During the March #SustainableDSE network meeting, Samuel Cook presented the Tool for the Analysis of Information Transfer in Manuscript Cultures (#TInTraMaC), developed at the University of Oslo's Faculty of Theology.
👉 Read about the tool on the official website: https://www.tf.uio.no/english/research/projects/tintramac/.
⬇️ Download from #GitHub https://github.com/TInTraMaC/TInTraMaC.
Interested in what we are up to? Join us: https://www.ub.uio.no/english/libraries/dsc/berut/!
#DigitalScholarlyEdition #DigitalHumanities #Manuscripts #Coptic #MaterialPhilology
#NorKorr, the Norwegian Correspondences project, is planning to host a #CMIF #CorrespondenceMetadataInterchangeFormat generator challenge. We want to add all the letters from Norwegian emigrants of the Americas to their families back home to the @correspSearch service. Read the short description and stay tuned for more updates on our project blog: https://norkorr.hypotheses.org/343
4.3.2025 09:53#NorKorr, the Norwegian Correspondences project, is planning to host a #CMIF #CorrespondenceMetadataInterchangeFormat generator challenge....There has been very little activity on my side here for the last year, and my feed has also worsened. I do not want to see, read, or hear about politics, and that's the only content I currently get.
I am considering deleting this account and removing myself from social media for good.
Any reason(s) for me to stay? #socialmedia #tired
In Dec last year, the #SustainableDSE Network at the #UniOslo had the pleasure of inviting Katy Boss from the #NationalLibrary to give a talk on preserving dynamic websites for scholarly edition projects.
Katy wrote a blog post on our weblog, https://dsenetwork.hypotheses.org/665, introducing #ReproZipWeb, a new tool for preserving and archiving websites.
📣 If you are in #Oslo on March 10th, Katy will give another talk on #reproducibility for #DigitalProjects. More info & sign-up https://www.ub.uio.no/english/libraries/dsc/berut/events/seminars/2025-03-10-reprozipweb.html
Better late than never, pt. 2: We have published the (very long) blog post summarising our research seminar in Oslo last April.
👉 Read it on our blog!
A group of textual scholars & software engineers discussed challenges of #DigitalScholarlyEditions regarding #Sustainability, mainly from a Norwegian perspective.
Headlined by @helling_patrick, we looked at #Coptic #Manuscripts, #Runes in #RelationalDatabases & #XML, #Mycenean #Inscriptions & #Norwegian #ArchivalEditions
18.12.2024 10:23Better late than never, pt. 2: We have published the (very long) blog post summarising our research seminar in Oslo last April.👉 Read it...👉 Part 1 of our blog series documenting a workshop on #XML & #XSLT at the #UniversityOfOslo https://dsenetwork.hypotheses.org/528
A combination of lecture & hands-on with experts Ellen Wiger from the #NationalLibraryOfNorway, Polina Yordanova from the #UniversityOfHelsinki & Robert Kristof Paulsen from the #UniversityOfBergen library.
We concluded the 1st year of the #SustainableDSE network at the #UiO library, dedicated to skills development, training and research support for #DigitalScholarlyEditions
10.12.2024 09:32👉 Part 1 of our blog series documenting a workshop on #XML & #XSLT at the #UniversityOfOslo https://dsenetwork.hypotheses.org/528A...📣 Better late than never!
This summer, the #SustainableDSE network and several members presented their work during the #DHNB2024 #DigitalHumanities #Conference in Reykjavík/Iceland.
🌋 Read about volcanic er-/interruptions, 💻 digital scholarly editions, 🀄 runes, and 📝 handwritten text recognition on our #Blog at #Hypotheses.org
5.12.2024 13:00📣 Better late than never!This summer, the #SustainableDSE network and several members presented their work during the #DHNB2024...📣 The #SustainableDSE network had the honour to showcase the newly launched digital collection and research platform for the 🇳🇴 Norwegian Folklore Archives, SAMLA. Read about the archives and how the various documents were transcribed using #Transkribus for #ATR #HTR on our #Blog https://dsenetwork.hypotheses.org/314 #Folklore #Folkloristics #Norway #Archive
20.11.2024 09:41📣 The #SustainableDSE network had the honour to showcase the newly launched digital collection and research platform for the 🇳🇴...Are you in the Oslo area next week on Wednesday and want to learn all about #XSLT and #XML transformations?
👉 Join us for a hands-on workshop!
Where: University of Oslo, Blindern Campus, Niels Henrik Abels hus, room 209
When: Nov 20, 2024 - 09:00-16:00 CEST
💻 Information about prerequisites and the program for the day on our website https://www.ub.uio.no/english/libraries/dsc/berut/events/workshops/2024-11-20_ws_xslt.html
Brought to you by #SustainableDSE network!
14.11.2024 12:33Are you in the Oslo area next week on Wednesday and want to learn all about #XSLT and #XML transformations?👉 Join us for a hands-on...The #SustainableDSE network at #UniOslo hosted a talk by Jens Erlend Braarvig from the Norwegian Institute of Philology about the #BibliothecaPolyglotta corpus of editions.
I wrote a short 📝 blog post on our website https://dsenetwork.hypotheses.org/275. There's much more to say! But that will be part of a longer publication, to be expected somewhen after summer next year.
