Clearing out some classic vinyl.
21.8.2023 15:13Clearing out some classic vinyl.Come take a walk by the sea. It’s a beautiful blue green day.
21.8.2023 09:17Come take a walk by the sea. It’s a beautiful blue green day.Little Cowboy Dude on top of my art director’s Mac.
I see #art
He sees DIY
Four top bands for £2. Bargain.
19.4.2023 10:26Four top bands for £2. Bargain.He’s still there this week, and seems to have made friends with a mallard. So at least he’s not alone.
11.4.2023 22:02He’s still there this week, and seems to have made friends with a mallard. So at least he’s not alone.Spring has sprung in England.
11.4.2023 21:44Spring has sprung in England.This little blue beaked duck looks lost. #duck #blue
16.3.2023 00:47This little blue beaked duck looks lost. #duck #blueBeach huts. By the sea. I like walking on the south east coast.
22.2.2023 17:54Beach huts. By the sea. I like walking on the south east coast.My baby is 21 today 🖤
6.2.2023 00:12My baby is 21 today 🖤The fortune cookie never lies folks x #kungheifatchoi #fortunecookie
22.1.2023 21:50The fortune cookie never lies folks x #kungheifatchoi #fortunecookieMade an offer on this house by the sea. 🌊 Sadly my offer of a smile and some pocket fluff was not accepted. 😔
21.1.2023 19:28Made an offer on this house by the sea. 🌊 Sadly my offer of a smile and some pocket fluff was not accepted. 😔The Readers Lament:
‘O books! I am so sorry to be dusting you once more.
My heart grieves sore.
Another year
waiting to be read.
Beside my bed.
While iphone smiles
in silent victory.’
#tbr #books
This is me in 1973 dressed as a daffodil, holding my cat Fluffy.
I will allow questions. #cat #cats #catsofmastodon #1970s
Hi! You’re now part of the great escape. #twittermigration #twitterexodus
19.12.2022 10:50Hi! You’re now part of the great escape. #twittermigration #twitterexodusIt’s like psychological warfare meets the apprentice/the weakest leak mixed with murder and occult overtones. Have to say I’m hooked #TheTraitors #thetraitorsuk
8.12.2022 00:38It’s like psychological warfare meets the apprentice/the weakest leak mixed with murder and occult overtones. Have to say I’m hooked...Does anyone else want the Traitors to win? I’m rooting for Alyssa, Wilf and Amanda #TheTraitors #thetraitorsuk
8.12.2022 00:37Does anyone else want the Traitors to win? I’m rooting for Alyssa, Wilf and Amanda #TheTraitors #thetraitorsukSaw some of your work at #thehorrorshow today @Richard_Littler #scarfolk
6.12.2022 19:22Saw some of your work at #thehorrorshow today @Richard_Littler #scarfolkWhen did Father Christmas die for you? For me, it was during Double Maths.
30.11.2022 13:16When did Father Christmas die for you? For me, it was during Double Maths. wrote this about the day magic died.
28.11.2022 11:44I wrote this about the day magic died.