others. All the killings, bombings, of kids and adults, and poor people.
Keep sending your f-15's, #israel, on Hamas.
31.3.2024 14:14- I also support #Israel and it victims hostages and their dead ones. And the minority victims of #Palestine that fell due to hamas's...My first post after 1 year of self reflection:
- I changed my stance against the #Sauds now, I suppose I do support #MBS. yes I do. Why? Because he exposes the reality of the true religion which they have been hiding for more than 1400 years. #Aisha, their mother figure in #Islam was the first person who opened a literal #red_street in Islam (..on that later). So keep going, MBS. Keep democraticizing Saudia and removing the extremist heads there. Get in those alcohol bottles like your father did
Even though I have declared that people can hold me accountable for what I say. Especially when I already have evidence for everything I discuss.
And that I am open for discussions. And debates about it can be made.
Yet none of them dares to even discuss it with me.
12.9.2023 12:42Even though I have declared that people can hold me accountable for what I say. Especially when I already have evidence for everything I...To note: I have not used accusative cases, demeaning tones, nor abrasive speeches with ulterior motives to gain. Nor have I used derogatory terms or other disrespectful slanders. Nothing but the truth.
My appeal remains disregarded nonetheless.
And to this day I will wonder why my post was removed, even when it did not violate the rules.
Even though I have declared that people can hold me accountable for what I say. Especially when I already have evidence for everything I discuss.
12.9.2023 12:07To note: I have not used accusative cases, demeaning tones, nor abrasive speeches with ulterior motives to gain. Nor have I used derogatory...The cost of people's death is ignorance (if knowledge is not transferred).
Learn history, live it, breath it, and savour every moment of it.
Just like how many "Shias", due to ignorance and negligence, caused the death of many innocent people and their own imams too.
Except we're not like those white chickens anymore.
@EugeneMcParland https://mastodon.ie/@EugeneMcParland/111033443198906556
9.9.2023 16:46The cost of people's death is ignorance (if knowledge is not transferred).Learn history, live it, breath it, and savour every moment of...Don't think. Turn off your mind.
Don't challenge, don't criticize, don't talk.
Close off your ears, blindfold yourself, and censor your own ideas.
Drink alcohol, turn on the music, play some games, and have fun with your life, and forget all the pain and the struggles in this world, even though it is filled with liars.
The advice of cowardice corrupt men.
If life was a gift
My #atheist #friends, if life was a gift,
Then it would have not been given to both the #Abiding Good, and the #Wicked #evil.
So said #Imam_Ali.
So here is your #proof. Your #enemies were given gifts that you do not have - then you say it is not a gift; dos't thou not?
A once gifted man who was then betrayed, was he truly a gifted man? Try study all of the #oppressive imperial #leaders of all #history, then speak'st thou to me
(Do not question my style of writing either)
7.9.2023 16:18If life was a giftMy #atheist #friends, if life was a gift,Then it would have not been given to both the #Abiding Good, and the #Wicked...https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPeWl8zkFVQjiP9pPv8fTUg
Here is the link for our channel on YouTube for anyone who wants to debate here or there. Which's been calling for Sunnis to defend their "sacred statues", the prophet, Aisha, and all their companions for years. And only 1 shiekh came to defend his belief, and yet he also ran away mid debate.
Yet they would rather rile up about copies of burned Qur'an, than defend their Quran teacher, the prophet Muhammad himself.
7.9.2023 11:01https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPeWl8zkFVQjiP9pPv8fTUgHere is the link for our channel on YouTube for anyone who wants to debate here or...We've been calling your #Sunni #shiekhs for debate for years now, as though it feels decades have gone by, and NONE of your shiekhs dared to come forth, except ONE. And he ran away too, abruptly in the middle of the debate.
Where are your CHAMPIONS ????
Your Prophet is the Quran itself that speaks, through god's will and his angels, just as your BOOKS state !!!
And there you are riling up for a COPY of the Qur'an book ? So now it is a statue that's more valuable than your #Prophet?? 😂
7.9.2023 10:59We've been calling your #Sunni #shiekhs for debate for years now, as though it feels decades have gone by, and NONE of your shiekhs...In this verse, the man that's asking your "Sunni" Prophet is more modest and is more careful and appropriate with the way he expresses sensitive topics, than your own Prophet. So he dares not to speak of himself, but gives an example of a third person, and distances himself from grievance.
WhereAS YOUR prophet knows no modesty or chivalry and appropriateness.
Where are you #Sunna s, do I have to keep running after you ? It's been more than two weeks now, and no one dares to defend his prophet?
7.9.2023 10:24In this verse, the man that's asking your "Sunni" Prophet is more modest and is more careful and appropriate with the way he...According to Aisha (prophet's wife in "Sunni" beliefs): "A man asked about [a hypothetical situation] of another man who sleeps with his family (has intercourse relations with his significant other) and then pauses (willingly indolent and/ or has dysfunctional symptoms), do they [both] need to cleanse?"
As #Aisha was sitting there.
So said the #Prophet: "I do that, me and her (Aisha), and then wash ourselves".
Source: #Sahih #Muslim, book of menstruation, chapter: "water from water".
7.9.2023 10:01According to Aisha (prophet's wife in "Sunni" beliefs): "A man asked about [a hypothetical situation] of another man who...[Extra alt commentary, not necessary to read]
Fourth picture, call-to-prayer in municipal building , with some sheikhs standing in the background, after it was allowed in NYC for Muslims to perform call for prayer (Adhan).
(These pictures are not related to each other, other than Sunni Muslims citizens of NYC pictures are taken).
#Sunni #Muslim s, what has the world benefited from your Prophet being such an extremist that he grievously insults innocent poor people who didn't do anything wrong, just as it is stated in your own most undisputed books, in a whole chapter dedicated as "Whom the Prophet Insulted or prayed against, and was not deserving of such, had earned mercy and requiscence".
Come forth any #Shiekhs.
#Sahih_Muslim #Islam #Extremism #grievance #flamer #HumanRights #HumanRightsWatch
3.9.2023 20:00#Sunni #Muslim s, what has the world benefited from your Prophet being such an extremist that he grievously insults innocent poor people who...#Sunni #Muslims in #Baltimore, where are your #sheikh s, for crying out loud, that have driven you to be so mad about burning the Qur'an but not defending your own Prophet from your own books?
(Sheikh Amir, one of the prominent Shia Rafidhas, that have long requested other Muslims sheikhs to come, but almost none came).
If #Muslim #Sunnis #sheikhs do not come,
I will continuously open more sources of your, most undisputed, books and share the revelations about your true extremist religion for the whole world to see.
What happened to all of the Sunni Muslims?
I thought there were so many of them ! Especially in #NYC, #NewYorkCity,
The rules remain the same as they are:
One question for us is granted,
And one question for you is granted
No use of threatening language allowed. That is all. More than welcome
31.8.2023 19:51If #Muslim #Sunnis #sheikhs do not come,I will continuously open more sources of your, most undisputed, books and share the revelations...I personally invite Sheikh @DrAnwarSahib to come defend his prophet, and invite you for a debate.
You have to be a Sheikh (not renowned as "Doctor", "Dr"),
And we will feature you in a live meeting with thousands of viewers,
The rules are as follows:
A question directed towards you to answer:
- A discussion/ debate is made about it.
A question is granted for you,
made towards us:
- a discussion or debate is made about it.