New publication: Annette von Stockhausen, “Eine kritische (Neu-)Edition der Epistula synodalis des Amphilochius von Ikonium,” Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum / Journal of Ancient Christianity 24.1 (2020): 4–10,,
28.2.2025 18:35New publication: Annette von Stockhausen, “Eine kritische (Neu-)Edition der Epistula synodalis des Amphilochius von Ikonium,”...Bookmarked: From Vienna to the World: Launching the First Public Syriac HTR Model on Transkribus – The Digital Orientalist #HTR_Syrisch_Transkribus Today’s post is dedicated to the release of the first public Syriac Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) model on Transkribus and testing the current OCR/HTR capabilities on the Syriac manuscripts and fragments from the Austri
25.2.2025 07:35Bookmarked: From Vienna to the World: Launching the First Public Syriac HTR Model on Transkribus – The Digital Orientalist...Bookmarked: liiive | Navigating the IIIF Landscape: A Guide to Finding Images & Manifests #IIIF Community picks, hidden gems, helpful tools, tips & tricks for finding IIIF content.
25.2.2025 07:35Bookmarked: liiive | Navigating the IIIF Landscape: A Guide to Finding Images & Manifests...Bookmarked: Python Data Science Handbook: full text in Jupyter Notebooks #Python Python Data Science Handbook by Jake VanderPlas
2.2.2025 10:35Bookmarked: Python Data Science Handbook: full text in Jupyter Notebooks #Python Python...Bookmarked: Online Tools for Handwritten Text Recognition: A Comparative Review of Transkribus and eScriptorium for Byzantine Paleography - The Stoa: a Review for Digital ClassicsThe Stoa: a Review for Digital Classics #HTR_Transkribus_eScriptorium This papers explores the functionality and challenges of Transkribus and eScriptorium for Handwritten Text Recognition in Byzantine Studies, highlighting advancements in digital paleography and interdisciplinary co
2.2.2025 10:35Bookmarked: Online Tools for Handwritten Text Recognition: A Comparative Review of Transkribus and eScriptorium for Byzantine Paleography -...Bookmarked: Légendiers latins #BHL_Hagiographie_Handschriften La base de données Légendiers latins est le fruit d’un partenariat entre l’Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes (IRHT), la Société des Bollandistes et l’Université de Namur. Elle a pour vocation de répertorier tous les témoins manuscrits, médiévaux et modernes, des textes hagiographiques latins identifiés par la Bibliotheca Hagiographica Latina (BHL) et son Supplément.
17.1.2025 11:35Bookmarked: Légendiers latins #BHL_Hagiographie_Handschriften La base de données Légendiers...Bookmarked: EarlyPrint | A collaborative effort—centered doubly at Northwestern University and Washington University in St. Louis—to transform the early English print record, from 1473 to the early 1700s, into a linguistically annotated and deeply searchable text corpus. #Digital_Editions_Drucke A collaborative effort—centered doubly at Northwestern University and Washington University in St. Louis—to transform the early English print record, from 1473 to the early 1700s
2.1.2025 11:00Bookmarked: EarlyPrint | A collaborative effort—centered doubly at Northwestern University and Washington University in St. Louis—to...Bookmarked: liiive | Real-Time Collaborative IIIF Annotation #Digital_Humanities_IIIF Collaborate in real-time on IIIF image collections. Annotate, view, and explore high-resolution images with your team. Even without a login.
