My nature videos at YouTube taken at my rural homestead in NC USA. Be(e) sure to watch the bumblebee foraging on a milkweed bloom. This turned out really well. See also the flying insects cleaning out an old honey jar.
Wikipedia permaculture entry:
"Permaculture is a design system which aims to create
sustainable human habitats by following nature's patterns."
Phil Ferraro, Director
Institute for Bioregional Studies
writes about Permaculture:
"The term, permaculture, was patented by, Bill Mollison in
the early 1970's to describe a system of permanent habitations.
With roots in agricultural systems it has evolved into a program
for designing ecological communities and restoring urban centers.
It is about self-reliance, growing food, and building creative,
beautiful, energy-efficient structures from local materials.
Some precepts basic to both permaculture and bioregionalism:
*Basis in ecology.
My Google site:
Permaculture and Biointensive, Regenerative Agriculture
Permaculture mailing list and public message archives dating back to 1992
Message archives
My website at ibiblio, london
designing ecological land use systems with
integrated elements for synergy, sustainability, regeneration
and enhanced nature-compatible human habitat
At this site see these soil quality resources:
Compost Tea, Soil Foodweb, Soil Quality Discussion
Archive 1
Archive 2
Archive 3
Archive 4
Archive 5
Soils In Biological Agriculture
Remineralize the Earth
Glomalin: Hiding Place for a
Third of the World's Stored Soil Carbon - ARS Bulletin
Links, Bibliographies &
Gardening Hand Tool Sourcelist
PMAC Soil Quality Resources (excellent)
Soil Quality Links & Literature
Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
Alternative Farming Systems Information Center Links
USDA ARS: ARS News and Information
11.5.2023 01:19PERMACULTURE DEFINEDWikipedia permaculture entry:"Permaculture is a design system which aims...