Imagine Heaven, billion of angels, all having lived for billion of year, fastly more intelligent than us mere mortals.
#Q: What books would you expect to find in their libraries? What literature? What poetry? What fiction?
8.3.2025 02:52Imagine Heaven, billion of angels, all having lived for billion of year, fastly more intelligent than us mere mortals. #Q: What books...The sad part is that even if you tried you could not recreate it these days... both would become bot invested and impossible to curate
2.3.2025 21:40The sad part is that even if you tried you could not recreate it these days... both would become bot invested and impossible to curateYou can have
fair wages
affordable housing
high taxes for the rich
low inflation
savings to build capital is reliable
no credit cards
low wages
houses as investment
low taxes for the rich
high inflation
impossible to build capital by savings
multiple credit cards
Maybe make a backward compatible web browser which also introduces some alternative/extended features? eg:
- check for an static.torrent to fetch and share static content via bittorent thus lowering the load on the website scaling with popularity
- check for an search.db in SQLite format whcih contains a standard search engine database for searching the site
- allow you to create a site from a series of templates: blog, wiki, galery, etc & only data you add is shared
2.3.2025 15:34Maybe make a backward compatible web browser which also introduces some alternative/extended features? eg: - check for an static.torrent to...Why Did Someone Think This Was a Good Destination?
(Part 1 of (eventually) 5)
Why is there barely any innovation in de web browser space regarding making the web more read/writeable, automatic sharing bookmarks with friends, alternative distribution models other than client/server http, etc.
Why is there so little actual innovation and development?
#WorldWideWeb #Innovation #Development #Stagnation #Diversity #Variation
27.2.2025 22:54Why is there barely any innovation in de web browser space regarding making the web more read/writeable, automatic sharing bookmarks with...To anyone who has tried the beaker browser
Is there any other read/write web browser experiment where you can create an website and share it without needing a host/server?
I guess I'm looking for an alternative to the dead beaker browser and/or dat:// protocol?
#ReImaginedTheWeb #ReImaginingTheWeb
27.2.2025 22:48#Question To anyone who has tried the beaker browserIs there any other read/write web browser experiment where you can create an website and...WkiWebs:
How much of an issue is debanking actually?
27.2.2025 22:28#Question How much of an issue is debanking actually?Can we get a legal mandate that every social network needs to offer at least a profile page and RSS feed containing all the account posts for every public account which are both accessible and discoverable without logging in?
27.2.2025 22:14Can we get a legal mandate that every social network needs to offer at least a profile page and RSS feed containing all the account #Delicious
25.2.2025 17:08#20games is no #AI revolution
Given my family history I run a greater risk of becoming #blind and/or #deaf as I grow older, #PolyNeuropathy is also an option.
What can I do now that would make it easier when the time comes?
Technology, skills, knowledge?
24.2.2025 20:08Given my family history I run a greater risk of becoming #blind and/or #deaf as I grow older, #PolyNeuropathy is also an option. What can I...AI does not exist but it will ruin everything anyway
"The AI can't do your job, but the AI salesman can convince your boss to fire you and replace you with an AI anyway" — Cory Doctorow
24.2.2025 05:34"The AI can't do your job, but the AI salesman can convince your boss to fire you and replace you with an AI anyway" — Cory...A good person who accidentally becomes a billionaire* will very quickly no longer be a billionaire*
* miljardaire in the sane logical big number scale
24.2.2025 05:21A good person who accidentally becomes a billionaire* will very quickly no longer be a billionaire** miljardaire in the sane logical big...Remember: "Never read the comments"
Many websites didn't even have a comment section.
You would instead composing a careful written intelligent consideration, review, or essay on your own blog and link to whatever you were responding to
23.2.2025 22:22Remember: "Never read the comments" Many websites didn't even have a comment section.You would instead composing a careful...I can not express how much I miss some things which seem to have suddenly vanished:
Usenet: ... :sighs: Discovering interesting new websites by collective sharing and tagging bookmarks
Jottit: Late Aaron Swartz's insta-wiki which allowed one to do so some much more on very limited forums, twitter, etc…
RSS and everything else which supported it making it a complete, working, advert free way to keep in touch
23.2.2025 22:18I can not express how much I miss some things which seem to have suddenly vanished:Usenet: ... Discovering interesting...“If you're lonely when you're alone, you're in bad company.” — Jean-Paul Sartre
23.2.2025 15:12“If you're lonely when you're alone, you're in bad company.” — Jean-Paul Sartre