31.12.2024 13:35Bookmarked: liiive | Real-Time Collaborative IIIF Annotation #Digital_Humanities_IIIF Collaborate in real-time on IIIF...New publication: Annette von Stockhausen, “Digital Edition,” in Compendium Computational Theology, Vol. 1: Introducing Digital Humanities to Theology, ed. Christopher Alexander Nunn and Frederike van Oorschot (Heidelberg: heiBOOKS, 2024), 333–44,,
19.12.2024 19:00New publication: Annette von Stockhausen, “Digital Edition,” in Compendium Computational Theology, Vol. 1: Introducing Digital...New publication: Annette von Stockhausen, “Digitale Edition,” in Kompendium Computational Theology. Bd. 1: Forschungspraktiken in den Digital Humanities, ed. Christopher Alexander Nunn and Frederike van Oorschot (Heidelberg: heiBOOKS, 2024), 361–73,,
19.12.2024 19:00New publication: Annette von Stockhausen, “Digitale Edition,” in Kompendium Computational Theology. Bd. 1: Forschungspraktiken in den...New on homepage: Digitale Analyse frühchristlicher Texte mit dem Patristischen Textarchiv (PTA) und Python Upcoming talk on 06/01/2025 at “Gastsitzung Übung „Kirchengeschichte im Digitalen – Digitales in der Kirchengeschichte“ (Benedict Totsche)”
19.12.2024 18:00New on homepage: Digitale Analyse frühchristlicher Texte mit dem Patristischen Textarchiv (PTA) und Python...Bookmarked: The Medieval Manuscript Ontology (MeMO) #Handschriften_Ontologie The Medieval Manuscript Ontology (MeMO) is an ontology that aims at providing a means to represent medieval manuscripts and all the entities and relations that are related to them.
18.12.2024 08:35Bookmarked: The Medieval Manuscript Ontology (MeMO) #Handschriften_Ontologie The...Bookmarked: Models - AI for Humanists #Digital_Humanities_KI The AI for Humanists project is developing resources to enable DH scholars to explore how large language models and AI technologies can be used in their research and teaching. Find an annotated bibliography of research papers and tools, a glossary of relevant terms, code tutorials, and information about our workshops.
15.12.2024 18:35Bookmarked: Models - AI for Humanists #Digital_Humanities_KI The AI for Humanists project is...Bookmarked: DataLib #Digital_Humanities_Libanius Dati strutturati all'epistolario di Libanio
3.12.2024 17:35Bookmarked: DataLib #Digital_Humanities_Libanius Dati strutturati all'epistolario di...Bookmarked: Hypotheseis #Digital_Humanities_Hypotheseis The purpose of the database Hypotheseis is to collect structured data regarding the ὑποθέσεις (hypotheseis) of progymnasmata and declamations in Greek (from the Hellenistic to the Byzantine age), including both the ὑποθέσεις of preserved rhetorical exercises and the ὑποθέσεις only cited in rhetorical manuals or other sources.
3.12.2024 17:35Bookmarked: Hypotheseis #Digital_Humanities_Hypotheseis The purpose of the database...Bookmarked: Papyrus 46 #Edition_Handschriften_Papyri Free online images and transcriptions of Papryus 46
28.11.2024 12:35Bookmarked: Papyrus 46 #Edition_Handschriften_Papyri Free online images and transcriptions of Papryus 46Bookmarked: #Syrisch Translate and learn the Aramaic, Syriac, Suryoyo, Classical Syriac, Eastern Syriac, Western Syriac, Kthobonoyo, Turoyo, Surayt, Suret, Suryoyo and Assyrian language and dialects with the power of AI.
10.11.2024 17:00Bookmarked: #Syrisch Translate and learn the Aramaic, Syriac, Suryoyo, Classical Syriac, Eastern Syriac,...Bookmarked: Awesome Digital Humanities #Digital_Humanities Tools, resources, and services supporting the Digital Humanities.
31.10.2024 08:35Bookmarked: Awesome Digital Humanities #Digital_Humanities Tools, resources, and...Bookmarked: #LancsBox X #Digital_Humanities_Software #LancsBox X is a powerful tool for the analysis of language: millions and billions of words
20.10.2024 16:00Bookmarked: #LancsBox X #Digital_Humanities_Software #LancsBox X is a powerful tool for the analysis of...Bookmarked: calfa-co/datalab-dulaurier: Ground-truth of the Dulaurier project (HTR of Armenian manuscripts). #Armenisch_HTR Ground-truth of the Dulaurier project (HTR of Armenian manuscripts). - calfa-co/datalab-dulaurier
26.9.2024 14:35Bookmarked: calfa-co/datalab-dulaurier: Ground-truth of the Dulaurier project (HTR of Armenian manuscripts)....