Stay tuned and check out the ☸️ 🕋 ✝️ multilingual library of major religious texts that is Bibliotheca Polyglotta https://www2.hf.uio.no/polyglotta/index.php.
The artist #PerKramerJr could be the son of #PederSeverinKramer, who called himself Per and #AagotKramer, a Bergen-based artist and a friend of #NikolaiAstrup. It is not easy to find information on Per. Based on the little information in the University of Bergen Library's catalogue, he was a graphic artist. The #UniBergen library has 12 #ExLibris by Per Kramer Jr.
15.3.2024 16:33The artist #PerKramerJr could be the son of #PederSeverinKramer, who called himself Per and #AagotKramer, a Bergen-based artist and a friend...There was a sudden, drastic increase in #ExLibris activities in Norway in the 1940s - during + after the German occupation. I don't yet know why. The increased interest led to the founding of the #NorwegianExLibrisSociety, which was short-lived & dissolved in the 1970s. It looks like the society was a small group of men working in #Advertising, many of whom did their training at the #NorwegianSchoolOfBusiness in #Bergen or #Oslo. And I cannot stop my brain from thinking #MadMenTVShow
15.3.2024 16:09There was a sudden, drastic increase in #ExLibris activities in Norway in the 1940s - during + after the German occupation. I don't yet...At the beginning of the year, I purchased the #NystedHeier collection—or what was left of it. Ca. Half of the collection was destroyed a while ago, i.e., it was thrown into the trash by a person who did not deem it valuable or have any interest in it. The other half was kept by Nysted Heier's son, now an old man, who cherished it. I took over the remaining collection, including books, artists' portfolios, and about 2.500 original #Exlibris. I'm trying to reconstruct what was lost.
15.3.2024 15:40At the beginning of the year, I purchased the #NystedHeier collection—or what was left of it. Ca. Half of the collection was destroyed a...And while we're at it - completely unrelated, but MADE MY DAY: It turns out the Bergen Public Library also has a copy of the #Danish #EthicaComplementoria from 1678! I did not know that despite crawling library catalogues regularly. I guess it is due to the fact that #SpecialCollections are still not fully findable via online catalogues... What a pleasant surprise!
15.3.2024 15:35And while we're at it - completely unrelated, but MADE MY DAY: It turns out the Bergen Public Library also has a copy of the #Danish...The #BergenPublicLibrary has an online catalogue of #Bergenske #ExLibris. There is another copy of Kramer's ExLibris for Jenssen, but the image doesn't show. Follow the link to the Library's website https://bergenbibliotek.no/lokalhistorie/upubliserte-bergenstrykk/bergenske-ex-libris. Go to "F-J" and scroll down or search for "A. W. Jenssen" or "Per Kramer".
15.3.2024 15:20The #BergenPublicLibrary has an online catalogue of #Bergenske #ExLibris. There is another copy of Kramer's ExLibris for Jenssen, but...This week went by fast! It's Friday, which means I will show you another ExLibris from my collection!
Today's ExLibris is by artist #PerKramerJr for the engineer A. W. Jenssen. It's a #linocut showing a road bridge and the phrase "Labor Nobilitat". The ExLibris is mounted on a catalogue card by the previous owner, #RolfNystedHeier. He had these cards printed sometime between the 1940s and 1970s.
🧵 2/ #Digitization is THE topic in many sessions. We're not talking about large-scale digitization but smaller collections of materials accumulated during a lifetime of research. Everyone who does research eventually has to answer the question: What happens with all the stuff after we retire? Toss it/delete it? Pass it on? To whom? There is a great responsibility in taking over a collection, and institutions like libraries & archives don't necessarily have routines for this particular material.
14.3.2024 09:47🧵 2/ #Digitization is THE topic in many sessions. We're not talking about large-scale digitization but smaller collections of...[Re-tooting bc. I messed up:]🧵 1/ Speaking of which, today is #Wednesday, which means #ResearchSupportPartnershipUiO at the Dept. of Archaeology, Conservation & History!
I have scheduled a longer guidance session w/ a researcher of Arabic literature and Islamic Culture who has photographed 100s of #Arabic manuscripts from #Sudan a long time ago & wants to make them accessible both to the communities in Sudan & researchers elsewhere. The photographs need to be digitized and made machine-readable.
In 2012, she defended her dissertation on the German Exlibris of the C19th and C20th at the Moscow State University of Printing Arts. If you read Russian, here is the full title: "Немецкий экслибрис с конца XV до начала XX вв. как образ-символ человека и эпохи".
8.3.2024 13:30In 2012, she defended her dissertation on the German Exlibris of the C19th and C20th at the Moscow State University of Printing Arts. If you...Sofya has a unique style, which she developed during her art studies in Tolyatti/Russia, Moskow, Hamburg, and Dresden. She later settled in Nürnberg and worked as a graphic artist, producing quite a few ExLibris.
In 2017, a note about her passing was printed in the members' magazine of the #GermanExlibrisSociety #DEG. She died at 33.
A part of her ExLibris œuvre can be viewed on the website of the Fredrikshavn Art Museum: http://art-exlibris.net/person/377?query=kategori-26&pt=artist