I think that #energy transformation plans which are disconnected from rapid emissions reduction plans commensurate with what’s required to hold warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius will fail for a few reasons. The first is an inability to obtain social licence for the massive build out of #renewables and transmission required. The second is disruption from the physical impacts of #climate change. And the third is the economic risks of being a slower moving jurisdiction on emissions reductions.
10.2.2023 09:57I think that #energy transformation plans which are disconnected from rapid emissions reduction plans commensurate with what’s required...Magic sky tonight
4.2.2023 08:56Magic sky tonightThe second siting being a dugong does nothing to comfort me about the first siting. Three metre crocodile…. And if there is a croc, i’m interested to know if climate change is the reason it’s this far South. “What a crock: second Stradbroke Island crocodile sighting confirmed as dugong | Queensland | The Guardian”
https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/jan/20/what-a-crock-second-stradbroke-island-crocodile-sighting-confirmed-as-dugong #queensland #brisbane
20.1.2023 08:05The second siting being a dugong does nothing to comfort me about the first siting. Three metre crocodile…. And if there is a croc, i’m...Morning folks. #sunrise
11.1.2023 18:58Morning folks. #sunriseSunrise over the Maiwar in Meanjin. Winter 2021. Around 6:30am. #sunrisephotography #sunrise
5.1.2023 19:53Sunrise over the Maiwar in Meanjin. Winter 2021. Around 6:30am. #sunrisephotography #sunriseI’m on a summer break, reading and listening in ways that I wish I usually had more hours in the week to read and listen. Here are two lovely pieces of information I’ve heard/read this week. 1. Birds have relatively bigger hearts than non-flying animals. A big heart is required, in order to fly. (How do birds fly? - ABC Kids Listen)
2. A 2009 study suggests that humans glow at 1000 times lower than the density of what our eyes can detect. (P.8. Phosphorescence - Baird).
4.1.2023 05:31I’m on a summer break, reading and listening in ways that I wish I usually had more hours in the week to read and listen. Here are two...34 degrees Celsius and feels like a complete scorcher but the plants are happy.
4.1.2023 04:5434 degrees Celsius and feels like a complete scorcher but the plants are happy.The moon and blooms to end my 2022. May your 2023 bring peace and happiness with it.
31.12.2022 08:56The moon and blooms to end my 2022. May your 2023 bring peace and happiness with it.Three crimson rosellas (?) having a feast this morning.
29.12.2022 21:08Three crimson rosellas (?) having a feast this morning.*I am the same age as Beyoncé, so perhaps I should describe it as peak life - not mid life.
29.12.2022 04:38*I am the same age as Beyoncé, so perhaps I should describe it as peak life - not mid life.Very excited about my mid-ish life crisis gear
29.12.2022 04:32Very excited about my mid-ish life crisis gearMYO deconstructed pavlova and trifle at mum’s place ♥️🥭🍓🍰
29.12.2022 04:28MYO deconstructed pavlova and trifle at mum’s place ♥️🥭🍓🍰Lovely sunrise colours in my part of the world this morning. Morning, elephant app friends.
14.12.2022 18:50Lovely sunrise colours in my part of the world this morning. Morning, elephant app friends.Content warning:Consultants always using slide decks. Why is it always a slide deck? Niche rant.
Full disclosure - I am currently, technically, a campaigner. I communicate with slide decks and GSuite live docs, and love hearing from consultants with their impressive slide decks. It’s so different, though. Some days I miss the order (or more orderly disorder) of meticulously labelled and numbered files with version control and email train of various versions and reviews, from legal practice.
1.12.2022 04:59Content warning:Consultants always using slide decks. Why is it always a slide deck? Niche rant.Full disclosure - I am currently,...Content warning:Consultants always using slide decks. Why is it always a slide deck? Niche rant.
Why do consultants and campaigners only talk in slide decks and live GSuite docs? What’s wrong with a very heavily referenced (pin point references, full hyperlinks, standardised referencing style) footnoted word document with multiple versions, each carefully labelled and filed?
1.12.2022 04:31Content warning:Consultants always using slide decks. Why is it always a slide deck? Niche rant.Why do consultants and campaigners only...When I was a kid my mum would make us these amazing home-cooked meals like zucchini soup, lasagne, cannelloni. That stuff takes ages to prepare. They are my favourite foods, as an adult. But when I was a kid, every now and then I’d walk to the dinner table and very loudly declare “yuck” to whatever she’d spent the day preparing. Last night my kid said my home made Pizza Napoletana, cooked lovingly and precisely as she usually likes it, was “disgusting”. True circle of life stuff 😂
1.12.2022 02:20When I was a kid my mum would make us these amazing home-cooked meals like zucchini soup, lasagne, cannelloni. That stuff takes ages to...Coffee stains forever undermining my life goal of being the kind of person who can effortlessly wear a crisp white shirt for a whole day. Seriously how do people do it? I do not believe it is possible. They must carry spares.
29.11.2022 00:36Coffee stains forever undermining my life goal of being the kind of person who can effortlessly wear a crisp white shirt for a whole day. ...